Un fucking believable I used to watch 7th heaven all the time as a kid (jessica biel alone was worth it) and am shocked at this story But hey in a world where real priests are sodomizing altar boys, I guess anythings possible
This does surprise me and doesn't at the same time. Because the character he played and the contact he had with children, it's surprising, but he's just an actor playing the righteous path. What a fucking weirdo.
I don't know, I didn't live back in Tha day, but what I hear from some of our fathers and their fathers, is that we used to protect our women and children more, especially the children.
Back in the day it was worse from what I hear, everything hushed up bloody heartbreaking. Historic sexual abuse cases have rocketed over here. This is my own county Wales Tons more like that believe me, the old days were the same it's just no one knew about it.
nothing has sky rocketed people just have more access to reporting things and we have the internet to find out. Crime is ironically down worldwide
Obviously my info is personal, from a minuscule source. I'm guessing that some people coveted our women and children to high degree, and the few bad seed that spoil it for everyone else have more numbers than we knew about until the boom of tech and telecommunications.
So true. Child molesters is not a new thing at all. Roman Polanski and Woody Allen anyone?? Those are just two of the more famous ones who weren't able to settle out of court and keep things quiet. Michael Jackson is another. You've always gotta be careful who you allow to be around your kids on a regular basis. And NEVER let your kids believe it's okay for other adults to tell them to keep secrets from their parents, especially when it comes to touching. Slimey people are as old as human history. I was shocked by this story but not at all surprised. Frank Baum, writer of The Wizard of Oz is allegedly a famous pedophile. The best defense against these predators is to educate your kids about topics you really shouldn't have to discuss, but there's really no alternative.
I remember Stephen Collins as Captain Dekker in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and a tv adventure show on ABC called Tales Of The Gold Monkey as the pilot adventurer Jake Cutter. I thought Collins was a cool and personable guy. I had never seen 7th Heaven and the show seemed like it was a good fit for him. I liked him in The Three Stooges. But this news is shocking.
7th heaven was a very wholesome, family oriented show I still remember the opening theme song and I haven't watched the show since the 90s
Actors Jeffery Jones(The Hunt For Red October, Beetlejuice, The Devil's Advocate, Deadwood and others) was arrested for allegedly making kiddie porn. Rob Lowe made a video with an underaged girl in Atlanta during the Democratic convention. R. Kelley. Elton John. Gary Glitter(if Glitter ever sets foot in S.E. Asia, he will be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned in a S.E. prison). Sometimes a person's problems, no matter how well hidden, would come to the surface and it will be difficult to detect until that person has a weak moment and the problem surfaces.
I saw one of his earlier films. It was called Knife In The Water. It was about two men and a woman on a sailboat in the lake country of Poland. Tensions arise between the three. It had great photography, a jazz score and female nudity(the woman was discovered at a swimming pool) . Check it out. It is on the Criterion Collection and may only be available at your public library. The U.S. authorities are still waiting for Polanski to enter the U.S. so that they can arrest him. Polanski is staying in Paris, France and making films in Europe. And no, he and Collins won't be the last.