Lebron with Gisele on the cover of vouge(racial stereotypes)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You can't sweep away all the history behind shit like this by REDUCING it to "blaming the WM" :roll:
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    No sports figure of another race would have been depicted in such a manner..

    You're trying hard not to see what's real for BM and the CONSTANT attack on our HUMANITY..
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I said, "...lets NOT blame this one on the 'white man!'"

    If your trying to make some other point, I missed it.
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    If you all feel so strongly about this cover than here is the email address to Vogue Magazine.

  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    good idea


    in the end tho, everyone has an opinion..

    lebron could care less, as long as he still maintains his current pace to becoming a billionaire
  7. tonytony

    tonytony New Member

    the lady who started all this was ESPN sports writer, I do wonder if her reaction would have been the same had it been a black woman or wm on cover?
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Lebron is just like any other Black athlete,really.I hate to say this,but alot of black male athletes (especially in basketball) dont look too smart and intelligent at all.Plus the interviews they give dont really do them any justice lol.I think that alot of them being drafted right out of high school or college or whatever,contributes to it.Imo i think that every athlete should complete college before they can go pro.....but thats just my opinion.

    That being said,im not surprised that lebron saw nothing wrong with it.Even if he did,i doubt he would say anything.When you put a pirce on something,for some dudes,their dignity and pride go right down the toilet(if they had any to begin with in the first place).

    I remember when somebody did a study on Nba refs and how many calls of fouls they gave for white players and black players.It turned out that on average Black players got called more fouls then whites or something like that

    here is the study:


    I remember when news reporters asked lebron about this,all he had to say was "Thats stupid" :?
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    college doesn't always change the way professional athletes behave in public..

    some college guys are just as thuggish ( pac-man jones anyone?) and ghetto ( Allen Iverson and the philly sh*t he used to get himself into) as can be..

    I shouldn't have to drop any names..

    but if you want me too, I will

    college or not, once those guys get into a certain realm in their lives, they tend to act accordingly
  10. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :? Gaahhhdammn! You know what, sometimes we as black folk read too much into stuff. Yes we deal with bias daily, but does that mean we have to LOOK for it. It's just a magazine cover..that's it. Of course that magazine is far from diverse, but the "King Kong" analogy is just completely unnecessary. I like the damn cover.

    Please DO NOT compare LBJ to the "typical" pro athlete. If you knew LeBron, which I do, he has FAR more couth and business savvy than 95% of pros today. He and his management team are VERY involved in EVERY business decision he makes. Folks, LeBron is far more than an athlete, my dude has pure business accumen. You can believe he DID approve of the cover. Let this silly shit rest and move on.
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Well then show me a white boy posing like that on the cover of vogue..

    Black folks reading too much into stuff my ass..

    Of all the pictures they took..it's no surprise they chose the king-kong Fay Wray pose..
  12. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    I aint got to show you shit! I don't even read that corny-ass magazine. You muthafukas looking for shit to get pissed about. YES YOU'RE READING TOO MUCH INTO IT! If you want to get excited over some juvenile shit like that my dude, then knock yourself the fuck out. Black folk got far more shit to worried about than a photo that we want to be racist. Find a fuckin hobby.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  14. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) Petty, I know you feeling me. I'm just trying to be reasonable. I aint one to jump the gun. I aint lettin nonsense stop my swag and nobody else should either.
  15. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Intrigue, I not saying Lebron is some kinda sellout or Tom, and doesnt know his ass from a hole in the wall, I just dont believe in coincidences. This is Vogue magazine not SLAM. And Lebron is one of the best dressed players in the league.

    I remember Dave Chappelle talking about a magazine shoot he was doing, and the magazine wanted to take a few shots of him behind bars like he was in jail. He refused, saying that the image is too negative considering the history of black men being incarcerated in the U.S.

    Right or wrong, Lebron needs to think about how others try to depict him. (Think about the reason David Stern initiated the new dress code for players, which I personally disagree with.) All this is a lot of sh*t to deal with when all you want to do is play basketball for a living, but thats not who Lebron wants to be. He wants to be a smart business man, not just a ball player, and that being the case he needs to be more conscious of his image...as the CEO of Lebron, Inc!
  16. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    I follow and respect your point JB :partyman: . However, I'm not buying into the "intentionally conscious" effort to symbolize King Kong and Fay Wrey.
    Now if I wanted to read more into it, then I'd say if she had a "fearful" look on her face...then we may have a grievance. However, to me it looks like they're both enjoying it. No one is perfect, but LBJ sets a good example of what a professional should be and expands beyond the boundaries of sports. Few athletes are that priveleged.

    -His carefully crafted interviews
    -His cleverly worded responses
    -His apparel
    -His business alliances

    All serve to show that a young black man is far more than just a gifted athlete, but rather a well-rounded and wise individual who's attempting to set a new standard for often ridiculed and demonized black male, particularly the black pro-athlete. I LOVE IT.
    We too often make everything a catch 22 - just like the "he speaks so articulate" thread. You can make points either way. However, I feel we need to focus on ascending in every aspect of business and using every opportunity as leverage to blaze a trail for another brutha to follow and succeed. LBJ is doing that.
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I feel you, Intrigue, Lebron has been very smart about how he conducts himself, most of the time. But you must agree he has slipped up once or twice.

    -The speeding ticket (blown waaaay out of proportion)
    -The NYC crap (a non-story)
    -Vogue cover (poor judgement...people should have told him, "hell no!" if for no other reason than to avoid sh*t like this)
    Yes he's being heavily scutinized, but it comes with the territory of being the CEO of Lebron, Inc.

    I dont think "Lebron = King Kong" but the brother shouldnt be screaming like a wild man on the cover of Vogue - he's wearing gym clothes on the cover of a fashion magazine!

    Its just not a good look for him. But no one's perfect and everyone's allowed a slip-up here and there.
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    That pretty much sums it up, whether LeBron realizes it or not.
  19. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :? Y'all sure know how to pummell into submission, damn!
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by that?

    submitting to what?

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