Latest Volleys in Interracial Dating "Wars"

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Hypestyle, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I hear what you are saying but..
    NOBODY in America is as undervalued..ignored...ATTACKED..and marginalized as BM...

    BM are seen as a threat...not BW ....hell....WM trusted BW to raise their babies.

    Isrealis don't trust palestinians women with their babies.
    Nazis don't trust jew women with their babies
    Turks don't trust Armenian women with their babies
    Because those women see those people as ENEMIES.

    BW do not see WM as her enemy.

    We are the ONLY race in which men and women don't have the same enemies.
    You can't do shit with a race of people like that but watch them stagger.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn. Well made point
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I date WW because of the way they treat me.

    Hate to break this to you but...

    If you turned white for 5 minutes ....your Black queen would lick you in places you didn't know you had:smt042
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i have said before.....
    you date ww because its your intelligent person will knock you for that.
    you dont need to trash bw to justify dating a ww.

    all you will be doing is proving the small group of bw who are the "bitter black women". you are proving their point.

    if you read the dudes article....he talks about guys who hate black women. its about in the 10-12 paragraph. its the paragraph that comes after the paragraph that starts with "by middle school"

    they hate everything. because thier life is fucked and they blame everyone else for their problems.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    uuuhhhh.. wtf are you talking about? from harriet tubman to angela davis , the black panthers had women in it, to black women civil rights attys, and melissa harris perry and the like.

    you say we are the only race that dont have the same enemy......

    if you see that as a problem then why are YOU making bw an enemy.

    dont bring in lipstick ally because you acting like them.

    you cant control what other people think but you need to check yourself.

    like i said i hope you dont impregnate a ww because you may have a girl. will you hate her?
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    as far as the 5 minutes.....i have dated bw,ww,aw have yet to get with LW.
    I can tell you this if you was a man black, white or command respect when you act like a man..
    ... respecting you as a man...they give it to you because you earn it thru the resume of your actions.
    if you arent getting the respect...thats your fault for staying in a situation where you cant get it.

    oh you have to show respect to others to get respect....
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    oh im not finish...its time to preach...

    you mofos try to find reasons to hate. yall cant have nice thangs because yall to busy hating.

    shit why are you all worried about folks that are not paying your bills.
    damn.... grow up.

    more than likely no one is thinking about your crusty ass and the ww you are with. most people are consumed with themselves.

    get over yourself.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Now you're talking dumb shit. You have no clue what others go through in their personal life. Take that ass kissing back to the sister girl crew.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    here is life...everyone is going through shit...u r not the only one going thru shit. if what you are going thru justify you hating black women then its ok for whites to hate blacks....right?

    it doesnt make hate someone period. again if u r lucky enuff to have a child it maybe a girl....are you gonna hate her too?

    mofos go find reasons to hate instead of checking themselves. i said the same bout bw and you was cool with that until the principles applied to you.

    thats part of being a man and being respected....u live by the rite principles and truth.

    how has hating bw improved your life?

    how is saying you shouldnt hate in general and specifically ass kissing?

    you said "go back to the sister girl crew"...are you saying they are the enemy?

    what do you mean by that?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  12. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    For real. And this mofo is giving "mackin notes" more like simpin' notes
  13. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    {steps out of this discussion very quietly} :rolleyes:
  14. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding me? LOL

    First of all you can't possibly compare black LADIES of yesteryear with what we have today

    Second, Zoe Saldanna is kissing on white boys in every single movie she's in including blue alien and gay Spock, and Halle won an Oscar for rolling around with Billy Bob and Kerry Washington is ruling TV right now with the white President yet box office champs like Denzel and Will Smith can't come within 5 feet of a WW onscreen in case the sisterhood tries to start a lynch mob

    BW tried to run Taye Diggs & Wes Snipes out of business. Maxwell had a few white chicks on his Instagram and BW tried to hang him.

