Is church the way to meeting someone nice?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by craxy, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    In a nutshell.You DO go to church to listen to the Word of God,but when you`re constantly."putting your hands to the plow", in choir rehearsal,or bible study etc,and you see and work with the same people in the church,why couldn`t something more come of it?? The Bible also talks about not being "unequally yoked",which means a Christian hooking up with an unsaved person.If one person is on fire for Christ,and the partner doesn`t want to have anything to do with Christ,its going to be nothing but problems,which I can attest to.My marriage broke up 3 years after I started going to church over here in Germany,because my wife( former Catholic) was absolutely against having anything to do with church.After being together for almost 30 years(28 married) and all the stuff we went thru,she had a problem with me going to church.Oh well,it is what it is,life goes on.
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    serchas, thats what i said
    if you were there for the same things with same views, interests beliefs
    then yes
    its the place christians should be finding christians
    and for other religions i am sure it helps them too
  3. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    You can’t go to no bar to meet nice women.. you gotta go to nice places, like library, good women there, and church is good girls. good good clean girls!

  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you can meet nice people where ever you go...the more pressing question here is if you did try to meet someone in the church environment how are you going to explain the porn collection and borrowing without asking from your brother? i think you need to get somethings resolved within you first before you bring a woman into the picture...unless you find someone that is willing to work through some issues with you
  5. shion

    shion New Member

    there are dating sites that cater to Christian Singles...lots of big churches have meet n' greet for the single members intheir congregation.

    Churches tend to cater to familes majority of the time that lil' attention is given to the unattached.
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Dont know what churches yall attending, but most are full of people fucking each other. I use to attend a mixed congregation in Tulsa, Higher Dimensions and you would not believe how of the single girls were totting around biracial babies. I swear there were more single girls over 16 with a kid than without. And the parents couldnt have been prouder...:smt102
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    most evangelical and conservative churches i know of have singles and young adult ministries, college and careers classes and activities for those 18-24 and 25 to 38. they dont necessarily match for dating but for my religion it is biblical that we only date and marry those of our faith--so it is the primary place to meet and date each other.
  8. thepolice

    thepolice New Member

  9. little chicken

    little chicken New Member

    thats what i thought lol

    we must be doing it wrong?
  10. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Church isn't necessarily a place where people go to "meet" Jesus per se, but you can definitely find him there if you are looking for him. They can also meet Jesus in their homes, in their cars, on the street, etc....not just the church. The church is mostly a place of fellowship, and a gathering of believers. So basically, because the church is mostly designed as a place of fellowship and of worship with other believers, what better place is there to potentially meet someone? Not saying you can't meet someone outside of the church, but nowhere in the bible did God say we aren't allowed to find a special person in the church. Most christians believe the church is where they'll find their significant other anyway.
  11. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    People want to meet someone like-minded... If a girl is a serious believer and wants to hold out until marriage, then a club probably wouldn't be the right place for her to meet a man - a church would be. It's wonderful to meet someone you like who also shares your values. You can be yourself, you're not afraid of being judged. If you share the values of the congregation, by all means be open to meeting someone there. Women trust church-going men, even though a man doesn't have to be church-going to be decent and honorable...
  12. Serchas

    Serchas Member

    Mosvichka and bryant,I agree with you both on meeting like-minded people in the church.It also says in the Bible that believers shouls not be "unequally yoked",meaning that a believer should -if possible-marry another believer,reason being if one person in the marriage/relationship is serious about living a Godly life,and the S/O isn`t,problems in the relationship are vor-programmed.
  13. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    My friend met her partner at church. I would agree with what has been said: during a service I would not be receptive to someone speaking to me at all, really, but if I was having coffee afterwards and someone spoke to me, I would probably be quite pleased. I go to a very liberal church so at least I would know that someone there probably shared my values.
  14. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I saw my ex who was from Wyoming for the first time during a Sunday Mass, so i dunno if that counts as "meeting."
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I think it is the best and biblical way to find fellow believers for love:heart:
  16. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I am a firm believer of the idea that you can meet good and nice people pretty much anywhere.But you can also meet not so nice people at any given time or place.
    I am not too religious but I think the main purpose of churches is still to come together to worship God.
    I bet there are plenty of nice and good people attending church but I also know people who go to church every sunday,plaster their online profiles with religious graphics and bible quotes but on the other hand don't behave human at all.One lady for instance threatened to kill her son's fiance simply because she had someone else in mind for him.
  17. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    been in church all my life have yet to meet anyone.
  18. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Enough said.:smt102
  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Well, the church can be a nice place, my brother met his wife on the plane back from Lourdes. Now that's not "church" per se, but it was sponsored by the campus chaplain so you get the drill .....

    Actually church can be a very good place to meet nice girls. Just give it a shot, and you'd see for yourself.
  20. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I was recently invited to church by a coworker, and i have a good feeling that i could end up meeting someone great in there. Of course, if i don't meet someone in there that's cool too, but if i do happen to stumble across somebody great in there, i will be happy. My mom is 2 for 2 in predictions so far (the first one was that i would find a job here in this city, the second was that somebody would ask me to attend their church) and the 3rd prediction she made that is yet to come true is she said i would find my wife here. I'm anxious to see if she'll go 3 for 3 with predictions.:D

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