Lebron with Gisele on the cover of vouge(racial stereotypes)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :( I need to clarify something I wrote. I'm not happy about what I posted. I should've been clearer about "not picking up an Ebony". I absolutey love Upscale, Black Men, and Jet is like a "Reader's Digest" for Black Americans. Jet is where I learned that there were Kings and Queens still in Africa. This was after high school. You hear about them corny royal muthafukas in Brittain (sorry to my english friends on here :) ), whenever they sneeze they're on TV....I have no idea why. I could give a sh*t. However, I didn't know there was still royalty in Africa until I had read it in Jet. So let me make it clear, I definitely appreciate the value of our "black media".

    However, I will admit I'm not the biggest fan of Ebony. For me personally, it projects an image of very Bougie black folk and I just can't relate. That's just my personal perception.

    However, like Petty, I trully enjoy being in diverse environments. My problem with labeling our media with limited "black" labels is that we simply deprive ourselves of dollars outside the black community as well as enrichment. The "mainstream" media doesn't have to say "white" because they're the majority. They know non-white folks are gonna read it anyway. So they benefit from ALL consumers. If you promote a "black" movie, you limit yourself to primarily a "black audience" and decreasing your earning potential.

    However, if we do just what the mainstream does and promote to everyone, with an emphasis on our "urban" audience, your influence on the mass market increases exponentially as well as your bottom line.

    I want black consumers. I want consumers with mixed familys...and I want the "white dollar". My point is I'd rather be inclusive rather than exclusive.

    --and JB, that list of honeys you provided was TOP-NOTCH! 8) BUT YOU FORGOT MY BABY'S MOMMA - MEAGAN GOOD!!!! --the best DSL's in Hollywood hands-down!

    "Kerry Washington, N'bushe Wright, Jade Pinket, Lisa-Raye, Lark Vorhees, Regina Hall, Lisa A. Anderson, Rochelle Aytes, Rosalyn Sanchez..."

    ^FIRE!!! :prayer:

  2. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Damn Petty, that's a hot pic.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Noble probably posted it before, but I didn't feel like sifting through 1 trillion pages, to find one diamond.


    as for black mags like Jet and Ebony; it was through reading them, that I found out even celebrity brothas like Will Smith, were being racially profiled (targeted and stopped for no real reason) by white cops. I always heard about it happening to average-joes and the sort around Philly and Jersey, so reading about that, allowed me to realize that successful brothas were in the same struggle as me.

    But again, so much more is out there for us, if we expand our horizons. I was able to look past all the racist BS that happened to me, and become buddies with people from many different backgrounds. I want other brothas to have the same success I had, in that department.

    That's just me...

    I don't want to see my peeps close themselves off, from the rest of the world, when there are people out there willing to give new race relations a shot.

    We just have to stop living like it's 1950...

    which is why i'm here, firmly supporting IR relationships.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    careful homie..

    you may get labeled as a sellout, along with me


    honestly tho..I've had so many good times, with people in general..

    it's hard for me to not be like that..

    i'm like that little 2 year old, in a yard, who plays with any other kids, regardless of outward appearances...

    no name calling, no bigotry (sometimes I teter-totter on a line during heated discussions online..I know :wink: ), nothing

    as long as i'm having a good time, doing something I like..everything else don't matter.

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