Ladies What Would You Like See Change in Black Men?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I would like to know from the women who frequent this site. Tell me (and other black men who care) what are some of the things you would like to see changed in black men in general, and what would you like to see changed in the specific black man who is currently in your life?
  2. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  3. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    JM you are so witty, really. :)
  4. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  5. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    I rest my case. Your comebacks are spectacular. I wouldn't want to get into an argument with you.

    Edit: and I'm not surprised, seeing as you prefer to quote Winston Churchill. His most famous comeback (from

    List of famous quotes, .
  6. Jasie

    Jasie New Member

    I absolutely cannot stand when my husband calls someone who is being rude, a racist. We can be anywhere and if someone is looking at us, he automatically thinks they don't approve of mixed couples and starts talking shit. If he doesn't get picked for something, that person must not like black people, if he is last or it could be must be because he's not white. I get sooo tired of that. I'm sure some of it is only because of the way he has been treated and I know some people do stare because they are racist but he doesn't have to look for it in everyone. He's gotten better since we've talked about it but he's not helping anybody by being that way.
  7. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    I would like to see alittle more caring. I will go out of my way to make my man feel like a million. If he is sick i will make sure I am there for him if he needs something I will get it but I find I dont get the same in return. Case in Point... mybf just had surgery to his hand. I made sure i had a baby sitter so that I could be with him the night before surgery. Took him to the hospital that day, brought him home with me that night; cared for him , cooked for him took care of him. Took him home the next day... took him out for dinners and lunches while he recuperated.

    On the other hand.... I was in the hospital mon night. left a message no call till the next morning. Thought I would see him before he had to make this 'business" trip thursay... however. Thursday afternoon i was worse ... in the hospital again... admitted this time ... just got home like 1/2 hour ago and he hasn't even made an appearance. Said last minute changes stopped him from coming to see me. or call evidently.. i get the occational text. can you tell i'm a little pissed.

  8. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.

    :cry: I am sorry to hear about your situation.I'll have you know there are loads of caring black men.They may have have less flash, but I can speak as one who has his heart in the right place.

    That's just my .02........this thread looks like it was more for what the white women would like to see........sorry to hijack........
  9. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    sorry... seems like my foul mood and done the wrong thing again. i crawl under my rock again ....better off that way sometimes
  10. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Likewise, I'm probably hijacking this thread as well.

    I don't understand him. I've never understood guys that do not return the love that they get from their lady.

    My girl is a lot like you...very caring, will do most anything for me...I'm very lucky. I will do anything for her...placed a down payment on a car for her when she did not have the $$$ at that time, gifts, trips, etc.

    Most of the time, a woman is not looking for any of these things. She's just looking for someone to love and care about her...which is why I too am sorry your dude does not get it.

    Anyway, no need to hide under a rock, Deb. Go for what you want.
  11. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  12. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    nothing. just said plans changed... couldn't get to see me. said he wished he could be there with me but here I amwith nothing to show for all this "love" he says he has for me.
  13. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  14. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    At the risk of highjacking what could be a really interesting thread... let's stop this here and now... JM please feel free to write me with your thoughts and feelings. Not that I can follow through but it is nice to have a friend who is willing to listen and help one feel better when someone treats you like this. I've been here sooooo many times it is getting old it is just now that I'm really sick and scared and hurt that this man just let me be alone when i could have used the affection i thought you were suppose to get from sig others.

  15. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

  16. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    ladenbabern, let me say that i'm sorry for the hurt that you feel right now for the one who should be by your side as you was for him. This is the thing that riles me so much and that is so many good women end up hurt by those men who either lack the compassion to give as they receive or that they are just so damned blind to realize that when one gives their heart and soul to you it should be reciprocated in turn. It is just hard for me to fathom a man not feeling for his woman as she would feel for him. I hope the best for you in your recovery in spirit as well. Do not allow yourself to be caged into that relationship. Your happiness takes center stage. Do not allow your feelings to be abused.
  17. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  18. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Hugs, Deb...
  19. veema

    veema Member

    Generally speaking, I don't believe there's anything about black men that should be changed. But like everyone else here, I'd like to see ladebabern's man treat her with more compassion. It's just the right thing to do - and it isn't that hard.

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