Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by V777, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    You're welcome. Florida Girl. While I am no angel, I am a believer. :D Pray for me sometimes. I definitely need it. Thanks ahead of time.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    Ahh the power of got it...! We all need prayer and when we ask for it, it comes in are welcome...! :p
  3. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Thanks FloridaGirl...I most definitely appreciate it.:D
  4. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Gimme Dat!​


    I was bumping this in my car the other day while traveling on a long stretch of road. A little over halfway through the song, something (this is the best way I know how to explain it) strange happened to me. It was like some kind of presence of energy was in my car and all ON me and IN me. It lasted for at least a minute. I can't explain it. Maybe someone here can help me. All I know is that whatever it was, it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before and I want to delve into this more. I am a sinner and yet if I did not know any better, I would think that I was in the presence of something so mighty and yet so loving. This is why I asked FloridaGirl to pray for me. I do want to know God better. I don't want to know religions better.I've studied various religions since I was 15...9 years. Learning about various religions is cool, but I don't want a religion for myself. I want to know God better. So let me make myself clear. If there is anyone who can explain to me what happened in my car the other day, please share it. But please don't try to "convert" me to a religion. I'm gonna find/discover Him on my own...I think I already have.;)

    I just want to know what you think that was that happened to me in the car that day. If you need to ask me any questions concerning that incident to get a better idea of what I'm taking about please...ask.:D

    Thanks ahead of time.
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I was chit chatting with my Atheist and Jewish friends, somehow our conversation went to religion and they ganged up on me. They started talking all these science mobo jumbo and about the origin of Christmas. I told them that I know the story. I know Christmas is based on Pagan holiday, and the Romans are the one who started it…. during the week of that holiday ppl used to get raped, killed, made fun of, forced to give gifts (which is the origin of all these Christmas gift is about) in the name of celebration. I also told them December 25th is not really Christ's birth day and that's why I care not to celebrate it.......BUT one thing for sure, I have seen bullets stopped in Jesus name, I have seen demons cast out in Jesus name, I have seen people on their death bed in the hospital spared in Jesus name, I have seen ppl walk out untouched from major car accident in Jesus name. The name of Jesus... There IS something about that name and ain't nutin they can tell me will waver my faith in HIM.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    My Christian Brother.....good for you...same goes here as well....! Every day I thank I have much to be thankful for...!
  7. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I haven't seen bullets stopped in his name nor am I religious in any sense of the word. However, I totally agree with you, there is something about that name, Jesus. My focus is mostly on his Hebrew name Yahshua. Yet, I can't help but notice how that so many people enjoy taking this name (Jesus) in vain more than any other god. I will continue to persue Him because He is becoming more real to me here of late as the weeks go by. Pray for me.
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I hope you get a joy of experiencing him.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Well said, Christian Brother. That's the way I feel about it, too. I've been through so much, & I was that prodigal child who made it back home & was received with open arms. He loved me when no one else did & accepted me in spite of all my mistakes, including turning my back on Him back then. There is NOTHING or NO ONE who is strong enough to ever pull me away from Him again; my faith is strong & grows stronger every day. I love Jesus with all my heart & that will NEVER change.
  10. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Thank you, UnChosen 1...strange name being that you have definitely been chosen by Him.
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member


    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member


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