Ignore if you want. I'm on this site at least once a day. And I notice how many threads get posted about how people get all bent out of shape because someone black is dating someone white. Or a black kid shot a white kid. Or something black was different than something white. I'm not attacking the posters of these threads and I realize that race is a huge issue in America. But honestly these posts leave me scratching my head. On a website that is dedicated to WW and BM, I don't understand why these huge differences are constantly highlighted. Yes, it should be noticed that in the year 2012 people still hate people because of who they date or the color of their skin. And yes, those of us who support interracial relationships should continue to undo the mindless ignorance that keep the above statement true. But I really think it sad sometimes that even here the lines are still being drawn so clearly between people. I've said my peace and will shut up now.
A very good point, ali. Until we care about all people equally ourselves, how can we ask it of others. Every life is valuable. End of story. Thought this was going to be about Kim K. :smt069
I would have to agree. It seems of late a lot of this stuff has been in the media, so it certainly ignites an issue we all wish would be eliminated. It's only natural that this type of publicity would get aired out a lot on sites like this one.
I lurk alot and post a little, but I have noticed that there seems to be about 4-6 BM who seem way more interested (for someone who is on this site) in black politics or the politics of blackness than they are interested in WW and issues that pertain to being with one. To each his own but the need to do it on this venue raises many flags.
My theory on this is you have men who only see the words "Black Men" in the title of the forum and therefore see this site as a Black Men's only forum and then are actually shocked or even at times angry that White Women post and are a part of this forum.
Really?! :smt042 Didn't know things were that serious here. But anyways, my father always told me, you can't be black and be conservative at the same time. It just doesn't work. If you're like that, you have a problem with your skin, no ifs, ands or buts about it. This very concept is fundamental, not about politics. I'll be brief. One reason is probably because the economy is getting worse. Did you hear about the jobs report and the fact that about 350,000 people dropped out of the labor force and we have the lowest percentage of Americans in the labor force (about 63%) since 1981. The sociological impact on that is that there's more anger and unrest in society, and usually its directed towards minorities. That's a fact.
I've noticed and thought about that as well, but I also realize different folks have different mindsets and so if I think the subject is belaboring a point I just keep on rolling. For me the bottom line is this, I'm too freaking individualistic and self confident to even dignify human b.s. that those kind of posts generally highlight. I can't speak for anyone else but for myself its a case of "whoopty freakin doo" if some lout is soiling themselves because a black man is with a white woman, if it gives them a migraine then that is just too bad.
Sorry Ali, I come here to vent. My shirnk price is going up & up and who can afford a shrink couch twice a week in this economy, lol
It's all good. People should be disturbed by the social injustice that is still occurring. In my opinion it just isn't effective to keep highlighting how we are all so different because of such and such. It keeps people in a defensive mindset that keeps those old patterns of hate and destructive behaviors alive. If we focused on how we are all more alike and less different, a huge change in additude (read:heart) would come about instead.