Ladies what made you take a chance with your first Black guy?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ChromeDivine, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Saw this video

    And thought to myself I wonder what made a white women say yes to a Black men. Even if a Black man did not approach you and you approached him what made you do it?

    The reason why Im asking the ladies (grabs flame shield) is from my experience with white women they have told me they where raised not to like Black man. They would be shunned, disowned by their siblings, friend and community. You take more heat then Black men in my opinion but Black men get alot of heat as well.

    So in that very moment where you where first starting talking to your very first black guy what clicked in your mind and said regardless of skin color or race Im going to date him because I like him for who he is or w/e. You knew the consequences but yet moved forward. (which I admire and respect)

    Was it weird talking to your first black guy? Describe your feelings at that time. What was going through your head. Where you freaking out?
  2. alli

    alli New Member

    By the time I figured out that he liked me we'd been friends for over a year and I was completely comfortable around him.

    What made me not care about what my family or society would say? I'd like to think the man upstairs had a ton to do with it. Otherwise I probably would have over thought it and backed out of a long term relationship.

    All I know is that . . . this one time . . . we were at a club (just as friends--it was suppose with to be our usual group but oddly no one else could make it) . . . I leaned my head back against the wall 'cause I was a little tipsy . . . and he kissed my neck . . . and I had to have him. I, the born again virgin, did not give a crap what my daddy would say.
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I wasn't raised with any racism, and my parents didn't have any problems with interracial dating, so I had it very easy. When I was in 7th grade (although possibly it might have been 8th, I can't remember), a guy sat on the couch at my friend's house behind me, and asked me to sit next to him, even tho he could just as easily have asked another girl next to me who was far more popular and in my mind cooler in every way. I think we were going steady, like, minutes after that (hey, it was grammar school. Romance went like that).

    I chased my current guy down like he was prey, lol. It was high school (a billion million years ago), and we'd known each other for about a year, but not well. Then we had a conversation, and he was the first guy I'd ever spoken to who really listened to what I had to say. He didn't just agree with me to get in my good graces, or simply wait for his turn to talk, or do any of the other dumb things guys in high school do. He just talked with me, and that was the end, it was hopeless, I was his and I was willing to move Heaven & Earth to be sure he would be mine. Luckily, he was okay with that. :smt003
  4. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I wasn't raised with any prejudice either. My family couldn't care less who I dated. I lost my virginity to a bm and that was just chance. He happened to be the right guy at the right time. He could have just as easily been of another culture, I suppose.
  5. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    well to see if the rumors were true, of course.
  6. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You could've just asked.

  7. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Well said Allilyn. Who can deny chemistry no matter the color of a persons skin.
  8. robina

    robina New Member

    well i was raised in a very mixed community.

    the reason i took a chance on the first one?

    he asked if i would take him for a ride, i told him i didnt realise he was a car ( im known to have a sarcastic streak )

    we continued to banter in the same line and by the time i had finished laughing i had agreed to go on a date with him
  9. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    As you well know, people are incapable of making objective judgments about themselves - therefore personal research is essential. Besides, all chat no play makes FEHG very boring indeed.
  10. thepolice

    thepolice New Member

    I always was prejudiced and choose to hang out only with racist friends, at work too.Me and my ex (who was a nazi admirer ) used to be very prejudiced against ir couples too.
    The reasons which lead me to my views in my teenage years are somewhat connected with the death of my only brother who was my personal hero,the one who inspired me to go to the Academy - he got killed by an african drug dealer during a police operation.
    I'll admit that to challenge my racist views,that took time.I first started to question my ideas after I've started liking a guy, a lawyer I've met at work.Other things happened since,and that made me realize that my mindset was not only wrong but also out of touch with reality.
    There was a desperate case with a latin-american family that asked for my help.They didn't knew about my views,otherwise they wouldn't have asked me anything,but I was impressed with the injustice that happened to them and I decided to help and find a good lawyer also.
    The fact that they were too poor and unimportant made some lawyers (all wm) disconsider their case from the start but this guy took their case,made contact with some journalist friends who helped them also,and now he's representing them with good hopes to win this trial.At first I thought he's doing that cause he's hispanic also and I was shocked when he told me he's in fact half black.At the time I just thought he was a exception,or that he was this way cause he had a good role model in his father(who's a white man), I couldn't accept the fact that a bm was so much better then many wm. That's because I had a mindset about all non-whites but especially blacks - I was never interested in good minority ppl before ,only had eyes for the worst ones ,cause when you wanna hate you look for and see only the things that will make you hate even more.
    He's just the nicest,smartest, funniest guys I'd ever met and his work really impressed me.We spent time together work-related and we became friends (i couldn't admit to myself that i was attracted to him).At first I've given him a lame excuse when he asked me out because I was afraid to start a relationship with him.That's when I registered on this board.I didn't really had friends to support me cause I've distanced myself from many of my past friends and the open-minded, liberal ppl who are surrounding me don't really like me (for good reason) and I also have a certain reputation at work,many fear and/or hate me and it's not easy for me to reach out to them.
    The guys here really supporting me,I was given great advice and I'm very grateful.Thanks to them I found the strength to talk to him about my past actions and beliefs.
    At first he told me that although he never felt so strong for another woman he can't understand or accept something like this but we kept some lines of communication open and he finally change his mind after he recovered from what I've told him.I'm prepared for a long road to build some trust but I fell everything will turn out good for us in the end.

