UPDATE:: NE Pats footballer who claims he had a 5 month relationship w/ Kim K admitted their 'relationship' was through text messages only(!!) and the physical part was his claim that Kim was touching herself when they texted each other!!! That Negro is both bitch-CRAZY and a LOSER.:smt026
Excuse me?? I'm not going into explicit detail here, but douching - or enema, which is what I should have said - are a must before any anal play.:butthead: If it smells like sanitation, there will be no penetration!!:smt030
Kim is always saying she wants babies and to be married. Why would she blow it by sextexting this dude when he FINALLY snagged a man?
Priceless! Am printing this out. Btw,ladies take heed. We men don't need or want a deep philosopher/earth mother/Mother Teresa. Hell no! If its hot we'd like to wet the wiener-its that simple. If she's a known freak even better. Notice brainpower and/or morals don't feature in this equation.
it is out that dude never met KIM. she is about to sue the shit out of him. he admitted never meeting her. http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2..._comes_clean_i_never_met_kim_but_we_sext.html http://perezhilton.com/2011-06-13-kim-kardashian-ready-to-sue-bret-lockett http://perezhilton.com/2011-06-11-brett-lockett-appears-on-showbiz-tonight