    If you are a BM that does not fit into the thug/hip-hop/dope boy playbook, BW ignore you anyway or think you're gay or boring so it seems like they WANT to be "marginalized outsiders" while educated BM go "mainstream" to where they are wanted for everything BW hate us for!

    BW used to say on hater site that John Legend was gay then he married Brazilian supermodel and they cried how he was ignoring the sistas...:smt042

    Educated BW try to pretend there are no educated BM "on their level" but the truth is they just want a WM come-up. They also try to pretend they are the majority but they're not

    On some message boards like the hater site I like to whine about and hater site they boast that BW outstrip BM in college graduations and corporate hires & BM lead the way in prison and unemployment. But you claim BM were given the "keys to the white kingdom." So which is it? Are you on top running things or victims? You can't be both!

    Some even say that given the choice between the white woman's feminism and welfare and respecting their own strong black men BW chose the former! Then WW flipped the script and started doing for BM what BW were suddenly too good for!

    The problem is that ya'll BW (no way you are a BM) try to hate and guilt BM into loving you instead of actually being lovable. Meanwhile no hate or guilt when BW date out!!!!

    Every old school BW I can name (Josephine Baker, Dorothy Dandridge, Etta James, Lena Horne, Nichelle Nichols, Eartha Kitt, Dihann Carroll ect ect) had white men at will...the 1st recogized IR marriage in the US was a WM/ don't give me your sob story...we are just now catching up to BW dating out :smt042

    I will not speak to abortion rates among BW that's what pro-choice is all about! But I suppose that's BM's fault too?????

    I need to quit I could write a damn book...and just might :D

    Fuck outta here with your nonsense. Where the white women at?
  15. free816

    free816 New Member

    Gl my man nothing wrong withdrawn ding how you feel, teach my kids that all them time, I also teach them to be ready to defend their position.
    flame is right please don't deny truth for any reason,
    will never know what it's like to live as a black woman white man or woman I have 43 yrs of living as a black male, if you truly think and feel this way I feel sorry for you, they didn't tear down our community because of the women, this society did teach and ingrain in black women the distrust in black men

    in turn that created black men as the enemy, raise your hand if you ever heard your mother or some other black wan angrily
    Speak to a black boy and say you get on my nerve you remind me so much of your sorry ass daddy,,,,,, not another female race teach their girls

    This wasn't Ebonics on my iPhone and refuse to edit this lol
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i get what you are is the problem with that.....look at everything you stated...and i addressed that to a point. please address all points im making

    1) go back and read what i said bout the bitter woman . then respond.

    2) look at what you said about the daddy thing. single moms and dad is not around. see point 1.

    3) as i stated earlier as a man you have to earn if you are acting like the women at the hater site I like to whine about then what are you

    4) read the article baker wrote in this thread and see what he says about bw bashers...then respond

    5. i said this in a thread where dude was divorcing his wife...forgiveness is not for them its for you .......bitterness doesnt help you. how has hating them improved your life?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    respond to all please.
    6) also, bm are to be head of the household...the head is to think. thus you must be logical. hate is a feeling which leads to illogical can a man be respected doing and dumb shit (hating is dumb shit).

    7) richard bw having abortions...who are they having sex with?

    8) a man who knows hes doing the rite thing dont worry about the haters. right?
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    9) do you think for a minute that whats going in the black community isnt happening in the white one. fathers not seeing thier kids, women cheating on thier husbands, abortion, father alienation, welfare and yes whites are on welfare at same rates. so to try to portray we are the only ones is bullshit.

    10) to hate anybody because you had it ruff is absolutely no excuse.....hell if it was ok then dont get mad when whites call you nigger. they are saying because they hate (u because they had it ruff
  19. empirestate86

    empirestate86 Member

    Wow...this has gotten a bit out of control.
  20. free816

    free816 New Member

    Agree to disagree rest assure I harbor no hate for black women not even my insane ex, lol swear I don't want to argue with you, what I will agree with is our community isn't the only one with problems, as for me I sleep well at nite and would have married a monkey for peace after the hell I once had

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