Islam and the Muslim

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by chocolatecream4u, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Jews are a race.

    You don't hear people say "I have some catholic blood" or "he has a baptist nose"

    But you do hear people say "I have some jewish blood" and "he has a jewish nose"

    Jews are more of a race than they care to admit.
  2. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Most Jewish people worldwide are Ashkenazi. In 1931 they comprised more than 90% of the global Jewish population.

    Ashkenazis are all converts too. They're Europeans who converted a while back and were what white people call "clannish". They separated themselves to the point where whites didn't look at them as being the same and Jews didn't look at themselves as being like "gentiles".

    They're Europeans though,make no mistake about it,they are WHITE. Only 3 races exist in the world,African,Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Some people argue Australian aborigines are a seperate race too but that's a seperate topic. Jewish people also did some mixing with other semites so they'll look different from SOME kinds of white people.

    Pick a Jewish guy in your mind,any Jewish guy and pick a white guy who's not Jewish. Put them side by side in your brain and ask yourself,"are these 2 men racially different from eachother?". Chances are who ever that Jewish guy you picked was,if you didn't already know he was Jewish,you would have called him white.
  3. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    That shit was funny as hell.
  4. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    to me there are no races.. i don't look at people that way.. we are all human..
  5. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Anybody that says that is full of...
  6. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    no, animals have races human don't... if that makes me full of shit than so be it, rather that than than full of prejudice based on race or religion... #WINNING
  7. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Says the girl that would punch a white guy in the face in the dark because he looks like a ghost...
  8. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    naaah, that's not a prejudice haha that's just me being afraid of ghosts.. lol
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Well-thought out understanding that race is merely a social construct. Just because our extended phenotype differs, our genetic differences are only minuscule. And secondly, as a HUMAN RACE, everyone is capable of breeding regarding of our physical features. If we were truly separate races, then there would be a pre-zygotic barrier to where the sperm would die out the minute it enters the bloodstream of a woman. This isn't cross-breeding. It's merely integration of the human race.

    Proof #1

    Proof #2

    Proof #3

    All those links can disprove the claim that we're of different "races" and to deny that would deny us as being part of the same race of people: Human. You're more than welcomed to deny the proofs here, but that's only because you ALLOW sociological norms of defining oneself to best you.
  10. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member


    You said you could never get with a white guy and you're on

    Clearly you saw enough of a difference between white guys and black guys to PREJUDGE which one you'd prefer,since you've never been with a white guy.

    Even though you've never tested to see if a white guy looks like a ghost in the dark,you PREJUDGED him and his appearance...

    Now does this look to you like someone who's completely blind to the concept of race? I'm sure the post you made about white guys was just a joke though, so we'll leave it at that.


  11. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    I think ur talking bout species now.. still I don't like this race thingy, I thought we were more civilized than that
  12. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    This is no proof and there's more differences between us than phenotypic ones. You've read it but clearly dont understand it.

    Leave the science up to scientists and you stick with the dick drawings.
  13. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    Well I have seen a lot of white guys in the dark, as friends thoo.. haha and I actually woke up and got scared one time.. haha it was my best friend and I was like u gotta turn on the light cus u look like a ghost, haha he totally bitch slapped me tho

    and I love many white dudes as friends, but I haven't felt attraction to any YET.. that's why Im on here.. Im not saying they are evil or anything, just visually it doesn't do it for me
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    One thing scientists have uncovered is that human brain have six different dimensions and one area of the brain focuses on judgment. That's the key thing. What people see that is foreign to them, they react out of fear and in order to reinforce some area of superiority within themselves, they judge others based on what can be seen clearly different. In this case, the epidermis and some minute genetic differences within the human race.

    And also, I'm speaking on species, but also the misconceptions on the concept of race - proving you right that it doesn't exist. It's strictly social and have been since man had the capability to rationalize and think.
  15. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    My point is that if we're all the same,why did you see enough of a difference in one group to know you liked it over another?

    But sweetheart you have a blessed day,I wish u the best of luck.
  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see the differences. What EXCLUSIVE differences do we have, as a group from a UNIVERSAL standpoint in which no other group can possess? I 'm much more well-versed in science and anthropology given by your pissant responses. All the major scientists, including ones who studied evolutionary biology would agree that "race is a social construct". It's YOU who lack the fundamental knowledge regarding race.

    And instead of just looking at the words in blue with a line under it, why not look at the damn links and comprehend the information and refute whatever it is you think is inaccurate. I've given my sources, where are yours outside of the eugenics nonsense displayed by broken ideas from the past?

    Having a hard time reading the links? READ THIS!
  17. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    You're obviously not since you don't understand what you're reading,you're a Google search scholar.

    Also,there is no one definition for race. Some say race can exist on a biological level which there are enough difference between a black person,an asian person or a white person to observe, or simply the differences on a physical level such as outward appearance.

    You said you're "well versed" in anthropology,so how come you dont know that skeletal remains can tell whether someone is to be classified and Negroid,Mongoloid or caucasoid? If "all scientists agree" on no race, then why do they distinguish skeletal remains?

    Being there's no one definition for race because it depends on one's opinion on what race is,it'll always be disputed. What your links are saying is that basically there's enough things in between blacks and whites today that we can link them ex: biracials. It's saying they're not COMPLETELY separated.

    You're reading but not understanding,prolly cuz u too busy doin dis

  18. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I'm supposed to be arguing wit dis guy?

  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Thank you for not taking the time to read any of the links I've sent you, kiddo. And allow me to refute your shitty claims:

    Proof positive that you're basically proving that it's a social construct. Not only you've defeated your own claim by using the "some people believe" and others believe argument, you never specified any well known scientist who believe that today and understands it altogether. And I'll repeat myself since you have an attention span of gnat:

    "Whatever physical differences we have, are VERY minuscule since our DNA across the human spectrum is 99.85% similar to one another. Our phenotype (outward appearances) aren't universal in any way shape or form."

    Now, I'll quote from a link I've provided since you're too lazy to do that:

    Do you see where I'm going with this? In short: Race was constructed to reinforce some form of superiority complex for some people. And further to distinguish between groups. But you're too damn stupid and naive to think otherwise. I'm still waiting for what exactly makes us all that different from a universal standpoint? You can't. Know why? You're a product of that busted old world mindset. The only reality within the concept of race is how we use it from a sociological standpoint.

    2. The skeletal findings are based on anthropological (or people within certain regions) findings, which is clearly not the same as biological. Again, they are using sociological constructs to distinguish different people based on bone structure or foundation. That's hardly showing that there's a difference between races. Finding bones within certain regions is irrelevant in this case.

  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    If that's the only comeback you have altogether, then you're admitting you have nothing else to add.


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