L.A. Black/Latino Gangs' 'Racial Cleansing' War

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    A few months back there was an Illegal from Peru who had executed THREE black college students in Newark, NJ--including cutting off the face of one of the victims. HOWEVER YOU NEVER HEARD ANY OF OUR SELF PROCLAIMED LEADERS SPEAK OUT!!!

    These idiots are still stuck in the 60s in which all that matters is that Whitey is keeping all minorities down. Like brother Flame says The Mexicans and A-rabs hate us with a passion. Hell, everyone else hates us, but yet we trip over trivial shit...pardon me it's been a long day.
  2. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Damn, you sound so defeatist, they all hate us. I guess maybe it depends on which coast you live on, because down here in FL, there is no beef between Mexicans and Blacks. Black people need to get off this everybody hates us victim mentality, sure some people do hate us, but we are more of a threat to ourselves(i.e. the out of control black on black crime rate) these days than any non-black. And thats Real Talk.
  3. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Like I said, I had a bad day. At this point in my life, I can say that I have been blessed not to have any non-black person call me 'nigger' to my face. For the most part, I get along with everybody and NOBODY hates me personally that I know of. BTW I live in Phoenix, so I'm sure the racial tensions are nowhere near as intense as it is in LA.

    Personally, I was raised to take responsibility for myself and not to have a victim mentality despite what goes on. So, I don't have a victim mentality. I will admit that I do put too much thought into these things after listening to the media.

    Now this is just my opinion, but many blacks have a victim mentality because of the people that we listen to. I do think that many blacks are starting to wake up and see our "leaders" (ie. Jackson, Sharpton, etc...)for who they really are.

    But I do agree with you on those points especially on Black-on-Black crime. We need to work on ourselves, but I'm only dreaming. I can only work on myself to make sure that I have no regrets in life.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Just because the mexicans haven't cut lose on the Blacks in Florida YET doesn't mean they won't soon as their numbers increase(and they will)

    Blacks need to get off this ignore racism from "people of color" shit..


    George Jackson wrote in his book "soledad brother" that whenever White inmates clashed with Blacks..the mexican AMERICAN inmate would ALWAYS attack them too..siding with the WHITES..

    That is currently happening in prisons all over the nation..

    Talk to ANY Brother that has been locked down..Mexican hate gangs are allying with the aryan brotherhood

    Jim Crow lives in latin america..and that becomes an issue to Blacks here BECAUSE THEY DON'T CHECK THEIR RACISM AT THE BORDER..
  5. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    First off, you are preaching to the choir about NON-WHITES WHO HATE US, I am fully aware of that, and as long as they aren't hurting me and mine, they hate all they want. At the same time, you have no idea how paranoid and stressed out you sound right now. Not everyone is out to get THE BLACK MAN. And if Mexicans, out of all people LOL, are siding along with whites in prison, they are ignoring BLANTANT racism from whites big time. What race is on the border bursting blood vessels trying to keep them from entering this country? I damn sure don't see any blacks, asians etc out there. Furthermore, mainstream white America which is the majority of Americans and is a whole other ball game from liberal on the outskirts California, DO NOT accept Mexicans and are against them entering this country illegally or legally and that is a fact. You can look that up on any Right wing website and see that information for yourself. Illegal immigration is a joke anyway, becasue weren't Pilgrams Illegal immagrants? :roll: Like I said before, the only NON WHITES I've seen globally who whites accept are Asians, which is mainly because of their precieved high IQ levels among other things as well. Even on the most insane racist websites, such as racist site and vnnforum asians are considered equals of whites. I have never seen any other race being accepted as they are.

    Another thing, poor blacks and Mexicans in Cali are saturated in gang activity, which of course will equal disaster for two groups of different races, languages and cultures living in poverty. Basically both groups are the underworld of America, who no one gives a flying fuck about. Mexican on Black violence isn't a phenomenon happening around the US, infact I only hear about this stuff on the internet basically from Cali. I haven't seen any Mexican on Black violence in FL and they outnumber us down here. I see more of blacks attacking them. Another thing that I have witnessed, in FL and GA, is the hard headed egotistical young black thugs who murder and rob the mexican immigrants. Just about every day on the news, there is some story about these very poor mexicans being robbed. The Mexicans are illegal and can't get bank accounts to stash their money, so they keep it in their homes, and guess who is robbing them? :roll: And for the love of God, please please inform me why us blacks are ignoring the OUT OF CONTROL BLACK ON BLACK CRIME RATE? Its becoming so easy these days to pass the buck, if the white man aint involved we ignore the crime. We should be holding rallies like the Jena 6 rally in these high crime rate areas. Down here where I live its an every day occurrence, young black men killing other young black men and even children. A 13yr old black girl was shot in the head while reading a book in her bedroom by a drive by shooter. :x And I know for damn sure my city isn't even at the top of highest murder rate. I belive Killadelphia, Laoisianna, Detroit, DC and even Atlanta are ahead my city.smh I even read somewhere that the black on black murder rate is higher than the Mexican on Mexican and Mexican on black crime rate in Cali. WOW, no words!! :shock: Before we start complaining about other races who hate us, which we have already established, we need to start from within our own community and fix our problems. Real Talk!
  6. seansean

    seansean New Member

    I had a date with a woman from uruguay once, she intially acted very attracted to me, but, once we were on the date, this topic came up..it became clear that she had this racism in her too from what she said..it was like the white woman who dates blacks to piss off her parents, that kinda deal..needless to say, it didn't go very far, she was just testing the waters..too bad. she was FINE.

