Is being a thickgirl a race thing?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    I have heard and read lainarain's exact same comments from BM who date (or seek to) WW exclusively. Some go as far to point out that many WW only seek out BM after they've reached a certain age, had children with WM and or feel undesirable in some way to WM. I said that to say, I do not believe lainarain is a BW.
  2. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    I have to say this: some of you people don't understand a joke when you hear or read one. For the record, I'm just rattling lainarain's cage when I say that I believe she is a black woman. I envision Ms. lainarain as being a white girl either from the hood or very much familiar with it. I can see lainarain right now with her braids, over-sized white tee and baggy jeans, LOL!!! Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course; hip-hop white girls can be damn sexy.

    As far as my other comments are concerned, I stand by them unwaveringly. Every woman needs love, even the big girls.

  3. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    Thank you for your opinion. However, I did say SOME. Ask a bw and it is likely they would agree. Most of the more intelligent, choosy bw see these men with the ww they chose and laugh. Most likey these men have lesser qualities anyway. As a bw told me, "Gets them off our backs. She can have him."

    I would agree, a bit judgmental. But ignorant, no, more like honest.
  4. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    Ha! Didn't realize you'd devote a whole damn post to me, MO. You'll get what you've been wanting. (Not me, just a pic ) IM me and I'll give you proof. ONLY MO. yahoo - lainarain1
  5. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    When you posted earlier about skinny women needing a cheeseburger (or whatever you said they needed), I wanted to say something but gave you the benefit of the doubt. But, then you come right back with that nonsense and I realized it wasnt a lapse in judgement at all.

    Your post was judgmental, you judged an entire group of people and deemed them unworthy of having companionship based on your own preferences.

    Your post was ignorant because you made that judgment without knowing them or their stories or their health issues.

    Your post was misogynistic because you posted with complete disdain for these women and judged them as someone would a possession or object.

    And, lastly, why would I need to "ask a black woman" for my oppinion? I am fully capable of forming my own oppions on issues dealing with interracial relationships. My best girlfriend is a black lady and if anything ever came out of her mouth so ignorant and misogynistic, I would call her out on it also. "Some" black women realize that our bodies ultimately are just vessels and nothing more. Your nice complexion, breasts, figure, etc could all be gone tomorrow. If disease or life racked your body tomorrow and you lost all your looks, would you still be worthy of companionship or love? God forgive the black man who choose to overlook your infirmities because there would be someone just like you to make him feel bad about it.
  6. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Of course I am a shallow pig for pointing out the obvious. You would not know cute if it hit you in the face, and I will say out loud again. She may not be "thick" enough for you. I know overweight when I see it, if that makes me shallow, then be it as it may. But, methinks thouset protest too much!
  7. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    You obviously mean in poor countries, like in the Caribbeans or South America. None of that exists in the UK, believe me. Yea, there are exceptions to every rule, and there are some Black Brits who date the "thick white chick." But, it is rare. They place much higher standards on women. If that makes us all shallow, then so be it. I AM A SHALLOW PIG. I REPEAT, I AM A SHALLOW PIG. Damn, I am such an wretch and wicked misogynist right? I, the black man, can have no standards right? Ignorant stupidity should hurt! I will not apologize for having standards. I will not apologize for being a man who has standards. I will not apologize for being a man. STOP TRYING TO OPPRESS ME DAMNIT!
  8. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Here is my whole bone of contention with this entire discussion. NO ONE is telling you that YOU cannot have your standards. NO ONE is telling you who YOU should date or fuck. The whole problem comes in when people start telling everyone else who they should date or fuck.
  9. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Who here is telling anyone who to "date and fuck," besides the women?
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Oh, and you do? What the hell do YOU know, or think you know about most black men?
  11. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    This is true.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I wonder the same thing. Fly girl really needs to work on her reading comprehension skills. She thinks that being married to black men gives her infinite knowledge on the black man's psyche, and that everyone else who disagrees with her is automatically trying to put her down and shit. :roll: Trying to call everybody out what you personally don't like doesn't make you a saint, Fly. Get over yourself.
  13. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    All of this makes sense, but no one is or was judging them in this conversation. Lain and I just acknowledged the fact that many black men DO date less than attractive white women simply because they're white, and not only do black women notice this, but so do other black men, white men and white women.

    I know that not all black men are this way, but a lot of black men are. I'm not one of them.
  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Yes, it was, because she knows what she's talking about.

    What group of people? You don't know what you're talking about, yet again.

    Oh, please, like that has anything to do with it. Let's see what you know about all of them personally.

    Right, and were did you see all of that? You must be one of them, which is why you're throwing a fit like a little kid again, as usual.

    Complete cop-out.
  15. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Difference is....I didnt come onliine and tell to tell people WHY someone else is dating other people.

    Just to break the logic down slowly for you, cause I know you cant seem to see it.

    Lainarain said black men who date fat WW (along with those other derrogatory adjectives she so kindly used) are only interested in their white which I countered, she had no idea why they would do that. I never once ASSumed I knew why they did, nor did I put for any half assed ASSumptions. Personally, I live by the old creed, let people be. :roll:
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Bullshit. It is an impossability to know why a couple dates based on looks. Must be nice to walk about thinking you know what is in everone elses hearts just by looking at them.

    Reading comprehension? re read and follow along before playing Capt'n save a puff.

    That is the whole point. I wouldnt feel comfortable GUESSING. My creed is live and let live. If you want personal life experiences, I am happy to provide them, but I do not ASSume when it comes to love.

    Isnt it funny how you only see this. Out of everything discussed.

    Complete cop-out.[/quote]
    Spoken like someone who has no empathy for other peoples lots. Nice.
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    For your information, she said that some black men do it, not all black men, and before you start rambling on again about how someone feels and what they meant, learn to work on your reading comprehension again. Don't try to repeat what I say back to me in your own way just to pass off a useless point you never made. Like I told you before, get over yourself. You're the only one telling people how and what they should think and feel, as far as I can see. Projecting over and over again doesn't get you anywhere, but back to square one. Thanks for proving my point again, as usual.
  18. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Please quote me where I have ever said I know what goes on in a black man minds.

    By now I do realize that the ONLY discrimination and disparigent treatment you are interested in is YOUR OWN, but not everyone feels that way.

    I went thru about a 5 year period where I got fat due to high prednisone doses to treat a life threatening ilness. It was at my peak weight that I married my husband. Now, I am actually underweight due to another illness. Lainarain posted such ignorant, ugly bullshit and I will be damned if I just sit here and not counter it. SHE was the one to think she knows other peoples psyches, not me. But, you will never see that because you agree with her position. period.

    Marrying a black man doesnt give me a pass or make me a saint. But it does give me life experiences to draw on. I never post outside of my own life experiences.

    Please quote me where I posted outside of it and said I know what black men think or why they date who they do.
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    So, what if she did? You ASSume why she said it, didn't you? And if you believe people should live and let live, then shut the hell up whining about what people say and why they wrong when you can't even prove it.

    And as far what I can see out of your stupid little pisant tantrums, well, who can't see it other than you? :roll:
  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    But, was she talking about you in particular? No, and you can't see what she means because you disagree with it based on your own personal experience, which is stupid of you.

    And, don't give me more bullshit about what you don't ASSume outside of your own life experiences when that's all you did throughout the discussion. Don't contradict yourself just to pretend you're right.

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