Lolz yes I'm sure he's still on his best behaviour And fanny, obviously he wasn't a complete prick 24/7, that just really kicked in once I popped out the kids. Obviously you don't go into a marriage with a flippant attitude and will try to make it work....there were vows and a commitment made.
Shes seen far worst and shes still here lol Im a joy to be around got dammit lol. Glad to see the truce is over. smh
A lpt of American stars do shit like that. Brittney Spears wanted to date Prince William. Dude shut that down quick
If she were that much of an attention whore wouldn't she have had a kid before other people so the attention would be on her. This simply could be an accident and she's keeping it. It happens far more than planned pregnancies. She's also 32 and may not want to wait anymore. Her best child rearing days are behind her so she might just want to start popping out kids now.
Yes, ideally the 20s are the BEST time to have kids, but with medical advances and genetics(her mom had kids late in life) she could have waited til her divorce was at least close to being settled. She has proven herself to be an attention whore and has carried a torch for reggie for a long time, so it would not surprise me if she decided after his confirmation of a baby and an engagement that she decided to get pregnant too. Also, I could honestly care less about her being married to one dude and pregnant by another guy, we all make choices. But I do it ironic that she is being praised on here while if it were an ordinary woman, she would be deemed a whore. I hope for the child's sake that they are both mature enough to be involved parents. All kids deserve that
If that was directed at me, then say so. BTW a conspiracy theory is about something important IE the Kennedy assassination or if FDR enticed Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor. Something that could be solved on the Maury show hardly qualifies as a conspiracy theory.
Kris Humphries wanted her to move to Minnesota. Then she realized he was too light for her. :smt005 Just because a particular relationship fails doesn't mean Kim K has a pathological defect in her love life.
A lot of women would choose being an attention whore and have the kind of money Kim K has especially in these trying times. For a supposedly dumb chick people sure do show a lot of interest in her and KNOW quite a lot about her life. There are so many things to do to avoid reading about her or watching her but people still do watch her despite the hate and she knows that. I respect her hustle.
1. If they are shallow 2. Fair enough Agreed that some of it can be avoided, but it is hard to avoid "breaking news" LOL.
I wonder when the masses will realize that by uttering her name or recognizing her in the media at all will only give out free publicity and perhaps more money in her pocket. The best way to diminish the massive entity is to simply not talk about it.