Yes, it's daunting. It was 2003 when I confirmed we were Serbs, not Croats. My first reaction was eeoow, not them. Part of it was what I'd heard within the family, that we were better than them, and there were some shell-shocked, messed up, crazy people in the neighborhood from there. And there was all the press about the Serbian monsters in the Balkans wars. It kind of laid there for a few years until gradually it started making sense. I'd been making the argument all my life without knowing why. And it was why my dad gave me an extraordinary amount of superb attention for contradicting his racism, that first word in English the family had learned, the Magic N word that was supposed to set them free. I was a precocious little kid he'd coax into an endless series of debates that would always end the same way -- with his awed silence when I made the point he would always drive me to. You don't judge "inferior" people by how messed up they've become, you judge what's messed them up in the first place. That's not at all who they really are. That was the real magic that eventually would set him free.
This is what brought Milosevic down: The movement went beyond Serbia and was behind a lot of the peaceful overthrows that ensued in the following years. Of course, nobody in American has that image in their head regarding Serbs. And just wait till I tell you how we won WWII, LOL.
Hi Karris Hey Karris, im a new resident here. I'm sorry I don't know much about serbia politics, but I do thank the Serbs for giving Nikola Tesla to the world. That dude is way way way ahead of his time, and even now that I'm studying his work, I just can't help but marvel at how that guy was able to invent soo much and yet have nothing to his name in modern history. Oh well, we all know the history to that now, here is a video that will make you laugh: [YOUTUBE]gJ1Mz7kGVf0[/YOUTUBE] take care. Redex.
Karris,I made a mistake when I told a Serbian member on Black Planet that Tesla was half Serb and half Croatian. He was entirely Serbian who was born in what is now Croatia. As I had mentioned some time ago the only Serbian woman I had read about was Coco Austin Ice-T's wife.
Ah, yes, the Krajina Serbs of Croatia. I have a new friend in Belgrade, a head of the Jacenovac Memorial Project (the death camp where they were cremating us alive in a re-purposed brick kiln). She sent me a document about the district where my family was from. Oh my god, I'm a Roknic. There were four Roknic who perished there at Jacenovac. And then there was my new hero, 49 y.o. Anka Roknic. Ustasha (Croatian fascists) had already stabbed her twice, and left her for dead, but she jumped out at one of them with a kitchen knife. It took three Ustasha with bayonets to put her down. In the meantime, two of her children escaped. There's another story I haven't gotten to yet (I have to machine translate it) about Roknic women and children herded into a building and burned alive. It's a long history. Basically, we were refugees from Serbia, harrased by the Turks who owned us. The Austrian crown offered us land we would own -- yes we got our forty acres and a mule -- the hitch was, it was a war zone. So our men had to defend all of Europe from the Ottomans, which they succeeded in doing, mainly because their babies were right there in the battle zone with them. And that began the Croatian hatred of us, because they were still slaves to the Austrians (over there they do NOT use the word peasant, they use the word slave). There are stories of Austro-Hungarian lords chasing naked Croatians with dogs for sport. But in the 20th century the Croatians began to sell out. Once the Austrians had withdrawn the Croatians decided they were really white people and turned all their pent-up hatred onto us easternized Krajina, their scapegoats. So, basically, they're the equivalent of the historically po' white trash over here. Anyway, I came online to share this from my Belgrade friend she wrote me yesterday: I'll put it there on the 'picking up serbian girls' thread too, so it will all be together. Thank you for that delightful Youtube clip. I have sent the url to my friend in Belgrade. It does touch on why we are so propagandized here -- we're seen as commie leftists, a threat to Anglo-Saxon powers that be, even if they don't realize that's who they're still thinking like. Since we're white, their guard is down, and they show their true colors.
You're Serbian? No way!!! I'm a quarter-Serbian (the rest is Irish, Swedish and Welsh) and I wanted to learn the language but... my parents don't know a single word, understandably. Ja nesam Srbinka ali ja hocela bih ucit se govoriti u Srpskom jezika. How did I do?
I dated a Serbian woman in the mid-90s. She was very cool. We actually got kind of serious, but her family ties held her back (very domineering father and brother) and kept it from becoming permanent. The males in her family basically governed her and her mother and she wouldn't dream of doing anything that they objected to (at least openly).
Are you trying to say you're not a female Serb, but you will try and learn the language? Don't say that! You're absolutely a Serb, and a diehard throwback at that, seeing as how you're obviously partial to the 'Serbs' over here. :smt081. Click my name, then the link to my home page and you'll see what the hell I'm talking about. What's so cool about being a Serb throwback is that it's not about appearance, (thought it likely was rather dominant in who you favor physically). It's all about identity, and that, IMHO, is hardwired in. And like water seeking its own level, we find our 'own' and know exactly what to do with them. :smt045