,0,6500817.story?coll=la-home-center The Kid Rasta :x
Re: Latino Gangbangers Charged In Race-Motivated Violence The federal government is using these racist animals to ethnically cleanse us from america.. Mexikkkans are some racist..jealous..backstabbing..cowardly little mofos. Uncle Sam is using home-ownership and birth right citizenship to lure as many of those scabs into america as possible..even to the point of breaking their own Federal laws.. You'll NEVER here Al Sharpton..Farrakkkahn..or Jesse Jackson deounce LATINO RACISM.. Those negroes love mexican illegals MORE THAN GEORGE BUSH
Flaming you hit that dead on man nobody speaks on that,just because they are a minority don't mean they down with blacks, most Mexicans don't give a fuck about blacks a guy I knew got killed by one. I am not going to generalize all Mexicans but I hear they are turning L.A. out and trying to run the Blacks out the city going so far as to threaten Black bus drivers so that they would quit.
Read more here:,0,749576.story?track=mostviewed-storylevel The Kid Rasta :x
Those Blacks should fight back and if Jackson and Sharpton turn chicken then there got to be new leadership.
Seems like crabs in a bucket mentality to me, meanwhile the whites in suburbia are lauging their asses off at the latino/black genocide. Colored folks never learn. :roll:
I've heard a little bit about this. WTF are the mexican's thinking??? I hope what they are doing doesn't start to work and actually drive people away. I'll be damned if the racist mother fuckers drive me away from where I live. Just yesterday my husband and I were at my son's football game and this redneck looking asshole sits down next to us and is looking at us all stupid-like. My husband was ignoring him but I just couldn't. I looked at him smiled and said HI. He just looked at me dirty and turned his head. I wanted to say "get over it bitch" but I kept my cool. 8)
More:,0,6521331.story?coll=la-home-center The Kid Rasta :x
Like Patterson said you know racist whites are laughing this up. This is a shame they are making mexicans & blacks of L.A. look like the laughing stock of los angeles..shame. And the one thing that get me, just like with the jen six when black people strike back against racism our way when no one aint doing shit we get the harsher punishment. Whites Asians Now Mexicans has showed the most racism towards blacks damn who is next to jump on that band wagon, I mean we are looking like the most hated race on the face of the earth, what is up with this shit? What is it that we seem to face racism from the most amount of other races?
I'll never figure that out. On a side note, scientific facts prove that the oldest human DNA known to man/woman comes from Africa.
Living in LA, I'm actually more cautious approaching Latino/Hispanic/Spanish women than I am the WW. Never thought I would be saying this 10 years ago.
Its like monkey see monkey do out there in CA. I know here in FL, the mexicans are not a threat, infact most of the ones I have encountered have been rather friendly. Furthermore, FL isn't big on gangs like CA, most states aren't. Most of the asians here, are philiipino, and are also pretty decent people, but there will all ways be exceptions of course. The racial tensions in CA, between blacks and latinos seems to stem from gang relations and the fact that both groups come are from lower socio- economic communities. Not to mention the language barrier and cultural differences. Put all those things together and its a recipe for disaster, hence the racial tension and hate crimes going on out there.
The whites in suburbia ain't laffing at shit..not any more.. THEY'RE BEING REPLACED IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TOO But The mexikkkans aren't killing them..they love whites and the thought of being white..just look at their TV shows.. They think they can hate their way into acceptance like the Irish..Jews..and Italian immigrants..AND THEY'RE RIGHT Soon They will be considered white too..just like the Italians and Jews..who were NOT considered white until Blacks moved in from the South.. Even the Irish were NOT CONSIDERED AS WHITE..they were called THE NIGGERS OF EUROPE..and an ALBINO ABERRATION This is all done to offset EXPLODING Black birth rates.. Quiet as it's kept The Black population is EXPLODING
I live in L.A., and I can tell you the hate between blacks and latinos here is very real. I really don't know where it comes from, but I get discriminated against much more from hispanics than from any white person I've dealt with here, and I've lived here 13 years now. They don't hide it either.
Hmmm, mexicans being accepted as white, that will never happen, unless they look white, b/c there are white blond/blue eyed mexicans same with cubans. Asians have a better chance at being accepted as white over mexicans. Blacks/latinos Asian/whites are usually grouped together by racist, b/c of the mythical precieved gap in intelligence between these groups. Even the most racist foaming at the mouths whites, sometimes see asians as their equals and often use them as tools to further their racist agendas. I haven't seen that type of acceptence with any other minority group, and its b/c of the fascination with race and IQs. We saw the results of this fascination just recently, with the nobel prize winning scientist who came out and stated, "eurpeans aka whites are more intelligent than africans aka blacks". I don't know what is going on out in Cali, b/c I don't live there, I can only speak on where I live, which is in FL. California, is basically a state that is on the outskirts from mainstream America, you can see that in their politics and just the overall lifestyle and progessive differences vs the rest of US. Here mexicans and other latinos are not accepted, are often precieved as illegals and are certainly not invading white suburban Whites down here also hate the spanish language with a passion, you'll always here them complaining about that. The thing is, a lot of whites (mostly conservatives) feel like their lively hood and culture is at stake with the influx of mexican illegal and legal immigrants. If you don't believe me, just check out most of the far right and conservative websites. Furthermore, why is it that you only see white men on the border patrol, and don't even get me started on the racist minute men organization. Which is basically a group of all white men and women who patrol the border to keep mexicans out, but they aren't being paid for their services, they do it b/c of their pro white agenda.