Is it because of Obama???

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyr, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. satyr

    satyr New Member

  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Humbly disagree.

    The ascending of President Obama didn't affect the increase of interracial relationships whatsoever. While it's a good thought, it's a little far-fetched especially in this volatile environment. It's just the usual social zeitgeist that's taking shape with every new generation. We grow more tolerable with every new generation and eventually more accepting.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


    After Loving v. Virginia and other civil rights issues took root, much of the social changes quickly turned about. President Obama becoming President of U.S. is one of the results of what we've done to get us out of the shadows. He's part of that continuing social change in this more globalized society.

  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I would like to see some numbers from 2008-present if you can. Or the numbers between 2008 and 2009 to see what you're talking about.

    Are you saying that there's a dramatic increase compared to the years prior to 2008?

  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This sounds like a chicken and egg situation which really came first, but I do notice a tremendous surge of young pretty white women who adore and prefer bm. Never thought I'd see the day but then again never thought we'd have a black president either.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    wwbm the only place where people try to turn a health debate into a peer reviewed journal article lol
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've checked around the internet and even looked around for old videos and none has shown that there's a huge spike in interracial relationships since Obama came into office. Again, you would have to provide the information you've stated. As I said, progress is based on the times and every new generation grows more tolerant and accepting. Interracial romances have always been growing, especially among black men and white women.

    Having Obama in office didn't affect or impacted the continued growth of interracial relationships. However, since he became President, there have been a huge increase of hate groups and that's more of an accurate of this President coming to office.

    You're noticing it more not because of Obama, but due to societal attitudes steadily evolving. He had nothing to do with interracial relationships being on an increase.

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you can't find information to support the assertion then how can you assert the inverse. I think having a black president has definitely helped in normalizing black people into the mainstream. He's the first black "celebrity" if you will who has been known for something other than entertainment or athletism in my recent memory and he's a constant reminder to the populus that black people can be intelligent productive members of society, not everything is a rap video with us. You personally may not feel that way but I can see how him being president has helped to change the American psyche.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2012
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    BBW hates any kind of speculation. Seeing is believing he needs solid proof.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    So, I've done a Google search and yes, the results have came up, so what do we find? This article shows that there's an increase in interracial dating because it's a more acceptable part of the times. Nowhere does it say that Obama has anything to do it. Again, I never denied that interracial relationships have seen an increase. But it's ALWAYS been that way and it's much more common nowadays.

    However, you're not getting much on the black men/white women front on any of the articles online.

    But I can tell you that it has little to do with Obama's victory and more to do with how each generation has grown more tolerant to new things. Sure, there's a legitimate reason to think Obama has something to do with it, but it's foolish to think that he's the sole reason why it's much more common.

    I wouldn't really say that it's "helped" the American psyche since there have been a lot of volatile incidents like the Birther Movement, political gaffes from idiotic opponents, and people still believe that he is a Muslim or a secret al-Qaeda member. But it has brought greater awareness to the black-American identity and helped dissolve some[I/] misconceptions.

    I guess where you live, given it's a blue state, the attitudes are more welcoming and educated. But from where I live, especially in the deep south, the attitudes just reinforce some nonsense based on fear.

  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough I can see how that would happen.

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    as usual well stated. obama has brought out the good side and the bad side of america and exposed what we all knew about BM (we are smarter than what people want to give us credit for).

    they want to say he is a foreigner for one is because its hard to believe that an american bm can be smart and distinguished as he is
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Go back to your original post, and thread title. You assumed that because of Obama, interracial relationships have dramatically increased. I'm just refuting that one claim.

    Which is still problematic, mainly within the older generation who see themselves as a "dying breed." It's a pity how so many people reinforce fear in themselves when in the end, we are all Americans and we have a duty to work together, not just as a nation, but as a world.

  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    There's no "Obama factor". He's just a result of the continuous progressive social change. If you are adamant to think otherwise, then you've really twisted your worldview. If he was this catalyst for true change, then he would have cause a damn near elimination of the concept of race altogether. You sound like you're living in 2008 where people automatically assume we're in a post-racial society, blindly ignoring the realities of an increase of intolerance and hate groups, increased divisions between the "old guard" vs. the more tolerant and accepting younger generation.

    Interracial relationships have ALWAYS increased each with new generation and not once has it dipped at all since then. You're more than welcome to prove me wrong, but you'll have a hard time doing it since all evidence points to the way how we look at things.

