Is there really double standards in dating overseas?

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by MovingWest, May 21, 2010.

  1. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Talk about the pot trying to call the kettle black. :smt042

    I didn't mention the South, but since you did, I'll redirect you to the post (aka ammo) I made to you a year ago that you have still yet to respond to. This will be the third time that I brought it up to you, and you always seem to go MIA instead of responding to it.

  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I'm getting a pedicure at the moment so I have to make this shorter than I'd like. Your points are excellent as always GG, one of the many reasons I luv you. Hope all is well with your family.
  3. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I think its safe to say I know more people on this planet than you do.

    How do I feel about States like Kansas or Missouri ? One phase - Dr. George Tiller.

    This is where the culture wars are waged because frankly you don't see many "outsiders". This is where IR dating is largely a novelty and deep economic segregation exist. This is also known as the Bible Belt -

    Look, people called up Thom Hartmann and Mike Malloy and say "Hey I live in X-place and I have a bunch of moronic assholes that live here. Latest nonsensical argument; Islam -

    Don't get me started on Fix News and the reactionaries on the Right. But it doesn't help when its on at every Restaurant, Truck Stop, Barber Shop, Beauty Salon, Train Station or Bus Station either.

    I didn't support Obama, not in the way you believe. In fact I was and still a Rep Dennis Kucinich supporter. Obama is an opportunist and centrist at best and his policies reflect that. Did I support a Black Man getting into office? Sure but as I told my stepfather, its okay for a Nigga to be President, the country is so fucked up why not let him have it? To prove he can't fix it, he's a failure and people will say "Oh that experiment didn't work out as planned". I don't want his Presidency to fail but that's a whole another subject.

    There are morons in California I didn't say that. We have "Tea Parties" here but they don't get much traction that's the BIG difference. We also have the KKK, pork and beans eating Militias, shoot first ask questions later law enforcement and all the rest of it.

    But these are minor distractions from the REAL work which is making Life better for everybody here. That's the work that's being done here. We don't have to canvas cities and towns, go door to door, its a luxury we take for granted. The big difference is the South largely went from George Wallace types to Haily Barber when I actually see NO difference.

    So who are the people that put these morons in office? I didn't say you did it, I didn't even say those in your family have done it but somebody is doing it.

    I can point out all sorts of grammatical errors and mis-spellings all around the net. I often think faster than I type and sometimes I don't proof read it, that's hardly an indictment on my level of education.

    I'll close by saying this -

    I don't really have a personal beef with anybody, this is just a discussion. But I am not going to let somebody tell me something different when I have the facts on my side. The fact remains that South is still upset over "War of Northern Aggression". Fact remains that Iowa has one of the highest incarceration rates of Black Men in America. The fact remains that while we play culture war games with Bibles, Koran, Gays, Relationships and our Children. Class Warfare largely goes unnoticed and trillions of dollars that could be used to help you is going to people that really don't need it.

    The last place you need to be is where 60% of the local population is working against you. - With help from Siemens - Canadian/European style Single Payer Health Care Reform
  4. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    What points did she make?

    As I said, you (and her) choose to stay and deal with bullshit I could and would not tolerate.

    She's just mad I seemed to a throw an entire population of people under the bus. All I'm saying is that the South largely hasn't changed and neither has the rest of "Fly Over Country".

    Also like many they assume all of California looks like this -


    When the majority of it looks like this -

  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The WW on this site are different than the ones who are not on this site. The latter has not guts to approach a brother of her choosing whereas a European woman could.
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    no offense to the big city people but the big cities suck ass
  7. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I choose to stay where I am, but there is no bullshit for me to tolerate. IR is not an issue here at all, I see IR couples everywhere and no one is giving them a second glance. I grew up in rural Kansas and dated IR starting in my mid-teens and never once caught hell from anyone. You will find ignorant people everywhere, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that. I think that's all we're trying to say here. You should not make a broad generalization about an entire state, or part of the country based upon what you read, without having some direct knowledge of your own. I don't take anyone's word on anything, I have to see it for myself.
  8. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Agreed. I said it once and i'll say it again. The average European woman has no shame in her game.
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    What makes you think I don't have direct knowledge?

    I have family all over this country, the Pickett/Gibson clan is at least a couple of hundred deep and in almost every State from California to New York. My cousin Jeffery is married to his White College Sweetheart and they have two children, live in Wichita, KS.

    I didn't say Kansas was racist did I? Its a holier than now Bible Thumping Midwestern State. Being against IR is largely a non-issue and hypocritical if they are the evangelical Christians they say they are.

    Where did I generalize a country? The US? Which I know extremely well maybe? A country were 20-25% of the population drives political debate?

    These people right here? -


    As I said I don't get buthurt when people call SF the Fag Capital of the country. I don't scream when people say LA is full of fake people.
  10. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Rural America is where the devil resides as far as I'm concern. I've been to alot of major cities around the world. I hardly see any negatives. You have crime in Rural America its just type that people aren't willing to talk about - :smt018

    Besides this is off-topic...
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    There's some sick crimes that occur in the city as well.

    I've seen plenty of the devil in the city.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    no joke..the man is entitled to his opinions, but the city can be brutal. Cops get killed like regular people, school faculty get swarmed on and killed on trains (happened before, google it), neighbors get shot for playing their music too loud in cramped apartments (im not making that one up..i see why it happened tho :p), etc

    not to mention bed-bug infestations....u cant beat that..just ask them New Yorkers
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's a stereotype bruh. Google it lol
  14. NorthernCross

    NorthernCross New Member

    Hey Raul sorry about that, I was working in the Air Force when I went to Netherlands. I was in the Air Force for 8 years though. Spent my early years in Illinois. I was a contractor when I went to Portugal (2009/10). My father was in the air force when I travelled as a child. I went to Netherlands on two different occassions though, lived there when I was 15 and then later at 23.

    Dortmund was awesome, had that club that look like a dome, called Catwalk or something like that. But atmosphere during the day time was contrast. Munich too. Frankfurt is crazy too though during the night time, but day time much quieter.

    Best country overall I visited would probably be tie between Australia and Netherlands. Belgium is close second. But nothing beat those two. Beautiful women and always something to do no matter what. I kinda miss it, planned on going there instead of going back to portugal to visit friends.

    Were you in the military by any chance?

    Poland just had a dark environment and people just were not that friendly there, plus Polish and Romanian seem to have stereotypes against black folks. One walked up to me and asked if I had weed in Poland. Romanians are still kinda closed off since the 80s. New things dont seem to go over well with them.
  15. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    No I'm not in military, I was interested in joining in the past.
  16. NorthernCross

    NorthernCross New Member

    Ah, well it depends on which branch I guess. I was Air Force. Not bad, just got some very shallow people in it. Working as a contractor is cool, dont have to take peoples sh*t all the time.
  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Pure Evil happens in the city, no doubt. But at least people don't use the excuse of GAWD to kill people -

    I might be okay with this kinda behavior but they KEEP DOING IT. Proving once again these morons only care about the fetus as some statement of Gawd's handiwork, but once that child is born especially to a Single Black Mother, ALL BETS ARE OFF!
  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I for a half second thought about joining the Air Force many moons ago.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah when you could still run 2 miles in under 16 minutes

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is that really the requirement? That sounds pretty tough

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