It's BS that Oliver Stone is getting so much crap about his comments regarding Israel

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    He didn't say anything that was anti-semitic. And of course he had to apologize really quickly so the Jewish studio executives wouldn't blacklist him from greenlighting his future projects.

    He was dead on correct with his comments critizing Israel.

    And he was also correct that Jews do infact control the media. See for yourself...

    Now, before I get blasted as some conspiracy nut, I dont think there is some Zionist evil Jewish conspircy lol. BUT Stone was right when he said that the reason Israel does get a lot of US support is because of the Jewish elite (who are also in charge of Wallstreet).

    I am not in argeement with Stone on everything however. He can be a bit of a conspiracy theorist plus he is best buds with a lot of Socialist weasels so I dont respect him for that. However, I do not think he should have to apologize for speaking his mind on Israel and the insane amount of power they have.
  2. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Everything he said is correct, but the damage to the Jews has to be put in the context that many of the Nazi's wanted all Jews exterminated/removed from White lands.
  3. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, because Oswald killing JFK is factual and the Warren commission was above reproach :rolleyes: Anyone who believes the JFK assassination begins and ends with Oswald is living in a fairy tale!
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

  5. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Go to the front of the line! :smt023

    If RFK's assassination begins and ends with Sirhan-Sirhan, then I must be a millionare.

    If you think MLK's MURDER ends with some Cracker and NOT the FBI, than I'll be dipped in Buttermilk.

    If you say Israel doesn't have Nuclear Weapons and niggas is concerned about Iran instead, then I must be dumber than I look.

  6. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    haha indeed my friend. The CIA and FBI killed JFK and his brother. J Edgar Hoover ordered MLK's murder in collaboration with mobsters and any fool who picks up a book with tell you that Israel is in possession of nuclear weapons they were prepared to use in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon as well as against Hezbollah in 2006.

    However, the threat posed by Iran is a lot more serious than some people are willing to concede. If Iran inches any more closer to getting a nuclear bomb, that will just set off an arms race in Western Asia. The majority of the Sunni Islamic powerhouses i.e. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Turkey have made it clear that they will not leave to see a nuclear-armed Iran without working on a program of their own. Do we really want to see a group of fundamentalist Islamic states armed with nuclear weapons? I understand the arguments to the contrary, especially given that Israel - perhaps our strongest "ally" - refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty even though it is widely believed to be in possession of close to 400 warheads. But for better or worse, Israel represents a much more stable and organized state with a powerful central government than other Middle Eastern countries. Despite reports to the contrary, the mullahs are nowhere near as powerful as they are in Iran; the Revolutionary Guard Corps hold sway in terms of foreign policy. Any little incident can set off political instability in the country of over 70 million people. That is the main reason why we're spending billions in Pakistan despite knowing they aren't doin jackshit in the "War on Terror". Because it is not a stable country, many of its political and military elite are in cahoots with Islamists and oh yeah, they have nukes. It is in our national interest to prevent the nukes from reaching a bunch of two bit crazies.

    In the end, do I suppose a military strike on Iran will and should be the solution? Yes and no. Firstly, the affirmative. For the past two years, we have tried diplomacy and sanctions against Tehran, with them thumbing their noses at the largely Western coalition against them. It remains clear at this point that they have no interest in ceding ground in their quest to become the undisputed powerhouse of Southwest Asia. The rest of the world refuses to do anything substantive about the Iranian threat, save Israel, France, Germany and the United States. We have been exhausted of options and Iran is getting closer and closer to getting the bomb.

    However, a joint US-Israeli strike might embolden, rather than deter, the Iranians. The 1981 bombing of the Osirak reactor by Israeli Air Force planes as well as Operation Orchard are cited as examples of effective parallels in attacking nuclear ambitions. But they aren't really parallel. For one thing, most of Iran's nuclear sites are deeply underground, where bunker busting bombs might not be able to eliminate them all.

    Furthermore, it would unite international condemnation that might be equal to the run up to the Iraq War, although there is not much that the international community can do in the event that Iran gets hit. They will whine and wail, but all to no avail.

    The most devastating peril of attacking Iran is the issue of stability. If we sit by and do nothing, how will be able to convince the Saudis, Jordanians, Emiratis and Turks not to accelerate their own nuclear programmes, essentially setting off an arms race in the Middle East? Before they get theirs, Iran will make blatant attempt to destabilize the largely Sunni governments of this countries, trying to make them into their proxies, like what they possess in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine. Like it or not, we are going to have a military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan for a while, and the havoc the Iranians will wreck on American troops will be significant.

    All of this amounts to one of the more problematic Middle Eastern quagmires any administration has faced in some time. As a realist, I would only prefer to do things based on the national interest of the United States, you know, following the Westphalian order. I say we continue with diplomacy, but make no mistake, the Pentagon has got to have a contingency plan. If diplomacy does not result in meaningful solutions - and if the last few years have been any indication, it won't - then perhaps we will be left with no other options but to prepare a military strike. It won't be pretty, and Muslim tensions will be inflamed, not to mention President Obama's dovish base will be understandably upset. But this issue is one of important and delicacy. Despite threats, the Iranians cannot close the Strait of Hormuz if hit, they simply do not possess the logistical capability. They might, however, attempt to hit a number of oil wells and tankers, which will be a mission of crucial importance for the U.S. Navy to handle.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LaydeezmanChris, excellent post.

    Israel is a stable state, and it's not a conspiracy theory to suggest they have nukes simply because they've never publicly disclosed their arsenal.

    Also, I don't think in ANY Arab/Israeli conflict has any Jewish PM seriously had a nuclear option on the table.
    The international blowback and condemnation would damn the Jews until the end of time.

    Those fuccing crazy Arabs missed the carnage and destruction of WWII, with many believing the shit didn't even happen, and wanna party like it's 1945 and watch the sky burn.

    Don't be surprised if the government of Pakistan collapses in the next 5 - 10 years and becomes an Islamic dictatorship. And unless Americans are prepared to go full scare war mode against Iran, ( invade and occupy), they will have their first nuke in in 2 years ( or less).

    Game on, welcome to WWIII!!!

    If yall got lil brothers or cousins who just turned 13, tell em to keep practicing their first person shooter skills on xbox cause they are looking into THEIR OWN FUTURE!!

    Truth or not, Oliver Stone works in Hollyweird, built, funded and created by the children of Abraham, and he needs to watch what comes out of his mouth.;)
  8. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I would agree with your entire post, except for the highlighted bit. The Israelis were prepared to use nukes in the Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, especially the latter when they did not make a swift advance as they thought. Israel have been less than forthcoming about their nuclear program, which is all the more frightening to the Arab states because they can be operated on at any time without the regulation of NPT and IAEA.

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