Jeremiah Wright

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sneakeedyck, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    Jeremiah Wright is one of the reasons black people cannot get ahead. Those firey speeches are only masterbatory and divisive. Saying We are victims instead of how can we advance. Yes things are not perfect but that does not mean you are owed anything and definitely does not mean you will get it. Hard work and having good morals will get you further than talking about I hate white people. Farrakhan and others exploit poor blacks to their own demise. No one is going to hold your hand you must get it yourself. We are alienating ourselves further and we are not benefiting. Keep listening to guys like that and see where you will end up.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Who are you...

    There a number of reasons blacks have struggled in this country, not the least of which are cultural and social traits of American society. (And let us not skip over our own self inflicted problems.) But shooting messengers such as Wright, Farrakhan, Sharpton, etc. will not solve the problems.

    First, the previously mentioned gentlemen dont speak for all blacks. Second, to characterize poor blacks as the minions of those guys is to insinuate that black people are non-thinking sheep who will follow anyone who screams, "kill whitey!" is absurd. Third, dont just mull over the systematic racism that is part of American culture by just saying, "things arent perfect." One reason that racism (and sexism) pisses me off is that it shouldnt even exist, especially in a country of immigrants such as ours.

    So instead of blasting black "leaders" and those less fortunate than you-I assume your living conditions are pretty comfortable, based on your "soapbox" oration on the failure of black people-why dont you direct your energy toward leveling the playing field for those less fortunate people so that they dont remain in said state.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Black people are getting ahead..

    We do work hard and have morals..

    Farrakhan is not leading Black people ANYWHERE..much less to our "demise"..

    Get off your knees sambo..and look at the world from a standing position :lol:
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    The time of Farakhan was when such attributes got you NOWHERE, in amerikkka, because of accepted and practiced institutionalized racism.

    I liked to listen to him, when I was younger..when times were different and harder for black people ( you know, the time when you felt threatened living in a white area, because you were black) Now that conditions are improving for us, his time is slowly fading away.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Farrakhan needs to explain why Blacks are so much more successful in American than ANYWHERE in the Muslim world.. :lol:
  6. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    I have helped in the way that I could. Nobody has time to hold somebody's hand. I am shocked at the aggression of this post. (sambo)
    I will leave you with this question how much money has Wright's triade put in your pocket?
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    blacks are successful over here NOW, because of people that stood up to the white man's bullshit tyranny.

    but..I would rather live over here, than in many other countries..

    more specifically, countries in the muslim world


    love em or hate em, abusive and bull-headed black men like farakhan, played their part in black history

    If I had to protest or do something that was radically challenging accepted institutionalized racism, on a national scale, I would want a mean guy like him by my side. I know he wouldn't back down from a fight.

    but like I said before, times are changing...and the need for that strong radical black man, who would go up against policemen with hoses and dogs, is slowly fading.

    and no, I do not agree with any views that ALL white people are evil...

    not sure on where farakhan stands on that now, but I know once upon a time, he was unapproving of any..

    Who am I to judge tho..I didn't grow up during his time and I did not experience what it was like, to be a black man fighting injustise, during those tender years of the civil rights movement

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