Killed By A Cop In His Own Home

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    'Media' is a broad term.
    How does marijuana found in his apartment mean she can't be convicted??
    This brotha was a straight arrow, bow tie accountant. It's going to be really hard to paint him as some street dude who was menacing the community.

    Dallas authorities know what's up.

    If this chick gets off, they risk having Rodney King level violence in DFW.

    I bet none of us have ever heard of a case before where an off duty cop walked into a stranger's crib and just SMOKED them. Shit like that just doesn't happen. Except in the movies.

    The bitch doesn't even have a good motive except to say she thought it was her apartment. Ain't nobody buying that.
    I hope they did a toxicology on her crazy ass. She sounds like she was poppin' pills before all this shit went down.

    Remember, allegedly there are witnesses who lived on the same apartment floor who heard this sick cop screaming, 'open up the door!'

    That doesn't sound by any means accidental.

    This was either an intentional shooting, or chick was high on something.

    This bitch can't even make up some shit like he resisted arrest. Resisted arrest for what??

    That's why I say the odds are extremely high she's going to prison.

    What bothers me most is I've read online more and more White supremacists have deliberately infiltrated police departments across the county. You know they got some in the DPD.

    The problem is this case is so stupid and nonsensical that there's very little spin to advantage the guilty police officer.
  2. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Okay, new theory being floated, and this actually makes sense.


    Sounds like a much more credible explanation of what happened here that her being a jilted love or her being "really tired" after a long shift.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is there a difference? Honestly I wouldn't know just seems like a cultural thing. They still go one about the war of Northern aggression down there
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    going to his door to complain of noise or former lovers?? much more credible than I thought it was my apt excuse.
    But Thursday 10 pm at night, a young clean cut working professional who gotta get up early in d morning blasting loud music in his crib, hmm i am not sure bout that.....
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Inside his apartment after the shooting. Proof he seemed interrupted.
    • Informative Informative x 1
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  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Naw. No difference. Just the governor of the south and one half-nation under the Confederate flag.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Shawn King. Here we go.

    If Shawn's theory of him "blaring his music" is true and she allegedly "complained before", he would have been addressed about it.

    I doubt he'd then flout that.

    I also doubt he'd blare music at 11pm on a weeknight in an upscale complex, (unless he was an asshole). Guys his age almost exclusively use headphones. I just don't see him to be that kind of guy to blare his music like that.

    And if it went down like that, it would have been a better defense for her - aka, she went to tell him to turn it down and he got indignant and shoved her, blah blah.

    No other neighbor witness is saying he had his music blaring. Shawn should report facts with his platform, rather than gossip theories.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Search warrant reveals Guyger tried to use a set of KEYS to get into the wrong apartment then shot Jean after they 'exchanged words' at the door...

      • Amber Guyger got to apartment 1478 last Thursday and tried to unlock the door with keys, the search warrant says
      • Botham Jean confronted her at the door and neighbors heard them exchange words
      • Seconds later, two shots were fired from Guyger's service weapon and Jean was shot in the chest
      • In her arrest affidavit, police said Guyger claimed she found the door ajar
      • They said she found Jean standing on the other side of a dark room
      • They claimed he 'ignored' her verbal commands and she thought he was an intruder so she shot him
    This is her official arrest affidavit/statement taken by Texas Rangers:

    'Guyger walked down the fourth floor hallway to what she thought was her apartment.
    She inserted a unique door key, with an electronic chip, into the door key hole. The door, which was slightly ajar prior to the Guyger's arrival, fully opened under the force of the key insertion.

    'Upon the door being opened, Guyger observed that the apartment's interior was nearly completely dark. Additionally, the door being opened alerted Complainant Jean to Guyger's presence.

    'Believing she had encountered a burglar, which was described as a large silhouette, across the room in her apartment; Guyger drew her firearm, gave verbal commands that were ignored by Complainant Jean.

    'As a result, Guyger fired her handgun two times striking the Complainant one time in the torso. Guyger then entered the apartment and immediately called 911. requesting Police and EMS, and provided first aid to Complainant Jean."

    This is her defense unless she changes it.

  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Your missing one thing with all of this.


    How many times has a jury let cops walk.
  10. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Just because she'd complained about him and went to confront him doesn't mean that he's actually in the wrong.

    Nuisance complaints from neighbors aren't necessarily valid.

    Some people look for excuses to start shit with the folks that they live next to.

    I had an issue with a neighbor who repeatedly reported me to the HOA in the townhouse complex that I lived in for things that had nothing to do with me.

    ...and here's a video of how the locks work in that apartment complex. They're electric. There's no way in hell that she could have believed that she was at her apartment after the keys failed to work. Nor is it possible that the door could have been left ajar because the doors are self-shutting.

    Like I said, a confrontation between the two over some preexisting issue is more believable than any of the versions of events that she's provided or what people have been speculating about.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  11. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    ...or bench trial where available.

