I've Heard A Lot...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    I agree with GG that this is a most interesting topic. I do think the WW know when a BM, like me, is attracted to them in general. There are 3 levels of the interaction, though, that can cause some confusion about what you are seeing. The first is WW who are simply friendly---to everyone. Next are WW who are comfortable being admired by BM, but not necessarily interested in anything other than the signs of that admiration. Third, are those who are reciprocating the flirtation and want to proceed with some form of relationship. BM who don't want to be offensive can get caught in an inactive mode if we are uncertain about the level. Frankly, I have found that as I mature, younger BW are more convincing to me in their attraction.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The Middle Eastern men you're referring to...are they the ones from the Tatarstan or Chechnyan regions? Or people from the actual areas? I have friends in Russia (some whom are Muslim themselves) tell me of these encounters with these men basically thinking that "Russian women are easy and desperate to leave this country." Crap like that. The truth is...you have to feel sorry for them because where they come from, they don't have a lick of understanding on love. That's mostly due to their religion don't emphasize much on love in a sense of emotional connectedness.
  3. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    No mate, I live in England. These are Middle Eastern as in Arabic and Turkish. A lot of these men do believe that white women in general and are easier, but to be treated as if I was a prostitute and be offered money and even drugs (the funny thing is, this guy sat next to me on a BUS and offered this! kind of offended that some people clearly think that I'm a smackhead!). I don't really have much sympathy for them because the way a lot of them treat women is disgusting. Plus I can think of three of these men who tried to get physical with me when I refused, and I've never had that with men of other races.
  4. TILLY

    TILLY New Member

    One of my female friends said something to me about 6 years ago that I will share with you all. She tells me one day "Tony it's like white men can smell the black men on me" they don't even talk to me or approach me. My reaction was 'Who cares because all you date is black men'. LOL
    But I think she was just making a big deal out of it because one of her friends made the comment. Plus, my friend was a stripper at the time and she had very few white customers. IMO, it's just a persons aura people can read that gives someone that notion you have a preference for a certain type.
  5. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I have friends who have/will say something along the lines of I can tell that he/she dates ________ women/men, hell even Ive said it... Having said that, to think that you can honestly tell who someone has/does like because of a vibe or some sort of intuition you have is horseshit. You might get lucky and guess who some people date by their vibe but its not like that applies to everybody. At the end of the day flirting can mean something or it can mean jackshit. The only way to find out someone likes without them making it blatantly obvious or by them having a friend tell you they like you (or people similar to you), is to ask.
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Aye, that's most unfortunate. Maybe if they come to the 21st century and know about the etiquette of treating women right, perhaps such stigmas could quickly be erased.
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Same here!

    I had a ME dude approach me not too long ago. I needed some assistance at a store and he helped me. He said since he helped me, how about going out with him for coffee? I said, "No thanks, I have a boyfriend". He was like in his mid to late 50s. I'm like wtf? lol Just cause you help me, doesn't equate a date. A store attendant could do the same....

    Like Stella, I'm glad you got your Black man vibe back....:)
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


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