“Tiger had been on and off with Kalika for a few months,” an insider tells Life & Style. Their last tryst was over the weekend of Oct. 23, when Tiger flew to Las Vegas to attend a friend’s bachelor party.” “That was the last time he got together with Kalika,” a friend tells Life & Style. “He was amazing in bed,” she told the same friend. Several sources tell Life & Style that Tiger wasn’t happy in his marriage and that there was so much pressure on him. “He liked getting away from it all.” Because of Kalika, Tiger ended up staying an extra night in Vegas. “He left a day later than he was supposed to so he could spend more time with her,” another source says. “She stayed over in his room at the MGM Grand.”
Tiger is a fool for this Im sorry. But both these women played him, If you going to have an affair, do it with somebody who at least is into you and not there for just the money & gifts. He got played by the woman he was having an affair with.