Just a crazy thought about WW/BM

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Tinkerbell, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I actually have type 1 albino first cousins. (you can verify this by my postings on mindkandys years ago). It bothers me when people start in with the black albinos argument. My normally pigmented aunt and uncle had 3 kids, the first was normally pigmented, the last two were type 1 albinos (no pigmentation at all, white hair with pink eyes). My albino cousin married a mexican man and had 2 kids, one of each.

    There are a few things that bother me about this thread. The first one being white people who try to re-interpret history to place white people into places they werent, like the origins of man in Africa. The second being the gratuitous use of albinism to try and explain how "white" people could be injected into places they were historicly, like the origins of man in Africa.

    Albinos of every ethnicity have always existed, but it has nothing to do with how black people migrated from Africa and became the seeds of all ethnicity.

    Whats so wrong with just accepting what science has proven? We are all Africans and black, it is just a matter of how far removed we are. It took thousands of years to develope different gene pools before there could even be any consideration of anything similiar to interracial intermixing. And then man had to develope travel before those isolated gene pools could even begin to intermix.
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I'm sorry this bothers you, I never meant to offend anyone with this!

    The statement about albino's was not meant to say that all white people are some sort of albino, I was stating that different colored people have been amongst all races and you can find that in history. As to "accepting" what science has proven, I don't think my theory disagrees with science at all, at least not with the research I've seen.

    You must agree if you think we are all descended from a black man and a black woman that they had the seeds of whiteness within them or how else could we be white.

    If you study genetics you find that there is a lot of variation, but never any completely foreign change. We don't see for instance that one type of animal who is bread a certain way suddenly change into a completely different type of animal. An animal from the horse family does not suddenly mutate into being a cat or something so different. (You know the theory of evolution. Which is not proven fact anyway!)

    I think science has proven the Bible once again, and I do not think that we are trying in anyway to "inject white people into places they weren't" by this theory. I think the Bible has been proven to show historically sound facts and it says that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden between the Rivers Euphrates and the Tigress. (Basically that's Africa or real close) It also says Noah landed on Mount Ararat, which I understand to be in Russia somewhere, I may be wrong on that. So by they time they ended up in Africa they could have been as many as 200 individuals.

    You see I'm not re-interpreting history here, I'm simply choosing which history book I believe.
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member


    Sorry Sat, I really don't get you're point, I'm just that naive, You'll have to "get English" for me.
  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Hey Sat, thanks for the rep man. Who'da thot?
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Ever since colonialism and white supremacy took hold in Africa, the white men have tried to make Africans out to be somewhat less than human. The fact that science and the genome projects have proven Africa to be the seed of all mankind was a huge blow to the theory of white supremacy.

    What is wrong with your theory is that you are now trying to discount that and to once again make white man (or in this case, white woman) the center and foremost. It is typical eurocentric bs.
  7. satyricon

    satyricon Guest


    You're giving a myth about two people being thrown together by your imaginary friend the same epistemological heft as the most plausible theory for explaining the origins of the universe? Are you really doing that?

    There is a super collider in Europe that you might want to pay a visit to.
  8. learnin2fly08

    learnin2fly08 New Member

    i know this is off topic, but that kid's face gets me :smt042
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I am not at all trying to discount any theory, I just stated an idea I had been thinking about. I also am not at all trying to put white woman "center and foremost" in any way. You are really over-reacting to an abstract idea that cannot be proven anymore than your theory.

    I am not a white supremacist, nor do I think black people are supreme, I think we were all with in the loins of Adam & Eve, then again of Noah and his clan. I personally do believe the Bible and I think it is a very plausable threory. I do not think anything in the research has shown any certain color of any ancestor, it has shown origin, and DNA, but as you very well know persons with very light skin could have the same basic DNA of a sibling with much darker skin.

