That's really interesting that I've yet to encounter any, then. I know a lot of people studying dentistry and medicine (I dated a guy from Zimbabwe that was a dentistry student and got to meet a lot of his friends from his course) and honestly, the only group, ethnic or religious, that really stuck out were Muslims and Asians. I didn't meet one single Jewish person doing it but hey, I guess it's not really appropriate to make generalisations. Maybe the hundreds of others doing medicine at my university were all Jewish, who knows! I think as a Jew you can easily spot another Jew, just like Russians can spot Russians, Swedes can spot Swedes etc. But to me I still can't class the Jewish as a race, it's a religion. I have three Jewish friends, one is a ginger skinny little guy from Manchester, one is a beautiful blonde from France and one is a buff brown haired dude from London. My university is in the top ten in my country :smt102 that's got nothing to do with it.
Roslaind Franklin is a british jew who excelled in biomedical science. She has discovered the DNA b4 watson and crick solved the double helix, in fact they stole her idea. Ruskie-you're usually smart I am surprised you do not know their significant contribution to advanced medicine and science. The Indians just got into it maybe 50 years ago.
I didn't say I didn't know of their contribution, or doubted their involvement in medicine etc. I just said that I don't know very many Jews in medicine or dentistry. I just spoke from personal experience. My mistake for making it seem like a generalisation, it wasn't.
mostly you can tell by facial features but they do a lot of mixing therfore name is the easiest way to identify
*yawn* that's because engineering isn't the only field which requires some level of intelligence. but of course, with your *yawn* astronomical IQ, you already know this. sadly intelligence does not impart wisdom
Pritzker school of medicine- was ranked number one in the country multiple times Pritzker school of Business Pritzker school of law-where Obama taught Guess who found it? Pritzker, a jewish family Northwestern another high caliber school Kellogg School of Management, Medicine, dentistry-guess who found it?
I understand this and never questioned it. Like I said, I talked about people I met and my experiences so far of people studying dentistry and medicine in England. My mistake for doing so.
lol. As people have already mentioned, jews over populate "elite" engineering universities. Of course i didnt attend no IVY league shit, so i cant remark on the percentage of jews at those schools...i can however talk from personal observation. So youre saying Jews truly have the highest IQ's..??
we're just getting out of a bucket of slavery and a side of century-lasting oppression give us a few centuries and you're going to see more schools and colleges founded by us. I can see it now..... The Hakeem Jones School of Advanced Medicine
No biggie, ruskie. I know you're pretty intelligent. I will ask a distant relative of mine, who has attended Oxford in UK a while back, about student body in high caliber UK schools. I am pretty sure jews are very well represented in Oxford and Cambridge.
you're smart enough NOT to put words into my mouth My family wanted me to attend Princeton, but now that I got a taste of Ivy here in Pa, I'm glad I didn't. I didn't grow up with a lot of money and arrogance, you know.
Officer, no offense but blks folks are not a force to be reckon with for that kind of status. Like Madiba said a lot of high caliber blacks help other race other than their own. I have witnessed and experienced this shit 1st hand. They easily give a hand to whites, indians, asians in high academics, corporation etc... but when it comes to their own usually not that helpful. I will say the Indians will dominate America b4 blks will.
Oh Russia, please forgive me if I sounded like I came off in attack mode. I'm just speaking as a Jew that's all. It's funny that my moms old bosses were both Jewish Russian About your friends or other Jews, there are many Jews who don't look it and it also depends on your ethnic background and whatever mixing is involved, cause some of my cousins don't look it, yet with my Asian Minor and European background, I look it (although I heard I look other things too)....
Nowadays the name thing is getting harder. I know back in the day, my father wanted to change our last name and my uncle's family changed theirs.
who the fuck cares about high IQ? I know mensa members who beg in grant park or who hang around at venice beach like a bum. IQ does not mean shit... it is what you do with it that matters. So some joe schimo has IQ of 160 in gifted range, etc.. what is that mean? nutin, it means zipiddy doda.
Jews are not an actual race, however just like the zulus and xhosa in south africa, or the Mulubas in the congo, they are many specific ethnicitities within the jewish religion (people). For example in the Middle east and north africa you will find the "mizrahi" . In spain you will find the sephardi and in germany obviously the ashkenazi ,who are of polish, russian, and other eastern earopean nations (ie caucasian) But still, looking at the bigger picture fousing mainly on "judaism" religiously, anybody(and their mama) can convert to judaism. However, I will remark on their success, especially with business, law and social sceince.....and since both business men and lawyers employ their communication skills to persuade people(usually with half lies/truths) id wager that most of them cheated on their ambitious journey towards success/powership. So for example, if you were to have a competition, similar to "survivor" on which contestants were arranged racially, chances are a constestant from the jewish group would come out on top. Why? because they are sneaky like that. In fact, i think a study should be made on the percentage of survivors winners that have been Its also remarkable that 1 of 5 nobel prize laureates are jews despite the fact that jews are literally less than 3% of the human population, but then again, jews probably run the whole nobel prize bullshit, the same way they run hollywood- and the oscars (i think most oscar winners have been jewish- but m not sure).....its crazy. so why do they have so much power??..sneakiness + intelligence + team players
lol... think BMJ takes a Queensbridge Projects-type 'L' in this one as for educated blacks not helping out their own, I agree that does take place to a certain degree. It's pretty sad too. I don't have a problem with helping non-blacks, but by that same token, I have no problems helping out other blacks. If we did have one major flaw, it was that we have like zero sense of brotherhood.
whatever you attribute their power too, does not matter. THEY ARE WINNERS OF SOCIETY! The end does not justify the means.....Did you ever think why Israel a country of 7 mill pop feared by hundreds of millions of folks in the gulf and many neighboring countries?
Sephardics and Mizrahis are lumped together and attend the Sephardic temple. My mother is Sephardic and that's how I identify, culturally and religiously. The Sephardic lineage comes from the expulsion of the Jews in 1492 and they migrated elsewhere, but kept some of the same customs and language.