    Thanks again,everyone.
  11. ChromeDivine

    ChromeDivine New Member

    Good 4 you. You opened your mind and widen your understanding. :cool:
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    He was gorgeous, charming and had a wicked English accent :D Very shallow I know but I was 18 for crying out loud!
  13. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I was 8 years old the first time I fell for a black guy. His name was The Rock :smt050

    Seriously though, I went to a mostly white school (we had three mixed race kids and two asians) and grew up in a pretty white area. When I was 16 I started college and the majority of the kids in college were black. In my sociology class there was a guy called Treize and it took me a few months to notice him because he was REALLY quiet. He was dressed horribly, everything was XXL and considering that the only guys I'd dated prior to this were punks with lots of piercings and mohawks, he didn't stand out for me but one day he spoke in class, and he had the nicest voice in the world, I swear.
    He was so, so good looking and I ended up crushing on him for about a year and a half, but apart from smiling at each other nothing ever happened.

    I've only had one black boyfriend, but to be fair, I've only ever been in relationships with three people in total (I'm picky) and what made me go for him was his brain. He's VERY smart (a bit ghetto, but smart). It helps that he was gorgeous too...
  14. Juli3113

    Juli3113 New Member

    I was raised in a very racist household. Never had any intention of dating outside my race. When I moved away to college I lived in dorms that were predominantly black. The guy who stole my heart had such a great personality, we just clicked immediately. He persued me for a while before I decided that I was not going to be without him because of what my family would say. At the time I didn't know about racial/sexual stereotypes either. After we finally did the deed my best friend called and said, "well?" I said, "oh it was fine, his head didn't spin around or anything weird" she goes, "no, is it true what they say?" she then went on to elaborate about the big myth. Long story short, He is a wonderful person and I would have loved him if he was pink with purple polka dots.
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    My sister-in-law knew him and would always tell me, "You two were made for each other." So I decided to call him and see about setting up a rendezvous, he agreed and viola! 10 years (in 194 days) later we're in love as ever :D.
    Of course I was nervous, but I'm sure I would have been nervous with anyone. I am painfully shy (in real life) and he was my first ever boyfriend and always has been my one and only since. My family was never racist or anything like that, so I had no fears, anxieties, or ulterior motives regarding his race. Yeah, it was weird, yeah I was freaking out. I felt my legs would give out from under me, that my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and I was going to throw up (butterflies), heh. I don't know if it was because he was black or just that I was 14 and he was the first guy I ever dated/knew I was going to be dating.
  16. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    Hummm ... nicest voice in the world ?
    tone or accent ?

  17. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Tone :)
    Because of how he was dressed and the friends that he had, I didn't expect for him to be so well spoken. He spoke very deeply and very quietly. Thinking about him now makes me smile, he was a lovely guy :rolleyes:
  18. ItalianLady

    ItalianLady New Member

    I really believe it was fate that made me take a chance on dating my first black man. At the outset, I wanted to prove to myself that there was nothing special about black men and the saying- once you go black you don't go back was just complete nonsense. When I did meet the gorgeous hunky black guy who seduced me and turned me on to black lovin'!! :smt054
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Omg! I'm pretty sure you must be my other twin. I was obsessed with The Rock, even had a t-shirt with his face on it (it was pretty awful) and I remember when I was like 9 I had a dream we were kissing behind the titantron thingy... good times. I also had a crush on Kel from Kenan and Kel though. He was really hot.

    But yeah, I used to date more punkish kinda guys and I went to a mostly white school then I changed, started to be more into different music and all that. Kinda silly but he commented on my Bebo saying I was hot and then I randomly met him at a party the next week. There wasn't really any thought that "I'm gonna date a black guy", just did. I didn't have a clue what he said half the time as he has a REALLY low Manchester accent, lol.
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    There was this american guy who stayed at his friend's house for a period during school holidays. It was in the building in front of my house. ME and him exchanged looks for like 3 weeks, then finally he talked to me... from the window. Hahaha I was 12 and he was 16. His name is Gerald. Good ol' times! My dad was pissed off but he was just jelous, the color wasn't the real problem. My mum didn't care either. She never taught me to be racist.

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