It Ain't Easy Being a Black Male in America

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    good article, though i wish they would focus on blacks who are not down and out more and more on middle class and upper middle class blacks
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I felt their discussion on middle class was fairly proportioned. And upper middle class blacks? Well, they are not the majority, therefore, it's easy to overlook them in a discussion about struggles the average black man faces. I thought the article was quite interesting. I must say dark-skinned black men that are taller are seen as a "threat" to many Americans. Ain't that a bitch.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i agree, but i think just because we arent the majority doesnt mean there shouldnt be more adequate reporting on our issues. heck, blacks as a whole only make up 13% of the US population, if them being a minority number as with upper middle class blacks, then we as blacks should get hardly any coverage in the media.
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True indeed SoCalV. The racism is subtle and harsh especially if you are darker skinned. The Blacks who preach there is no racism are blind as bats.
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

  7. DaphneL

    DaphneL New Member


    Really was an interesting article. My partner is 6 ft 4, exceptionally well spoken, a PhD, overly polite and very very gentle (uh-usually hm-mm) . However, in the street he is just some black dude. I think some of the reasons we assume that black men are more "polite" and treat white women "better" than white men is only perceived because of manners. I know in a variety of dating situations and relationships with black men, I get lulled into assuming the world looks at him/them as I do or as they are perceived in their career. He works out like a madman too. People assume he is an athlete when they meet him and that immediately puts people at ease than if he was "just some big black guy". Of course now that I have written this he is laughing his ass off 'cause I think too damn much. LOL.
  8. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    it isnt easy, but better to be here than anywhere! :D
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    When was the last time you read something good about BM???

    Articles like that are designed to DRAG YOU DOWN TO THE INTENDED LEVEL OF THE AUTHOR...That's why i don't bother reading that monkey-ass bullshit..

    We have to be smarter about what we take in..
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Good point, hetero. I could all be a part of a racial conspiracy against us, since those articles aren't written by actual (young) black men.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    'with teh DL it isnt easy for black women either, ha ha just kidding,

    it is sick
  12. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Actually this site is nothing like a kkk site. For one kkk sites are full of extreme hatred for racist reasons. This site has its ignorant trolls but they usually get deleted eventually. So you read a few posts from ignorant people and then decided to make some mass generalization of the people on this site. What exactly was your point in coming to this forum in the first place? It sounds like you just wanted to stir the pot and have some kind of affirmation of your own ideas. You seem to come off as a troll. Not someone trying to contribute meaningful conversation. But another troll trying to start another attack post.
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    and actually, not one black man here called "ALL" black women or "All" White women anything. the two people who came in this room as trolls attacking white women were just that trolls.

    It is funny that this woman talks about "HER" Race and in the next breath talks about dating other men. this website is not destroying the race, what is destroying the race is ignorance, victimhood talk about the governement doesnt give me this or that, the lack of education, the lack of self respect and personal responsibility, whining about "the Man", voting for ONE party only, glorifying the ghetto life, negative gansta rap, drugs, the idea that black boys should not value education, the love of materialism over values and morals, out of wedlock births(70% of black children born today), lack of black businesses, decline in church attendance, poor diets, violence, etc.
  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You said a mouth full, jxsilicon. These are the same black women who come in here and claim victim status for the very same things that they are usually guilty of when dealing with black men, but somehow feel that it is their duty to uphold their innocent victim status against black men, but will put white, Asian, and Latino men on a pedastal the exact same way some of the men in here do with white women, and not only that, they don't want to be talked about by us in here, but they can come in here and tell us that over and over again :roll: and can still talk about us in THEIR websites repetitively in a negative and derogatory manner again and again, and yet, we aren't allowed in THEIR sites, but they are somehow entitled to impose upon us in here. :roll:

    The hypocrisy is breathtaking with these types of black women, especially when they come in here pretending to be something that they are not while spamming up the site.
  15. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I do not know why but i rarely read anything about race relations anymore, unless written by a black man
  16. 13Wisdom

    13Wisdom New Member

    well i plan to be a chemical and or chemical enginee and i know im gonna have a lot of hard obstacles in my way

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