Ladies and Gentlemen what is your type?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by hntr18, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I hear you bro. :cool:

    Another one I forgot was

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Keri Russel, always found her so sexy and feminine. Her curly hair had me hooked on Felicity. :D
  2. wolfboy

    wolfboy Restricted

    She is probably not a natural blonde, because I saw her year of birth on wikipedia.
    Her looks did not faded away.
    Thanks for posting her picture.
  3. wolfboy

    wolfboy Restricted

    I do love her looks.
    It would be a true pleasure if a brother did accompany her hand in hand.
    In this video she has a black bodyguard.
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    ?????? what's her year of birth on wikipedia got anything to do with her natural hair colour...???

    and btw...think you'll find she is a natural blonde
  5. TheWilliam

    TheWilliam New Member

    I haven't really thought much about a type over last half decade or so.

    so off the top of my head.....

    1. body shape - I'm into fitness and nutrition, so I'd like someone the same if I were to couple

    2. Hair - Short, even bald, I don't like a lot of hair.

    3. uummm - personality. - Mean, I like mean people, I don't hate happiness or whatever, I'm not an ogre, but I HATE fake laughing and fake smiling and fake enthusiasm. If something or someone is corny or boring then react natural, not "in character"

    4. Religion - No religion..... no

    5. Age - Mid 30's to early 40's - I don't have "mommy issues". My mother and I were just fine. I like some creases around the eyes, some experience in the walk and a pre-cellphone understanding of the world around them.

    -Off the top of my head-, (it took like have an episode of hoarders to make this post.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    LMAO!! I was wondering the same thing. I guess we learn something new every day on this site don't we? :rolleyes:
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    A blonde blue eyed white woman with a nice derriere.:cool:
  9. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member type. I find it varies from guy to guy. I dont have a set 'type' as such because everyone is different you know?

    Things that dont change however:

    - Taller than me is a must otherwise I feel like a Helga and that's not fun. I'm 5'7 (or 171cm) so preferably close to 6ft but shorter is ok, except then he DEFINITELY can't be skinny haha

    - Similar age, ideally 29/30 - 35/36...

    - Hair? Either none or very short. But again, this kind of thing depends on the guy. However, dreadlocks freak me out (sorry Jaisee) I dont know why. Nothing to do with BM - one of my best girlfriends has them right down her back and I jokingly threaten to cut them off when she's sleeping. Hehe.

    - Heavier than me. I'm not fat but definitely curvy and need to feel like he could carry me if I broke my ankle or something, and ideally throw me around (in a nice way of course) in the bedroom. I dont like skinny. I prefer a bit extra meat than skinny because shagging bones hurts and gives me bruises! Plus it's nice to snuggle up with someone bigger than you, makes you feel all safe and girly. BUT he cant be unhealthy. Seeing people eat badly makes me feel a little bit sick. Pigging out every now and again is normal, but I find it really unattractive when someone eats badly all the time.

    - On that note, must love food and cooking because I love food and I love love love cooking with my boy (although my Ex was such an amazing cook, everytime I tried to cook FOR him he would muscle me out of the kitchen inch by inch and suddenly I'd be standing on the sidelines, him cooking and me going 'WTF? I thought I was cooking for you tonight??' haha)

    - Good looking TO ME. This kind of goes without saying. He doesnt have to look like a model but I have to dig his looks and I find that this changes from person to person. But I have to be attracted to him physically. Personality is NOT enough, there has to be a physical attraction of some kind. That's what draws you in and then it's the personality that keeps you.

    - Funny is essential, possibly more important than ANY other feature. The funnier a guy, the more attractive he is and the more turned on I am. Sense of humour is everything. Oh and he has to understand my sense of humour, which can be a little bit out there sometimes.

    - Intelligent is as important as funny. I have clever moments myself and am educated so I cant hold a conversation with someone not on my wavelength. That being said, he does not have to be educated. As an example, my Dad is is a mechanic and not academically smart one bit, but an incredibly intelligent man. There are many different kinds of intelligence.

    - He has to make me feel beautiful and sexy. This isnt always going to be possible, I know. But if it's most of the time then that's good. I'm going to have days when I look like dogs bollocks, as is he, but those days aside I kinda want to feel like he thinks Im hot.

    - Honest honest honest honest. Which means you CAN tell me if my ass looks big in something and I wont slap you but will say thanks and get changed!!!

    - Faithful. This is a MAJOR issue (and Im about to check out the why guys cheat thread btw) for me. I have never been cheated on (that I know of) but it terrifies me. I see it everywhere, I hear about it all the time, both from peeps I know and those I dont and it frightens me. Not because of STDs but because it would break my heart. I would never ever cheat. If I ever thought I couldnt trust myself around other boys then I should not be in an exclusive r/ship and would tell my partner. I expect the same.

    Too much to ask? I think not. The person that is going to be with me should want all these things from me too (except not that I'm taller and bigger than him and have no hair haha) and I reckon I could give em :)

    Oh one more thing - good in bed. Not like porn star amazing (wouldnt want a porn star anyway - ouch) because I'm no goddamn porn star myself, but someone who is fun in bed and who I can have fun in bed with. He has to be dominant though; I get a bit shy sometimes and I need someone to be dominant. Not all the time, I can be dominant too but he needs to not be scared of taking it when he wants it. I dont think I've said no to sex with a BF before (excluding when seriously ill)...even if I'm not in the mood, a bit of hands down the pants and general harassment from my boy will get me going eventually hahahahah
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  11. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Oh no, what? :confused: Is it bad?
  12. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    +1 yet again with your av :smt002
  13. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

  14. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Tell me!! What is it? I dont think my list is demanding, it's just descriptive? Ie I dont think it's fair to say tall, funny, intelligent. It's not my nature, I like words and explaining stuff, cant help that. I suspect you think Im being demanding and picky but Im not sure? Argh not knowing why you're being laughed at sucks :-?
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL LIttleBird, nah TS is probably just thinking "he's not going to read all that" pretty long list. :D
  16. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    I dont doubt it, I do tend to go on :yawinkle:
  17. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    Actually, no...he's 5'9. :rolleyes:
  18. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    wow i am impressed cuz i know 4ft1 inch women who wouldn't even look at a man because he is not a 6 footer and you 6ft2 damn your hubby is a lucky cat:cool:
  19. AlmostThere

    AlmostThere Active Member powell
  20. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

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