Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries engaged.

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Esoterik Dreadz, May 25, 2011.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Seriously, that guy does not look like a brother.
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Andrae it's called irrational female jealousy and it knows no logic or racial barriers. If you're not kissing some fat chick's ass there's something wrong with you. Kim K could be the Bionic Fucking Woman and still be fine as hell. I don't give a fuck if she's got a radar dish in her ass cheeks. LOL @ Kuno doing extensive internet research to find old pics of Kim K pre-op and arguing mofos down. Don't nobody give a good goddamn, give it a rest.

    Her "talent" is staying in the public eye and maximizing opportunities. Where's your reality show/fragrance/clothing store/calendar/book deal/Sketchers line, Kuno? I didn't think so.

    Love ya girl, but find somebody else to fixate on.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    By George I think he got it.

    We're suppose to want "real" women when most girls wear heels get their hair and nails done and wear makeup. This forum is damn entertaining lol
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    This is the only country crazy enough to consider him Black.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    LOL octoroon negroes can be black on demand, but if I read a book or can write a sentence I'm "trying to be white"

    Gotta love it
  6. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    In the universe of this forum, Garcia from Criminal Minds is hotter than Kim K.
  7. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    She doesn't ONLY date black athletes. She dated Nick Lachey who is a white guy.

    Funny on an interracial website someone said that she's a slut because she's white and only dates black guys.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're kidding me, right? Extensive Internet research? Lmao. [​IMG] I don't have to, because everywhere you turn the botox addict is there in our faces. I could be listening to my favorite sports radio station and they'll talk about how dumpy Kim K's ass is, just after I had to see her tight drum mug during an Eagles/ Dallas or Saints game. I can't escape her. No one can. Kris is cranking out the publicity machine full-throttle, good or bad.

    As for 'lines" that Kim does, how convenient you don't include the PORN tape and NUDE pic layout. I wouldn't want Kim's life in a second for that trade off. Have my mother and father see me with a DICK shoved down my throat, and my vagina stuffed with cum - are you effin kidding me?? Given all the breaks Kim has had in life, she STILL had to go there.

    FYI Karma, there are THOUSANDS of women everyday in this country who advertise sneakers/are in calenders/on TV etc, but they don't call the paparazzi every time they shop, or shove "look how amazing I am in endorsing" down our throats.

    How typical of you to decide "its illogical female jealousy", yet in the same breath say you'd hump her if she had a plastic vagina. Why of course your judgment is much more sound. :rolleyes:
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Don't you get your hair done at the barber? Clip your nails? Wear nice shoes/sneaks? You know, since you're implying that what almost every single women in the Western World does is akin to fakeness, as opposed to actually acknowledging that botox/breasts implants/ass implants/injections/lippo is the 'real" fakeness.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't wear shoes to appear taller like women do. I don't wear fake nails to make my nails appear longer nor do I wear extensions to make my hair appear longer nor do I wear make up to cover up blemishes and make my face look like something it's not.

  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Kim K is working the botox, but I think she's admitted it. Not sure.
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Half the young bitches in modern-day America have taped themselves getting fucked, cum in their face, titties hanging out, etc., their shit is all on the Internet, Facebook (check the hot white women real-life edition thread, I'll wait). More than half have got multiple kids by these losers and are overweight and on food stamps and I'm supposed to think they're catches.

    Meanwhile I'm supposed to hate on Kim K for making a "sex tape" with ONE GUY, having a bangin' body (surgery or no), working out everyday, looking good in a dress, never leaving the house looking sloppy, being soft-spoken, selective about her men, no kids, and driving a goddamn Bentley.

    Got it.

    Your signal's breaking up Kuno.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I love hearing how women don't look like the video chicks or the women on magazines. It's all professionally airbrushed but they refuse to acknowledge there are ALOT of gorgeous ww who do look like a chick you'd catch a sitcom or in a movie but I guess we should aim low and look for "real" women lol
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I don't know who you are talking to about sex tapes - so speak for yourself!

    And who here is asking you to hate her. The argument is she a FRAUD and HAS NO TALENT. And y'all who are kissing her plastic-ass want to act like she does! The hoe cant even get her porno act right.
    Look at her asking Hugh all innocent for the camera.."Will I have to take my top off? Because I just did a porno (and I just got some incestuous pics I took with my sister and her boyfriend shut down by the FBI cause we were underage)"
    Hugh: "yes"
    Kim "Ok" :D

    Real victim there, Karma, lol.

    Kim is often photo'd looking a hot mess in her sweaty spandex, who are you foolin? Look at you using "NEVER", lmao. And another lmao at you saying she's selective about men. Wha? The desperado is about to marry a dude she's barely known for 6mths, you know, so she can catch up to Khloe. Funny how she just happen to have People mag there to photo the proposal. Like I said...a publicity machine on crack.

    Kim soft spoken? Man you are a sucker for her personna she kicks to you huh? Ever read the nasty emails she wrote to Hailey Duff? Guess you didn't hear the screaming voice mail she left ray J, lol.