  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Its pure logic. People dont function like that:
    " oh, the Prez is black so now its more acceptable, Ima gonna go and date me some bm/bw: Sheesh.
    Its decades in work, its slowly moving in the right direction. Nothing to do w Obama. And I am an Obamaist:)

    Like BBW said, Obama in the office is a result of that. He is an effect, not a cause.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I tend to agree and disagree. Yes we are moving forward socially as a culture and a country but every group and every movement needs a some type of spokesperson. Much like Jeremy Lin has been doing for basketball lately. We all are aware that everyone is the same and race has nothing to do with ability but actually seeing a representation in the flesh doing things we aren't accustomed to seeing helps a lot.
    I think the same has been done with Obama. For this generation and the generation behind them there haven't been any black people of a national caliber who weren't entertainment or athletic ilk.
    Obama represents a different breed of black man who isn't shucking and jiving or throwing a ball. Intellectually we are aware this isn't the case but like I said seeing a real life representation helps.
    So now you have this handsome incredibly well educated leader in the seat of ultimate power in this country, in the world for that matter it normalizes us in a way that hasn't been done before.
    It goes beyond "wow they're faster and stronger than we gave them credit for" or "wow they aren't the mindless work horses we thought them to be" now its more "wow they really can do anything"
    I know its something you might not understand because your life circumstances dont put you in a position to have to but as someone who has had to kind of be on the outside looking in since men like myself have never really been reveered. The closest version of well known smart black men who weren't about athletic prowess or entertainment(rap comedy or acting) was Steve Urkel and Carlton Banks.
    So essentially Obama has made black nerds cool and there are a lot more of us than there are the entertaining athletic ones. Nerds represent the best of what humanity has to offer and I think that it translates into guys who are not only sought after by a particular kind of girl but no family friction as well which is a huge deal if you go down the path of IR dating. So now you have people who have an actual example to follow to see with their own two eyes that we aren't what the stereotypes portray. It helps to foster more relationships not just hooking up.
    Just my horseshit two cents
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I agree that I never thought I would see a non-white President of the United States in my lifetime.

    I am still somewhat surprised by all that has happened in the past few years.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think BBW is of an empirical mindset where he has to see some type of quantifiable data to believe something is true also coupled with the fact he lives in Covington, Lousiana(I'm sure its not known for its diversity) it must be tough to believe. I imagine that its a lot of blue color conservatives who are stuck in one way of thinking. Like I said if you don't see it with your own two eyes its hard to grasp even though you know it to be true intellectually.

    I personally would love to agee with Ron Paul if he wasn't such an undercover racist at heart. It seems like most Liberaterians are racist Republicans without all the religious conservatism but it doesn't surprise me that they are pretty much made up of the same demographic. Poor white people who desperately wish things could back to the good ol days where being white was enough to secure a decent life and blacks knew their place.
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're sort of jumping the gun there, but I do see what you mean. While it's true that many of the "role models" have been entertainers from the music business, you're sort of ignoring the other role models or leaders in this country on those areas.

    Bill Cosby, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and even the likes of Tom Joyner. An entertainer who is well educated, who also spurred a huge growth of blacks attending college to an astrophysicist with a high caliber of knowledge and participates in making science cool for blacks, and then a radio DJ who actually brings black causes to the forefront out of humanitarian needs. They don't necessarily have the same power of influence as Obama, but don't dismiss them either, bro.

    I actually agree with much of what you said nonetheless, especially the part about nerds. But still, there is much to be had especially when not much has really changed in certain sociological aspects.

    1. I was born in New Orleans, LA. RAISED in New Orleans until Hurricane Katrina. I RELOCATED to Covington AFTER the storm. Get it right.

    2. Nowhere did I even say I supported Ron Paul in any of my posts. Again, you ASSume too much and didn't bother asking the proper questions. I do support Obama and his performance has been stellar. I'm further to the left of Obama as well, so I don't see how in the hell can you call me a Ron Paul supporter. Again, you're coming off as an uneducated, misinformed jackass where information goes in one ear and out the other. If you can't get that through your thick skull of yours, then you are essentially being a nigger because no educated black person would jump to such dumbass conclusions based on...absolutely nothing.

    3. You're twisting words way out of context. The times have evolved since the Civil Rights era and because of that cause, the effect (gradual social change) have been taking shape. And Obama is an outcome of that effect. How is that so hard for you to comprehend? And even if Obama have contributed to interracial dating increases, it's VERY minimal compared to the overall picture.

    Seriously, talk out your ass too much.

    Covington is a rural, red town (though been growing industrious and more modern), but it's not bad of a place at all. There are a good number of interracial couples walking around here, even before Obama's reared his head on the scene. Hell, months after Katrina, I stayed with my relatives in Picayune, Mississippi and there were a lot of interracial couples of the black male/white female persuasion. So again, the growth increase started WAY before Obama hit the scene.

    And make no mistake, you can't assume ALL libertarian minded people are Ron Paul supporters, let alone Republicans. The libertarian philosophy is as open ended as you can get. Remember Mike Gravel? He's a ultra liberal libertarian who vied for the Democratic nomination last cycle. It's just that the ones that screams the loudest...are the deluded people who think the Constitution is a perfect document.


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