Is being a thickgirl a race thing?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    REPEAT: Perception v. Reality
  2. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Yes, but that does not constitute all of Europe, and that is reality. Europe is a pretty big continent. Did you know that, there is more then Greece in Europe, in fact, if I am not mistaken but please correct if I am wrong, Russia makes up more then 40% of it. You are talking maybe less then 5% of it total population. Wait let that sink for a bit ..........................................................................................American women are fatter. Let that sink in for a bit........................................................................ You got some fat arse women in America, and they top the scale of the obesity toldem. Let that sink in for a bit................................................................................... Deal with it! Not to mention, your source is questionable for a few reasons; but, if I disprove of it them, then im wretched and wicked. So I'll will leave it be. But, yes keep believing that American women ARE NOT fatter then European women and YOU will be only fooling YOURSELF, and that is REALITY.
  3. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I wont argue a point I never made. I made my post. You made yours. I quoted you and disproved yours. Now you thow a hissy fit. Typical.

  4. CiViC SpiKeS

    CiViC SpiKeS New Member

    Amen to that
  5. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Again, you logic fails you. Your point is not valid. You have yet to prove it. It still remains that American women as an whole is still fatter then European women. But keep trying though. Again, you are only talking about a small proportion of the European population. You are comparing a small proportion of European women to ALL of American women, how moronic is that? Again, you are only talking about less then 5 percent of European women to ALL of American women.

    If I were to pick out an monogroup in the US, I bet I can find an monogroup that represents the obesity scale which is larger then that of Greek women. This is why your source is not creditable. It does not measure the obesity scale as an whole. American men and women are still fatter then Europeans as an whole. Not to mention, the European continent has an larger population, then that of the States. Again, I can point out a proportion of the European population like Irish men. Who are not prone to being overweight. I can point out Russian men who are not prone to being overweight. I can point out American men and women WHO ARE prone to being overweight. That is the point I made, and that is why your source is not creditable.

    You are making out an point, where there is no justification, and without an creditable source to back your claim. If this were an court of law, they would have hauled you off to jail by now.

    But flygirl, I am disappointed in you, I thought you were smarter then that. No really; I really did. Hissy fit? Please elaborate, I do not understand; because, you Americans do not speak the English language.
  6. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    7Seven said, "but it is still not as high as American women" in regards to my Greece having a higher percentage of obese females.

    I countered with proof that 7Seven is wrong. 7Seven then goes of on a tangent saying something about all of the CONTINENT Europe compared to all of the COUNTRY of the USA. A POINT I NEVER MADE! I wont be goaded into defending a point I never made in the first place.
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    You never disappoint me cause I got you pegged for what you are.
  8. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Oh my god 7seven man, okay you are not attracted to women with
    an ass, but lets not put them down man. You can be big and still
    healthy if that was the case then football players that are over 300
    wouldn't be running around for 60 minutes before falling out. If beyonce
    is overweight and need to go on a diet plan then she wouldn't be able
    dance and move like that man. Your not thinking with an open mind here
    man. How are you going to be open enough to date outside your race
    but do what alot of white men do and that is put their size down. What if
    you run into a beautiful thin woman and fall in love with her and all that.
    Then come to find out she does not believe in putting people down like
    that and walk out on ya. The point I was making in the first place was that
    most black men is more accepting of difference that is why we mostly date
    outside our race, that is why even though this site is for ww&bm the brothas on here mentions italians, blacks, hispanics, asians. And the
    women who come here vary in sizes. You remember ClssySthrnBBW.
    There are women of size here man the only people that puts anyone
    on this site down is those damn trolls.

    Now me I like skinny women too, but I also like it big. My girl is a thin
    with a fat ass so I don't see it as having no choice. I see it as...
  9. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You know what? We black men in America don't consider all forms of thickness to be fat when speaking on the subject of attraction, but when speaking on the subject of thickness in any way, white men in general DO consider it to be fat or overweight, and in many cases to the trained eye, that logic is faulty at best. This country has an obsession with weight, which explains all the dietary scams and clubs out there, ranging from supplements to surgery, and being the world's only superpower with the most prominent media, we influence and advocate that 'thin is in' way of thinking onto many other countries, even the ones that exercise good eating habits, like the way the Irish consume a lot of dairy products.

    But, there a lot of countries like Ireland, who will not allow our food products to be shipped overseas, because of the kind of chemicals our food contains, which makes people fatter and hungrier for even more food.

    Anyway, obesity in America is exploding all the time, and even though there are other countries in Europe which have fat people in them, like Greece and Poland, their fat may not be as unhealthy as the way it is when Americans get fat. Maybe when a lot of foreigners get fat, it's more hereditary than it is voluntary, so if they were to try dieting, they may obtain better results at weight control than Americans with the kind of food they eat in moderation, unlike us here who will guzzle whatever we can in sight until we eventually blow up and explode like balloons.