    Who is asking you to want welfare baby mommas? *blink* Spare me the sexy facebook pic comparisons to a PORNO and Playboy. Ur funny. Earth to gettin that signal?
    Last edited: May 27, 2011
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Women don't wear them to be taller - men do that (sorry Prince). We wear them to make our legs look sexier. I also doubt if/whenever we wear them to bed it's to be taller than out man.

    I don't wear fake nails. Or fake hair extensions. Neither does my sister, mom, or best friend. We will wear some makeup to enhance our features, but people know this, they can see it for themselves. (unlike you and body parts). I remove the make-up, some days I don't wear it all, but 'll gladly tell them if its Mac#5. Get the diff?
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    For Kim K to be such a talentless "fraud" you sure know a lot about her, all up in her e-mail and voicemails :smt005

    LOL the signal I'm getting is "hater" pure and simple.

    And haters keep Kim K in business.

    So congrats for contributing, in your own small way, to her (ample and succulent) bottom line. You talking shit about her is part of her business plan.

    Dr. Karma stands by his diagnosis of "irrational female jealousy."

    Can you hear me now? LOL

  17. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Why do people choose to measure success in such a narrow way? Talent isn't only about having a special ability, it's also a measure of your capacity to succeed. Any endeavor that you pursue and advance in means that you have talent. Having the insight to know what the public wants and marketing yourself are talents. The decision to have plastic surgery, keeping yourself in the public eye and other strategic decisions surrounding making yourself a "brand" is a talent.

    Artists back in the day weren't considered talented unless they could sing or play musical instruments. Many artists of the time thought Rap wouldn't be successful because the didn't see talent in syncopated delivery of lyrics with borrowed tracks. But Rap quickly emerged from an underground form of expression into today's music form that has created mega millionaires.

    High school and college professors that prepare the doctors, business people and presidents of tomorrow receive relatives insignificant pay for there talents. On the other hand, a talk show host like Oprah has become the queen of an empire valued at 3 billion dollars and rising.

    Whether you are rapper, a talk show host or someone who's gained fame by taking advantage of limited celebrity to become a brand, you have talent. All of these folk are entertainers and the public decides that they enjoy what they do enough to put them in demand. This demand drives their ability to make enormous sums of money through endorsements and other deals beyond what brought them their initial success. Business people and corporations approach them because they understand the profit potential of associating their products and services with people adored by the public Most entertainers have management teams behind that help them to maximize their potential.

    In the end, talent is whatever enough people are attracted to, and can be translated into a benefit for the person who has that attraction. IMO, it's a sad reality, but society has created these entertainers, their fame and their fortunes. It's only when enough people stop having an interest in these entertainers that the trend will fade. Yeah right...
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm still on the EARTH to Karm I said, everywhere I go, Kim is there. Her emails were published online by Hailey and so was the V/M by TMZ. When its not her, it's Khloe, or Kris. Holy Jesus.

    So tell me how we knew Kim got engaged. Did we go to her twitter? Nope. It was splashed all over the internet. Turned on the news, there is was a blurb shoved in-between the REAL news. When I go to the supermarket, its gonna be front cover on the racks as I'm stuck in line. I know about Kim because everyfuckigbody knows about the ho, good or bad, whether we like it or not.
    So yeah, she's a success there (I dislike her)..except I have never spent one dime on anything the broad hawks. Ain't about to start, either. Now why don't you run along and buy her perfume for your girl, and her porno for yourself...she wants you to. :p
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Nice try but I'm not invested. I don't have cable. I don't go to gossip sites unless they're linked from here. I don't like TMZ so I don't watch. All I know about the chick is she takes hot-ass photos. She comes on talk shows looking hot. And she dates (mostly) black athletes. I was at the airport once and bought ONE magazine because of her, couldn't resist, super-yummy, look at that body:


    But you know the old saying, if you're looking for'll find it. Sounds to me like you're looking :D

    Dr. Karma's diagnosis still stands.

    And it is, indeed, all about me.

  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Arrgh, see what I mean Karm, lol! I can't escape her! Now I have to see her photoshopped mug/body here. Did I post her pics except to clown her in the other KK thread? Nooo. You wanna torture me.

    No but on a serious tip, I was just browsing a media site and she's the top story (see what I mean - I wasn't looking, ho was just there). They have her on blast (I ain't the only one calling her ass out)...saying it a pub stunt because her 'star' is fading and she wanted to be back on the mag covers. In '09 they printed photos of her wearing the identical "engagement" ring she alluded Reggie had given her then and the press went wild. Well it's back. (hmm Ring-gate anyone?? <---that's for Andreboba, lol :rolleyes: )
    Keep in mind Kris Humphries said the ring cost 2 mill, yet he only made 3 mill last year. LOL.

    I give up. But hey, you keep frapping to her mag cover that YOU BOUGHT, lol. [​IMG]

    ps: one for the road....
    :smt039 v v

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