Is being possessive in a black mans 'nature'?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Alexis89, May 7, 2012.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Invasion of the Out There Mother Fuckers from the looks of some the postings in this and other threads over the last few days. :smt101
  3. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    I beg to differ you made it or animated it and if IT is a THING (not human) then you own it. You cannot OWN a human being be that human being be your child, adopted, guardianship, by birth or not. The word OWNERSHIP denotes possession of by way of trade or purchase with a little bit of subjugation mixed in. So therefore, You do not OWN children they are only in your custody, you are only responsible for them until they grow up to fend for themselves and by law that is 18 years old in most states. And as far as being a parent I am an excellent one I've taken my responsibilities very seriously because they my children and are a reflection of me. All are educated, well spoken, gainfully employed and are assets to the world and to my family. Ages 34, 23, and 9. and they ALL LOVE DADDY! so if you want to be OWNED get or find someone who wants to own you. I for one will NEVER GIVE NO THING OR NO ONE POWER OVER ME--PERIOD!
  4. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    Thank-you Bliss, and what you've said is TRUE. Another thing if you OWNED your kids then why is it soooooo easy for states to come take them away without a court hearing or real proof just one negative word and poof they're gone from you. And when you do go to court about it, it is ALWAYS with the possibly getting "custody" not ownership back. One other thing which is true is this: until we find a way to get out from under this losing monetary system we have around the world WE SHALL ALL BE OWNED, RULED, AND GOVERNED BY THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR! Now that's REAL ownership! With the REAL owners being the central banks around this world. With that said it doesn't matter who you think you own or what thing you own when we are all owned ourselves does it?
  5. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    LOL And on a ROAD TRIP drinking ALL OF THOSE "100 bottles of beer!" to boot. LMAO!
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Whai.. Your 9 yo is educated and gainfully employed? wow.

  7. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    C'mon now...smh lol you know I meant the oldest tw..aww nevermind why bother
  8. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Agree. Further, I am not possesive nor do I care for a woman who is.
  9. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Really? Pakistan and north African countries are predominantly Muslim where apparently women are not considered the equal of men. Isn`t that a form of posessiveness?
  10. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Stereotypes are just generalizations because it is much easier to do than to take time to know the individuals and to figure out why they do those things. By the way, Indians i.e. Native Americans like fried chicken as well as watermelon and I tease them about that.

    Ultimately it`s who the person is on the inside that should count.
  11. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Everyone eats chicken and watermelon. Just like just about every person has eaten a tortilla in their life. I don't think there's anything wrong with stereotypes/generalizations because a lot of time they're TRUE.

    Should you judge the quality of someones character based on a stereotype? No. Every person is different.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    Dropping some excellent knowledge right there Alexis. :smt023

    Human beings will always utilize stereotypes to some degree, the question is in what capacity and the motivations that lie behind it.
  13. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  15. DramaFree

    DramaFree New Member

    By 'nature' one can assume you refer to this as either being 'genetic' or 'behaviour'.

    If it is genetic you mean - then this is impossible, cause how then does a White man with similiar trait inherit this from a Black man??

    Bahaviour on the other hand is not colour or gender specific, therefore any man or woman with this attribute has it in their 'nature'.

    OP, I think your man simply can't find a valid reason/excuse for why he is that way and would like to normalise it by saying it's not his fault.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
  16. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I'm possessive and I see nothing wrong with it, My dominance is one of my most catching traits.
  17. Jenmonster

    Jenmonster Active Member

    I really don't like the sound of some characteristic -- any characteristic -- being in a race's "nature." Even if it sounds harmless.
  18. Glassesgirl2

    Glassesgirl2 New Member

    Forgive me if this has been adressed, I read pages 1-8 and my ADD kicked in. This is just an observation turned possible discussion point. 3 of the 4 black men I've been with have asked me during sex "is this my pussy?" I've never had a white guy ask me that. In the heat of the moment, you're damn right it is, but afterward I kinda want to say..."you know this is MY pussy, right?" I haven't really chalked it up to ethnicity, culture, gender or even personality. Hadn't really given it much thought until this thread. Thoughts and comments are welcome - tongue lashings...I suppose I'm game; where else can I come and be so honest, naive, inquisative and vulnerable if not here?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  19. free816

    free816 New Member

    You know I'm guilty of asking that question myself, sorry don't have a answer, maybe I assumed other men asked as well lol,
  20. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I am pretty sure that is just bed talk ma'am. We all say things in the bedroom that are meant for intimacy and not necessarily for outside of the bedroom. I doubt you walk around thinking and yelling "Fuck Me Harder" while making dinner, going to work, and using the toilet. Then again... I could be wrong.

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