Just a little about me

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by dossou, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. dossou

    dossou Member

    Kayy it seems you g and chee find I'm a living oddity or the embodiement of the word STRANGE.
    Kay I don't like digging to much in my privacy and this is not the place to air all this but kayy; I'll do it for it's very necessary: I'm just from two burrial of two beloved one members of my direct family in less -than- a one- month - span.
    So I hope the picture is clear for you - to bring more light in your brains for it was misty;that's the reason why I'm wtitting, posting and focusing on I.R it helps me since I love it.
    Kayy for you to know it's to keep on balancing within and not loose life track
    So excuse me if I don't fit in.
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Sorry to hear about your loss of two family members.

    And don't worry about "fitting in". We're all different.


    I wish I spoke French, cause I think it'd probably be easier to understand what you meant at times, if you were using the language you're most used to. I did actually start taking French-lessons, but quit very quickly, because I got pregnant and didn't really have the energy and concentration needed any more... I'll take it up again sometime in a not to distant future though...

    Keep on writing. OK?
  3. Effie

    Effie New Member

    Agreed, keep posting. No matter who you are, what you say, or how you mean it, someone will always have an issue with you. So don't let it bother you. Everyone's input is valuable and we all learn from each other. My two cents.
  4. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    As French is your first language, you might want to try this site. It translates French to English.


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