1. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    A lady with whom I've recently become acquainted informed me that she has become the recipient of jealous feelings from someone she used to see. Something that has left her perplexed as the "relationship" wasn't going anywhere and ended years ago.

    Anyway, I was curious as to how some of you have dealt with jealousy from within or others who've crossed your path?
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    That's a great question. I have a male friend right now who is jealous if I date someone - so I just do not tell them. It's a case of Nun-yo-biznezz. As far as with a partner, hmm, that's much more challenging as there would be some insecurities to address.....
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    He obviously wants a promotion.

  4. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Ahahah that is very likely the case, but he's married. I think if he was given an opportunity though, he would slime up and take it.
  5. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Given that you inspire me to the highest virtues of moral grace, I could never make a similar transgression. ;)

  6. robina

    robina New Member

    i have the same problem as athena, been friends with a bloke for 8 years but if im with someone he calls me all the names under the sun

    my ex boyfriend is forever looking for me on networking sites, had to set all my profiles to private so he cant see who i chat to
  7. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Sonnyshao's Technique for Jealousy

    If I maybe jealous of anyone I was in a relationship with, I'd see other people.
    Simple as that. When jealous, look for a date for Friday night.
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Nobody has ever been jelous vvith me :(
    I like a bit of jelousy, it makes me feel desired.
  9. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Lends credence to the theory that man/woman friendships are not really that, but a situation where one (usually the man) wants to fuck the other but is biding his/her time or just enjoying being as close to the other person as possible.
  10. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Just curious, but do women get more jealous after they are broken up with, or after they break up with somebody and see that the person they broke up with immediately moved on and is perfectly happy and content without them?
  11. DI

    DI New Member

    I think it might be the case when a woman's pride is offended. cause if it's not, there is no sense in being jelous after breaking up with a man.
  12. DI

    DI New Member

    I think it's a good thing! If your man is not jelous with you, it means, he trusts you! I would appreciate that.
  13. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Hey Saty,
    Jealousy is normal to a certain extent, but we have to learn to keep it under control, and we also have to learn not to provoke it in our partner, it goes both ways. I'd be perplexed too in your friend's place, but maybe he still has strong feelings, who knows. I think we always know pleasant, flattering jealousy from the unpleasant and disrespectful kind. My ex-husband used to get jealous for absolutely no reason if I went out to dinner with my friends... but it didn't cross his mind that I could easily find a side lover since he was so selfish in bed... I don't know, people make no sense sometimes. How I dealt with it? Left him, and two years later I'm still happy I don't have to put up with him anymore.
  14. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    I need to see more of you Mosk. :(

  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I know... with 5 classes and work it's no joke... I'm so run down... I'll try to check in every now and then. Hugs.
  16. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    OK. :)

  17. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    It hurts more if the other person broke up with you... if YOU broke up with them, it was for a reason, right? And if they moved on and are happy, what does your ass have to complain about???
  18. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I don't mean a lot jelous. I have almost only male friends so If i met a very jelous man it vvould me a hell ... but a bit vvould make me feel desired. A normal jelousy I mean. VVhen I vvas vvith my ex and vve vvent to the club, ppl touched my ass and he didn't even notice :smt090. Not that I vvanted him to make a fight or something, but at least vvatch them like "u better don't touch my girl again" lol. It's stupid, I knovv.
  19. DI

    DI New Member

    ohhh i see. no, that wasnt good of him to act this way. I wouldnt like that either! I dont like indifference, it's killing.
  20. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Okay, i thought so. I've known a few girls who actually got jealous because the guy they got rid of didn't miss them or feel bad at all lol.

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