    Not that in any better about that... I'm just blessed with a high metabolism.

    Also, there are women in the world who are thin but are still attractive, or as pretty as women who are 'thicker', but it all depends on what you go for. The same thing goes for men.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    My whole point in posting what I did is because reality is different than peoples perceptions. People seem to be emotionally vested in holding on to the perception that Americans are the fatest. We have simply been talking about it longer is all. We are a more open society when speaking of our problems. That coupled with the prejudice people have in regards to Americans.

    The only thing I have ever read on differeing health consequences of fat is that black women can carry a higher percentage of body fat without health consequences than can white women because the tend to store it just under their skin and not the deep fat that causes health problems. Which might explain why black men as a whole tend to like women a little bigger.

    I dont buy into nonAmericans got fat differently and are better able to get skinny. If it is indeed "hereditary" when they gain weight, then it is for us because there are too many Americans who are just a few generations removed from their European cousins and there hasnt been enough time pass for them to be that dissimilar geneticly.

    There has been a sterotype of Germans being overweight for a long time. Just look at the 40's and 50's era cartoons with the tubby kids with German accents (anyone remember Bugs Bunny meeting Hansel and Grettle?). Yet, you never hear people speak of "those fat Germans". It is prejudice plain and simple. Why black men who deal with negative sterotypes perpetrate them on others baffles me.

  11. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I never perpetuated anything on anybody. My post was simply an opinion on my part, after all, I did say maybe, and if you read the rest of what I said instead of being defensive, then you would see that I mentioned the dietary habits of other countries versus Americans. The chemicals in the food we eat and the medicine we take play a huge part in why so many Americans are fat. Why do you think that American kids tend to be fatter than foreign kids? Part of that is hereditary too.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Also, Seven was referring to American women, not just white women, and your article says that European men are more obese, and have a higher risk of obesity than American men.
  13. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    What you did was give benefit of doubt to Eurpeans who are fat while holding on to negative sterotypes about Americans. No different than when people do it with white people over other ethnicities. It is the negative programing that allows you to give the benefit of doubt to one group of people over another.

    If you and I walk out of a store with something in our hands that we forgot to pay for, who do you think will get the benefit of doubt that it was a simple mistake? Same as you are giving Europeans the benefit of doubt about their obesity and unhealthy habits. It is only a problem when you dont give benefit of doubt evenly and show prejudice against someone else.
  14. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Why do you keep comparing all of Europe to America? Why not all of the continent of Europe of all of the continent of America? Is it because it wont allow you to hold your negative preconceptions?
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You seem to misunderstand that Europe is far too big to try and compare a large portion of overweight people in it to overweight Americans, so your statistics are either wrong, or they just don't make sense.
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    The only "statistics" that I have posted came from Europeans. I completely understand how big Europe is. What I cannot understand is why some contintue to compare a CONTINENT to a COUNTRY. That is faulty logic. If you care to make comparisons, it is best to make them evenly, continent v continent OR country v country.
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I thought that's where the conversation was leaning towards...

    and, as far as what some people say about Americans go, you need to take that up with Seven, since he brought it up and not anyone else. I just added my input to the discussion on it.
  18. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Simple minded folk are ye? First and foremost, I stated from the beginning that American women are fatter then European women. That has been the point I made from the "get go." When I stated American women are still fatter, I was not talking about in comparison to Greek women alone. I thought this was something that was understood. That is why I said Americans are fatter; and it is true, you have yet to prove otherwise.

    This also is where you claim is questionable. Your source made comparison to an whole demographic of women(American), to an monogroups in Europe(Greece, Germany ). Do you know what kind of an effect that would have on statistics? I guess you did not, because you want to believe that source is the truth; but, it is faulty at best, I point out the flaw behind it. I would think you would have some common sense; but, you are an American, and never look past the obvious, thus fail to realize the distortion behind the research. But please, I implore you to come up with an more creditable source, that makes comparison to all of Europe.

    Another bites the dust! :p
  19. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Europeans, means all of Europe. Americans mean all of Americans, North and South. Stupid should hurt!
  20. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I think that men have different perceptions of what is fat or thick or too slim or just right, based on their preference... like some people on this board have called Beyonce just right, others have called her borderline. Look at this pic of Hilary Swank:
    Is she dangerously too thin? I think she's okay (I just don't know why these actresses don't cover up their sagging chests). But here's what the "In Touch" magazine writes:

    "Super-slim Oscar winner Hilary Swank was spotted gobbling down two double cheeseburgers, large fries and a soft drink on the beach. "My husband Chad Lowe thinks I'm much too thin, so I'm on strict orders to put on some weight," she explained."

    Personally, I think Jessica Alba has the per-r-r-rfect body. What do you think, Iffy?

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