    Edit: I had the worst experience with a hispanic woman at ralph's on sunset today-VERY disrespectful, basically threw my change at me, even made a sort of "throat-cutting" motion, directed at me as I walked away...I was really nice to her...these people really do hate us...
  7. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Most (not ALL) Latinos/Hispanics in The States hate Blacks.....

    That could just as well have been a White - or even a Black - female individual.....

    Nonetheless, the problem that is being discussed here IS a valid...and *VERY* serious one...

    One only needs remember the admonition that The Much Regretted Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. gave about Living Together As Brothers...Or Perishing Together As Fools.....

    'Nuff Said..

  8. ColeStar

    ColeStar New Member

    I would find this thread funny if it wasn't so sad.

    People here are rightly upset at racism from Latinos, but this thread is filled with generalisations and racist sentiment towards Latinos as well.

    Also, do you all believe that black people are innocent of racism towards Latinos? The initial story posted quotes examples of attacks on Hispanic people by black gangs - that has gone uncommented upon.

    When complaining about discrimination, your arguments lose all credibility when they turn into racist rants themselves.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You don't know what's really happening

    You're way the fuck in England..Stay in your lane..

    Walk your ass down the streets of LA and you'll see what's on the real.

    "Racist generalizations" don't take away from people being killed because they're Black.
  10. ColeStar

    ColeStar New Member

    Being in another country doesn't preclude me being able to comment on the issue, from what I saw, there are other people who have commented who are also not from LA.

    I never said anything 'took away' from racist murders, as a black person why I would want to explain any racist killings?
    What I said is that such crimes do not justify retaliatory racism.
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I saw on the History Channel last week called "Gangland" and those Mexican gangs are serious in killing African-American people period.
  12. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Hey Soul I'd be interested in hearing a lil' more about that program if you don't mind.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The episode of Gangland is Vol 5:Race Wars. I had to research more if it comes back again.
  14. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Cool. :wink:
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I can't say what it's like being in Cambridge

    Even though I could..

    Nobody here called for retalitory racism
  16. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Mexicans (not all but many) suffer from a strong color complex that makes blacks' views on light-skin vs. dark-skin seem like small potatoes. Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterners etc...are trying their best to identify with the group in power....in the U.S. that happens to be the white majority....so they will do anything to distance themselves from blacks. A multicultural version of Uncle Tom...think Tio Tomas....they have the plantation syndrome just like some blacks do...only they don't know it....(not talking about all...just some)
  17. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    You know, it pisses me off when many black people try to get on that whole "people of color" bandwagon and shit. Like "people of color" cannot be racists too? I swear, some Negroes will flat out try to deflate any accusation of minority racism. Honestly, i'd rather live in a neighborhood that is 99.999999% white than in a 65% Latino neighborhood. And honestly, i have no qualms with Latinos per se (hell, my fiancee is Cuban/Dominican) but word to God, they can be scary racists that make white racism seem mild.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    The only reason we don't react to it as much Laydeezman is because even though many other minority groups are racist...they don't have the power and clout to affect us financially and otherwise....we are more active politically....that's the key
  19. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    I don't know of any blacks online or offline who think that people of color can't be racist. The color complex of asians and latin americans etc, is a well known fact among many blacks. So I really don't know where people are getting these ideas to the contrary. Also, you have to take into consideraton that many blacks especially in the mid west and southern eastcoast, don't come into contact with a lot of asians or latinos.

    I can count the number of asians I see every day on one hand, and the latinos that live here are puerto rican and speaking from personal experience and observations, pueto ricans and blacks usually get along just fine, but of course there are always exceptions. We have a few Mexicans scatered about, the few I do see are usaully cutting someones grass or cleaning the office I work for.(no racism just being honest) Anyhow, I can't speak on whats going on in LA or the westcoast, I'm sure its a whole other ball game.
  20. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I understand, Patterson and ChosenOne. I live in Miami where, as you know, there are many Haitians, Cubans and other Latinos and we all get on fine. I'm from NYC and blacks and Puerto Ricans (and Dominicans) are the same - only that the latter speak Spanish. But trust me, in some other parts of the country, it ain't all lovey dovey. My girl is from L.A. and whenever we go down there, them Mexicans go crazy as hell (and she isn't even Mexican).

    The thing is, many Latinos only pretend to be our allies when it's convenient for them. The minute they get their way, they're on their own and for their own only. With Asians, it's really kinda weird because they see themselves as white (or at least palatable to whites) but many of them truly understand the struggles blacks go through and can be genuinely friendly.

    The thing is, i'm cool with anyone who's cool with me, but let's not act like these folks are holy.

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