At last Khloe had found her box of chocolates. I wonder how long is she going to date the bro from Carolina?
"Go to hell Carolina, go to hell" is a Duke thing that State kinda bit. I'm a Blue Devil (Class of 87) and former football player there. I'm in Chapel Hill all the time, and "Retard ME Can'ts" (our name for him) was/is a piece of work, for sure. No one on his team liked wife and I saw him eating breakfast at Breadman's on a Sunday morning ALONE. You NEVER see UNC basketball players alone; they usually will have a teammate or two with them at all times, but he was alone.
Okay that maybe true but obviously it looks like Khloe is doing least for now anyway!;-) Plus I'm from NC myself & went to UNC for summer school back in the day & CAROLINA IS STILL THE RAGE back home my friend!:smt029 GO HEELS!!!
I'm a State fan but,I don't hold it against Khloe dating Coach Williams' players. Hold your horses Toots,Coach K is not coming out to play til a few months.