    My full sister is a redhead and freckled, I am a burnette with fair skin and no freckles. She has dark brown eyes, I have honey-brown/almost green eyes. My own kids range from blond with blue eyes to olive tones with dark brown eyes. My daughter has 3 daughters, one is a red head, one is a blond, one is a brunette. There are huge variations within any race, and even within any family. So I still think it is a very possible theory, and I don't think you should take offense at it anymore than white men should get offended at being told they descended from a black man. I don't take offense. Sorry!
  10. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Oh, my dear sir, but that theory, the "big bang" that is, is also Biblical, I'm sure when God spoke, it was a very BIG BANG!! Once again science agrees with the Bible!
  11. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Please do not assign emotions to me. Until you brought up albinos, I was pretty uninterested. Now I just think you are conviently ignorant.
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    It's called dominant and recessive genes. Blue eyes and green eyes are considered recessive traits. Which means both of your parents have to give you that recessive gene for the gene to show up in your physical appearance. For example: my dad has blue eyes. My mom has hazel eyes. They had 5 children. 4 of the 5 have blue eyes - which means my mom has 1 hazel eyed gene and 1 blue eyed gene. And since hazel eyes are a dominant feature, you only need one gene for it to show up in your physical features. Your kids turned out looking very different from each other because of the genes both you and their father passed on to them. And with each child, they get a different mix of genes.

    Everyone is descended from Africans. The differences between our appearances occured over hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of years of genetic mutations, natural selection and adapting to the environment. Africans have dark-skin because they live near the equator. It's nature's way of protecting them from extreme sun exposure. Europeans have fairer skin because through genetic mutations, lighter skin came out and eventually "ruled out" in Europe where sun exposure is significantly less. There are many, many other reasons why blacks and whites look different today, that I won't go into. It has to do with genetic mutations and adaptations to the environment where they lived.

    Like someone else said, we're all Africans, just some of us are farther removed from that, than others.

    And while I grew up Catholic, and I still believe in God, I don't believe in Creationism. I believe (and have studied) Evolution. Evolution has been proven again and again. There's no denying it.
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lookin' at the pic- could possibly be mild form of Down syndrome: oblique eye fissures with epicanthic skin folds on the inner corner of the eyes, flat nasal bridge, a short neck, and round face.
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Parts of what you are writing is "common" knowledge in Africa. Science has proven that mankind started in Africa. The bible does not say Adam and Eve were white. So, the two theories put together: Adam and Eve were black.

    Also: God created man in his image: The first man was black. So: IF God has a colour, guess which one?

    I kind of agree with them BTW. God has no colour, but if he does, he's probably black. Certainly not white. The majority of people on this planet has various shades of brown.:D
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  15. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Any moron who believed in Adam and Eve would find themselves in pretty good company.

    As far as I know, every President of the United States past and present, current leaders of all major European nations, the most influential writers and artists in the modern western world and the founders of most major private institutions of higher learning in America, are Christians.

    Maybe when you attain a position of similar magnitude you can enlighten the masses and bring us all up to your level.
  16. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    No we musn't.


    Not because Caucasian people are more evolved than African descent, but because we as a species adapt to different environments.

    Being an African albino and being Caucasian have nothing to do with each other, and I don't know why people would even try and link them.
  17. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member


    I'm simply saying that neither you, nor I were here 5000 or 4 billion years ago to unequivocally say that either did or did not occur. Of course the theory of evolution makes logical sense, that's why it's so popular...But let's not forget that it is just a theory and not fact.

    I'm not saying that it's wrong, just that it may not be right. We put way too much faith into scientific "fact" when, in truth, science is just a hell of a lot of guess work. Let's not forget the historic precedents where "scientific facts" (the earth is flat, the earth is the center of the solar system) were argued by our greatest minds.
  18. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Every once in a while, I find another person that's sane. I have not seen the movie "I am Legend" with Will Smith. But, sometimes I feel "alone" in being one of the few people that understands what you wrote here. Scientists have been telling us that we are just one single race. But, the insanity of what we learned as kids (4 races, maybe more) is more comfortable than the reality of being just one single family.

    Think about it for a second: What scientists are telling us is that we are all Black-African underneath the skin, which means that we enslaved our own in this country, scalped our own children (the killing off of native Americans), and even gassed our own in Europe. That's pretty tough for people to take; that the BS that our parents and schools fed us was just that: BS.

    So, my question to you is how were you able to do what so many others could not (accept the truth)??? I try to think like a philosopher. So, I know how I was able to accept reality...I question everything.

    Do you do the same?

    You have to understand that even a quantum physicist that I know has a very hard time accepting his own scientific findings about this; cause he was raised to believe that we are all different. So, you see how difficult it is for the average person; someone of normal intelligence to begin to comprehend what you wrote (notice the very few responses you've received to your post).

    You call yourself "Fly-Girl." Well, based on your post, you are truly "Fly" and some years ahead of your time.

    But, how were you able to let go of the BS and see the truth?
  19. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I don't believe in the Adam and Eve thing, but your theory is cool! :D
  20. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Given that he does such a shitty job of taking care of his children, God must be black.

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