It's Official, Love Hurts...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by swirlman07, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    A new study to be released by the National Academy of science showed that the pain of heartache is real. Scientists looked at the brain scans of people while experiencing the pain from holding a cup of hot liquid, and compared those scans to people who held pictures of the person with who caused them "heartache". It turns out that the scans revealed similar reaction to the two different stimuli.
  2. Nico

    Nico Banned


  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    what a brilliant discovery, I think not! Next.

    Stop wasting our tax dollars on these stupid research projects. And we wonder why China is going to surpass us
  4. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I'l Never Love This Way Again!​

  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

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