as a Brown University graduate and Born again Christian, i found the article balanced and interesting. I would not expect anything less from either schools or students.
Cool project, but his book title is a little misleading IMO. "The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University." Any Christian would tell you that all are sinners.
The book probably doesn't reveal anything novel about evangelical Christianity: the Earth is 6,000 years old; the Earth is coming to an end soon; gays and lesbians are sinners by virtue of being gay and lesbian; and if you don't turn your life over to Christ you'll spend an eternity in Hell.
The author is also I'm sure aware that like Liberty U, his own Brown U was founded by devoted and active Christians: In 1763, James Manning, a Baptist minister, was sent to Rhode Island by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches in order to found a college. …The charter required that the makeup of the board of thirty-six trustees include twenty-two Baptists, five Friends, four Congregationalists, and five Church of England members, and by twelve Fellows, of whom eight, including the President, should be Baptists "and the rest indifferently of any or all denominations."