The problem with the arguement is that you can make the same argurement towards a 11 year old and then a 4 year old. There are 11 year olds that have had sex. There are children younger than that. They have sex. They also know what they are doing. Should it be legal for a 50 year old man to have sex with a 11 year old girl because she knows what she is doing? How far does it go? The 30 and 40 year old women are legal adults and can deal with 30 and 40 year old men just like a 16 year old girl can deal with a 16 year old boy. It is different to be 16 and dealing with a 50 something year old man. Legalizing all drugs is just silly
it is illegal...omg, do you think we should start stopping couples that we see on the street and make sure no money is being exchanged...we wouldn't want anyone getting away with illegal practices here in the usa lmfao
Well in alot of cultures around the world people get married and start having kids at 13 years old. I do agree that it is a slippery slope issue but I still think is too high. I remember a story in the news a few years back where a 19 year old black kid had sex with a 17 year old white girl and broke up with her shorty afterwards. Well her father didn't like that and had the boy charged with rape. This is the reason why I don't like the law. Maybe they should should make it were if there is more than a 5 year age difference then the guy could be charged with rape. I just know in many cases 14, 15, 16 year old girls seek out older men. Some up to 10 years older then those girls and typically the girls lie about the age. A guy should not be charged in that type of situation in my opinion. In China there was a group of guys that were out partying and one of the guys passed out. His friends thought it was a cool idea to stick an eel up his butt. The guy later died from internal bleeding. Do you know what drug they were on? Alcohol. If alcohol is legal then the rest of it should also. The more dangerous the drug the higher the tax on it. Still make it illegal to drive and show up to work high but if you can somehow be responsible with it then I have no problem with whatever you do as long as it doesn't effect me.
There are laws similar to that now. In Oklahoma if there is no more than 3 years age difference, statutory rape doesn't apply unless one of the parties involved is a teacher and the other is their student.
The first section I completely agree with for the most part. I think every state should have the limit you are talking about. The second part not so much. I agree if you don't know that the girl is underage then it is not your fault but couldn't everyone play that game. There are men who very well know and will play that card. How will you deal with them? The other issue is you can tell if they are way to young by a conversation. The maturity and mental makeup is just not there. Concerning the drugs, You just gave an example of why drugs should be illegal by showing that when people are on drugs they do things that cause others to lose their lives. The point of making certain drugs illicit is so that you don't have someone coming to your house high and tricked out trying to shoot you dead. Imagine if that happened at an elementary school. The second that happens we will be back to banning the drug. Only difference is we would have more people dead.It is not about the money but about the lives that can be lost in the process like the person in your story that died or the many that die everyday from drunk driving..