Can you tell me why he refused from the start to resist the cops? Are they supposed to just walk away? He would not let them handcuff him. When a man takes two tazers hits and still kicks at cops and wont follow orders, what exactly did you expect them to do. Was he on some angel dust?
Cops are afforded latitude or leeway while performing their duties. Attaining a "Big Gulp" is not one of their duties. In addition, he was out of line for not informing the youth of his badge number (I would like to add that giving the badge number is a department policy and not a nationwide policy). So, he is wrong on two counts. I don't hate the police and have plenty of friends who are police officers. However, there are SHIT BAGS everywhere. Some are roided up, others are fat donut eating big gulp drinking types (They exist in The Military, as well as in an office. Hell, I've known accountants who are still waiting to sit for their CPA and or CMA exam that are a hell of a lot more proficient than those who have already tested). He was in the wrong, the kid was in the right. I commend the young man.
Parking a motorcycle on a sidewalk isn't police privilege, that's motorcycle privilege. I do that shit allllllllll the time.
This is a difficult situation to be in. I've been in this situation before and it's hard to decide on what to do. It seems as though they called for back up, not necessarily to attain assistance, but to attain witnesses to confirm that he was resisting arrest. I feel that they were rather excessive, however, they can't both wrestle him to the ground otherwise they are both vulnerable to attack. It's a difficult situation, and what it comes down to is the example that the authorities want to make. Sometimes the example is to not use excessive force, other times it is to not resist arrest. I can put myself in the shoes of the police officers, but I couldn't put myself in the shoes of the man because I haven't actually ever been a drug dealer nor have I been involved in a domestic disturbance. I can only assume the drugs made the situation worse.
Not to 'jack this thread, but those big mofos look like pussies not being able to handcuff that suspect without backup. Two bouncers could get that dude handcuffed behind his back no problem. Those cops acted like they were half afraid of his ass and were too stupid to cuff one wrist, roll the perp on his stomach, sit on his back/but and cuff the other wrist. More than police brutality, those cops looked incompetent. The suspect was probably high but he wasn't really all that violent or fighting back. Shit like that is why cops get called pigs. If that perp had been as big as they were, the probably would've drawn on him and shot him up.smh
I seen another vid like that where the cops were in the street beating a guy for days the guy was black as usual and the senseless beating was recorded by their cruiser w/ audio
in related news....cops awarded the medal of valor for defending the business district from a possible dangerous villian last week. the act of valor was caught on camera from the police's cruiser. lets give the police officers a hand. Coming up next on the 6:00 o clock news See how that socialist president who was born in kenya is destroying the country. and See how the great patriots of america like Rush Limbaugh, Sean hannity and Neal Bortz spend their day educating the hard working americans about true republican morals.
evidently :smt043 seriously tho..without cops...crime would be rampant you can't have faith in the people to do what's right without the fear of persecution for doing wrong you can argue self-defense and handling your own problems, but face it..not everyone is in the position to do so