Is being a thickgirl a race thing?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Then stop talking about it. Don't continue to post if you have no problen
    because you should of stopped at there but you kept going and said some
    ignorant, foul shit.
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Maybe "our comprehension" was clouded by all that colorful language you used to make your objective observation ( :roll: )? I know I have a difficult time seeing past all that hateful, degrating language.
  3. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    What is ignorant about what I said? It was foul, maybe. It is obvious you do not agree with it. It is definitely not "foul shit."
  4. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    Lainarain, you don't have to apologize to anyone. We can agree to disagree without there being any hard feelings. I'm so used to getting into heated debates online that sometimes I forget that I should be more civil when arguing with a woman. I wasn't trying to belittle you and, for the record, I don't hate black women. Though I admit that I may be a little more attracted to white women, I haven't given up on the sistas. There are still some good ones out there, but I dislike others trying to tell me why I as a BM like WW.

    As far as the guys weighing in on this topic are concerned, I think I have made myself so fucking clear that you can shave your whiskers while viewing this post. I repeat: I prefer slim (not starving) to athletically built WW. But fat women get slammed enough without you guys kicking them while they are down. I am not wearing blinders; you are damn right that there are some women out there who would be healthier if they lost a few pounds. My opinion differs, however, because I still wish them the best in their love lives. There are some guys out there who like big girls just like there's a guy currently on this site who admits that he's into pregnant women. More power to you all. I hope all of youse find the people you want and get what you deserve.

    In closing, again lainarain, you have nothing at all to apologize for. I like your feistiness and you should keep being yourself on this site. Are we back to being friends now?
  5. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I've avoided posting on this thread (not because it's a non dick related thread) because I think most of it is very silly.

    It really is different strokes for different folks, and if people haven't realised that then when will they? Yes, some people's preferences may shock or even alarm us (liking pregnant women for one!!) but the human race is so diverse that so will our choices be.

    One person's trash is another person's if a lot of men think that my figure is trash, I don't give a shit as I'm with a man who thinks it's treasure! I also think it's about being happy with yourself while being realistic. Some people are naturally built bigger (not fatter, but have a larger frame) so they're never going to have a figure like Kate Moss. Just as Kate Moss could never have a figure like Beyonce. Some people carry weight better than others, and some people naturally store it in certain areas (rather like a camel!) so it makes them look bigger than they are.

    So long as a person is healthy, or actively seeking to get themselves healthy then I really don't think people should be pouring scorn on their figure. But equally, just because you're fat, that doesn't mean you're fair game to be ridiculed.
  6. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    MO - Thank you for your gentlemanly response. I have not been offended by anything anyone has written on this particular thread. I have been frustrated that my point has turned into an attack on women who have excess weight or less weight on them because of health concerns or simply a lapse in healthy living (something I can admit to). However, I may not to repeat what I apologized for. I NEVER apologized for what I said. I know that if the reader had read what I said and not jump to an emotional conclusion on what he/she thought I said there would be no such things thrown at me such as: ignorant, misogynistic, and judgmental. It's all good. We all have the right to form our own opinions. I make no excuses for the words I typed because I could give a shit what others interpreted it to be. I do not answer to anyone on this forum (except webmaster, to keep this site appropriate) except my god, God, Universe (haven't figured that out). I have peace in my soul.

    I have apologized that my words have been misunderstood...but not by everyone so it makes we wonder how much responsibility other readers should be taking??? I have apologized for whatever role my God tells me I need to take in this matter. It's all a learning experience.

    To all - However, this will be my last response to this particular thread. What Iffy has just typed, I agree with whole-heartedly, particularly:

    "It really is different strokes for different folks, and if people haven't realised that then when will they? Yes, some people's preferences may shock or even alarm us (liking pregnant women for one!!) but the human race is so diverse that so will our choices"

    Absolutely, been saying the same damn thing over and over again with responses back about health concerns can make you overweight or underweight. Or that society can contribute to overweight people feeling inadequate. All of those things SUCK! No one should have to deal with such unfortunate circumstances. However, they are off of the subject of what I originally posted.

    Or that men are not allowed to choose whoever they see as beautiful? It's your choice not mine! I'm 5 feet fucking tall! I could give a shit if a man would not think I am beautiful because he likes em tall and stick-thin. I believe I am beautiful, my family and friends think I am beautiful, and a large majority of men like to tell me how beautiful I am. Like I've said, if the man you are with believes you are beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate - all the power to you. You have something that I am still searching for (and Mo, I will get).

    So, if you choose to respond to this - go ahead, do what you want. I will not respond to what you have written if my response is the same as I have had like 40 posts ago. Thank you everyone for teaching me so much in such a small period of time.
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Just because I agreed with lainarain doesn't mean that I have to stop mentioning anything, understand?
  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    From the gitgo, I agreed with the weight obsession here in America, and how it can affect people's lives, as well as the fact that you can find attractive people of all sizes, shapes, and colors, so, if you think about it, I actually agreed with Mosiah and Iffy the whole time, but I still agree with what lainarain said about the black men who only date and marry white women, only because they are white. If you refuse to believe this, then just like Seven and I think, YOU have a problem, especially if they are so many interracial sites (dating, porn, chat, etc.) out there to prove what we are saying. These black men have to set the standards that white women look for in them, but it can't be the other way around. :roll: How is that right exactly?
  9. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    That was ignorant. I didn't call weight bashing when I posted this thread
    my man.
  10. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    You couldn't say it ANY better Iffy'swifey...
  11. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    There was nothing ignorant about that statement. You only intercepted as ignorance, because you can not see past the obvious. If you understood, evolution and social biology, you may have understood what I was saying. Overweight women, for the most part(most=majority) is not attractive to men. PICK UP AN BOOK AND EDUCATE YOURSELF, DO NOT BE SO IGNORANT! For men knowledge=power! My friend!
  12. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I will patiently try to explain this once more than leave it alone. People never want to own their own prejudices anyways.

    When discribing the black men/white women unions in this thread, the only words used for black men where "less than desirable traits" (or was it characteristics?). Yet, when you go onto criticize women, you use much more flavorful language, one of the best indicators of a prejudice. Pasty skin, stringy greasy hair, tore up (or what ever else it was). Had you left it at saying they had less than desirable traits or something similar, I wouldnt have said a word.

    You even went as far as to blame it on black women which was seriously foul. You may have overheard some women saying those things, but to bring it here then blame it on black women is just plain foul and suspect.

    Brush it off as me being over emotional if it please you, but the truth is I got a good peep at your prejudices. At least now I know.
  13. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Come on now.
  14. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

  15. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Oh so what your saying is if I call a fat lady who is being so nice to me a
    fat ass football player Iam not in the wrong?
    You always trying to spit knowledge but ruin it by adding.
    Just out of curiousity does anybody ever tell you that
    You dont know when to shut up?
  16. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    That was ignorant right there!
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    She obviously didn't mean it that way...

    and, when I agreed with her, it was only in relation to what she meant by black men who date white women only because they are white. That's it.
  18. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member


    Have you seen Kirstie Ally on the Oprah Winfrey Show? She lost a lot of weight and she looks thick but she still looks good. I would fuck the hell out of her in a second if she asked me to. Kirstie has a nice thick booty on her and some big ass titties. I would ride that woman like a madman in bed.
  19. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Wow! This 'quoting someone else's post' thing is getting way out of hand. Uhm, maybe ppl can post more replys that actually have something to do with the main point of the thread.??

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