Jews are really powerful and succesful.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madiba, May 30, 2010.

  1. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    But Jews were succesfull before being classified white. And Jews live in other places apart from America.Its not a big deal knowing that Jews were not classified as white. I think you giving the idiot way too much credit. Sorry.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    The entitled class has considered Jewish people "other" for as long as there have been Jewish people. Read Merchant of Venice. That's where we get lines like "If you cut me, do I not bleed", which was the foundation of a lot of arguments against racial discrimination throughout history.

    And, as I said in my first post, the "success" of jewish people has always been overstated, because throughout history the entitled class has been jealous of any achievement whatsoever by jewish people. That "success" stereotype was used before WWII to start the genocide of jewish people by suggesting that they were so successful that they were making things harder for the non jewish Germans.
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    So you think Flame's an idiot, but you'll quote the blog of a racist?

    Say what you will about Flame, he's a far better read than the blogger.
  4. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Cant overstate Jewish success, look at the Nobel prizes and then look at their population.
  5. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Yes I think he is. The blogger may be racist, but for me the blogger actually got me thinking, what can we learn from the Jews? Which has started a healthy debate on the forum.
  6. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yes, of course you can.
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I was not giving a talk about race in the the united states at the point that you commented.

    You can trace people through dna to find out what race or ethnicity they belong with. This does not of course mean that one can be place in the wrong race or ethnicity. I have seen them trace people back to an ethnicity or race before so it does exist.

    This was a wrong thing to do since again just because you are in religion does not make you a race.

    I was speaking of actual dna not the social construct. I could literally find figure out what your race or races is by comparing your dna to another person.

    again there is a difference between social construct and actual dna. If I looked at Barack Obama's dna I could compare it to his dad and his mother and find both white and black. I understand this social construct but people still have to look at the truth. I can do it for Barack's kids. Even Michelle has admitted to being mixed. You can simply look through the dna and compare it to other dna to find who is what.

    I meant they are not still dwelling over it compared to events in isreal or troubles they are having now.

  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    When my grandparents (moms parents) came to America, their paperwork labels them as Hebrew as their race/ethnicity. I thought that was odd, but then it's not surprising.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I thought the word is latin dervative Venetian in nature, when Venice was constructing projects for the jews..

    Maybe IB can explain to us, is it a yiddish word?
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    For those who doubt jews abilty in maths and physics...I beleive Einstien was a jew....
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Obama is clearly 1/2 White. On the census, he is recorded as Black. Just about all measurements of race in this country are based on the census. Notice the problem of scientifically measuring race?

    Just because you are anything doesn't make you a race. Race is, and always has been, defined by White people according to who they wanted to exclude.

    And I find it shocking to suggest that Jewish people were "wrong" to do whatever they could to bring attention to their genocide. I compeletely reject such a notion.

    You can also estimate a person's ancestor's religion based upon dna. Actual dna can also tell you about a wide array of superficial genetic features that we don't lump into groups declared as "race".

    Race is only a social construct. You can determine who belongs to what group using science and the social rules of the group, but the definitions of race are not based in science.

    Looking at the truth requires understanding the facts. The facts are that race is based upon social heirarchy, not biological differences. Michelle can admit to being mixed, but she doesn't mark "mixed" on the census, and the census is the primary tool for measuring race in this country.

    That's not based in fact at all. All of the apologists for zionist violence use the Holocaust as an excuse, including those who are jewish.

    People invented race. If you look at DNA, the differences between race are barely there. You could just as easily divide people by our shape of head as our melanin content. And you can find similarities between Jewish people in many historic periods that would be just as measurable as similarities between, for instance, American Black people.

    The premise of Racist Blogger in the OP was that Jewish people succeed in part because they support each other. Which seems to contradict your theory that "it doesn't matter what religion you are, people will find ways to screw you over".
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You're right. I think we just adopted it cause of the way we were grouped together etc.

    The term "ghetto" actually comes from the word "ghetor"or "ghet", which means slag in Venetian, and was used in this sense in a reference to a foundry where slag was stored located on the same island as the area of Jewish confinement (the Venetian Ghetto).[2] An alternative etymology is from Italian borghetto, diminutive of borgo ‘borough’.[3]

    The term came into widespread use in Ghettos in occupied Europe 1939-1944 where the Jews were required to live prior to their transportation to concentration and death camps.
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Yep, this nigga aint no dummy, foshizle.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Major Jew!
  15. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    No one can ever doubt that!
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    If someone could help me out, I found out about a book years ago that talked about Jews from Norway all the way up to Yemen. One thing it said is that Jewish people share similar blood types with American Black folks.

    I hate that I can't expound on anything further. I wish I had the name of the book and was able to read it.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Got your Jews run the Media memo already.

    Just cause those casting agent jackasses were racist, don't peg all Jews as racist.

    Just like Black folks, a few bad apples tend to ruin it for the rest and you're branded whatever stereotype and whatever those idiots have done, it reflects you either directly or indirectly.
  19. chicity

    chicity New Member

    This is what I'm talking about when I say Jewish success can be overstated.

    Frequently, and throughout history, any successes by individual Jewish people have been exaggerated to justify hatred against them. It starts out sounding good "wow, there's a lot of successful jewish producers!", and the next thing you know, it's all about how the jews control all media and are responsible for every media wrong.

    Rupert Murdock isn't Jewish, but people keep trying to research his ancestry to prove his is. Why do we suppose that is?
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    what is he then? his Jewish origins has been a matter of controversy. Is his mother an Australian jew or not? his bio has been hidden well. I thought his mother is an orthodox jew and Rupert took name of his Jewish maternal grandfather...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010

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