    Judges are even more likely to let cops off.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, doors like that in complexes
    are "self-shutting". However ever been to a hotel? You have to push them closed. They don't slam shut like mall or school exit doors. I would think that's how these worked.

    We really don't know what happened except it's her word against a dead man's, against ear-witnesses, against evidence. It's going to be a strange trial if she doesn't plead guilty. Really surprised there are no CCTV's there.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    The video shows that they are self shutting. In my old barracks, I had similar doors with ID card activated locks. The only way for it to be ajar if you literally set it like that to where there would be no room for the door to pick up enough force to shut itself. Basically, you would have to go out of your way to make it ajar like a kid leaving it like that to sneak out the house later. Like with my barracks, the only way I could see the door staying ajar while letting the door close on it's own is if there was a breeze through the hallway since it's out in the open. I dont know about northern texas, but in Hawaii, we had pretty strong breezes come through, especially on the upper floors so sometimes letting the door go would leave it ajar. If it's anything like central texas, there ain't too many strong breezes rolling through.

    And going back to your point about him listening to his headphones, that would make sense. I do the same thing all the time since I have roommates and come back late from the gym so he may have been wearing his headphones while walking to his apartment and didnt hear the door not fully close. It's happened to me before. This is all assuming his door was actually ajar.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And she's a white female cop at that. Optics matter A LOT. They're gonna paint the picture what would you do if you came home and found the door ajar to see some menacing man who wouldn't follow verbal commands. You're a small woman and thank God you have a gun. You'd use your second amendment right to stand your ground and protect yourself. How could she possibly know it was the wrong apartment it was late and he didn't comply to her commands.

    If her lawyer keeps using words like comply second amendment right small woman big menacing man (can't say black so have to use menacing) not a single jury in this country would rule against that cop.
    They will completely ignore the fact it was not her apartment and this man was an upstanding citizen minding his own business in his home. Its purely about perception not facts especially in the south.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Dallas is a liberal (southern) city. On par with Atlanta or East Orange, NJ.
    Of course a lot of what you say is true, the problem is this was a horrible shoot. No justification for it at all.

    Texas just convicted a former White police officer for murder after he shot into a car carrying several Black teenagers, killing a 15 year old.

    If the prosecution can discredit her account that she entered an open apartment door, there are witness accounts of the officer yelling, "Let me in!!," she's really done.

    This isn't a second amendment case, she's a police officer. She'll legally entitled to carry a gun at all times.

    Again, a shoot like this I would bet has never happened anywhere in the country. As a cop you just can't enter someone's home without a warrant and start giving them orders and then shooting them when they don't comply.

    I really hope they get her toxicology report because she sounds to me like she was high.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The only reason the other officer got convicted was because the other officers didn't cosign his bullshit story. With this case they are breaking their necks to help this woman why else would they get a search warrent to search the home of the victim. They are looking for any and everything to discredit this poor guy. If public perception is he was a throw away it doesn't matter what the facts are it matters what the jury or judge feels is true
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    This case is the worse of it's kind. It seriously doesn't matter if the guy was smoking rocks, he was in his home, there was no warrant, he didn't get charged with anything. No court, no trial, no criminal record.

    Unless the guy was a fugitive or had dead bodies in his home, she needs to go to a state prison until she's too old to reproduce. Anything else is unsatisfactory.

    As I said a while back, people just can't let go of their hatred and need for violence, so let's stop pretending it's going away. Bring back the Roman colosseum, put this animal in there with a contender and let them shoot it out.

    It would make for a more balanced society. Kill each other without interrupting the lives of those that have better things to do.
  18. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed, and I'm thinking her defense will push the fact that she had just completed a 16-hour shift.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Witnesses on the apartment floor are going to make or break this case, although they shouldn't be needed.

    If you're too clueless not to realize you aren't at the right apartment, you shouldn't be a police officer.
    I mean, was she delirious?? She couldn't look up at the number and realize she wasn't at her own door??

    I promise you that dude said to her before he was shot, " What are you doing?? I LIVE here."
    Like I said, I think most of her story is one big lie. IMO she told him to open up the door and that she was a cop and that's exactly what she did.

    Surveillance cams would really help determine if she really did go to the wrong apartment by mistake, or, did she go to her own apartment first before heading downstairs to his place to confront him over something else.

    Witnesses never should have heard someone say," Open up!" if the door was already ajar.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Honestly, she should be charged with breaking and entering as well. One of my professors was an attorney in Texas and his client went over to his wife's hotel where she was with their son and the guy she was cheating with. The father knocks on the hotel door, wife opens the door, father sees his son, the wife tries to close the door, the father puts his foot out and in the room to keep it from closing so hes technically in the room, but the wife ends up closing the door on him still. Father gets charged with burglary.

    Of course they would have to prove intent, but if they could do that with Amber Guyger, it could be upgraded to murder since Botham died during the commission of a felony.....wont happen though.

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