Is a WW Racist Because She Refuses To Date BM?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    It's rather simple. Finish this puzzle....

    1. If an employer refuses to hire blacks no matter how qualified they are for a job, they are racist.

    2. If a sports team refuses to play a player no matter how good he is due to him being black, the coach is racist.

    3. If a police officer wants to arrest all blacks for something, even if the kid did nothing wrong, he is a racist.

    4. If a teacher fails all her black students no matter what grades they really deserve, she is a racist.

    5. If a woman refuses to date a black man, no matter how charming and attractive SHE ADMITS he is, simply because he is black...SHE IS A RACIST, SHE IS PREJUDICE, SHE IS A BIGOT, WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT! I don't get what is so hard about this concept. All of your fancy wording and college education and big ideas and history lessons and verbal preaching cannot ignore the simple fact that these are all racist statements. Why is it so hard for you to understand this? In each case, the person in question is qualified for the "position" available, and if they were any other skin color, they would have gotten the "position". But they did not because the person doing the selecting has a bias against blacks. End of discussion 7seven. It don't get any plainer than that. You lose. Give up.
  2. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    And I can already anticipate what your argument against me will be so let me squash it for you ahead of time. Let me guess, you will say that in all those other examples I mentioned, the person in charge has an obligation and responsibility to be fair and give equal opportunity to the person in question. And that a woman has no "obligation" to give every men an equal chance. Right?

    Well the bottom line is, as far as I am concerned, if a girl is pretty to me and I like her personality, no matter what race she is, I will give her a chance. Yes I prefer white women, but if a girl has those 2 qualities I will date her because I have no race bias in me. Some people do have a certain bias against a certain race. To stay away from someone you ADMIT to liking and finding attractive because of their race says you have some type of issues with their race. When a person has issues with someone's race, I think that is called racist? Prejudice? Bigot? Whatever word you want to use.

    Women are not obligated to give EVERY man they meet a shot at fucking her, but last time I checked, they want a man who they feel attracted to physically and they like his personality. If he has all the qualities she wants he deserves a shot. If she takes that shot away because he happens to be black, that's just as bad as a perfectly qualified employee or athlete not getting the job or position for being black. It is just wrong and not fair. Maybe we are all just wasting our breathe here since no one will back down and admit to being wrong or change their mind. I don't think you will truly understand 7seven until the day comes when you find yourself madly madly madly in love with a white woman and she tells you she likes your personality, thinks your funny and sweet, and kind, the best guy she has ever met, very very attractive, and she wants to be JUST FRIENDS since she wants a white guy. Then you see her marry an average looking, good job having, white guy who cheats on her that her father approves of. Maybe THEN 7seven, maybe only then will you get what we mean.

    I don't need any fancy books or definitions to tell me what racism is. I am not some white kid who needs to learn. I have experienced racism all my life. I know it when I see it. I have no problem losing out to a guy who I know is better looking or treats her better, but if I treat her better and am good looking to her, I BETTER win her or something is seriously wrong. No matter what crazy definitions you wanna bring up, racism is simple. When someone treats you differently than they normally would treat someone else because of the color of your skin, it is wrong. No matter what their reason is. That my friend is not up for debate....
  3. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    No... You are a young fool whom thinks in black and white terms. If things do not explain themselves to fit your narrow minded view of the world, you pig mold them inexpiable. You do not want your beliefs challenged, or want to grow beyond childish idiosyncrasies and poor mental fortitude.

    Reread what you stated in your previous post, you want the individual right to date and choose white women at your leisure, yet, want to strip these SAME rights from white women and label them racist.

    This statement is completely illogical:
    What are you trying to say here!? How is it possible for a women TO LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, then say she doesn't!? How illogical is that!? First you want to think in black and white terms, then, you want to define meaning unique to you broadly. What blasphemy is this!?
    In a Utopian world, everyone is equal. In reality, this is illogical: Man is not equal, man and women is not equal, black and white is not equal. I am sure that you have heard of this saying, "there is no fairness in love and war." The sooner you understand by social construct, that love is not for men, the sooner you understand to repress this emotion and the better off you have a chance to live a wholesome fulfilling life.

    You should also understand by now, if not by life experiences, at least by what I "preach" here; women are illogical when it comes to understanding their emotions: what they say and what they do are completely two different things. This is never going to change. You are never going to ALWAYS see the most attractive women, with the most attractive man -- the interplay of many factor disrupts this logic.
  4. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    How am I trying to strip them of any right? What are you talking about? See this is why people keep saying you put words in people's mouths and invent shit to try and win an argument you already lost. LOL I am not stripping white women from dating who they want. Every woman has an equal chance with me if she fits the 2 qualities of attraction and we get along. I do not eliminate anyone who has those 2 things. If there were woman I wouldn't date no matter how attracted I was to them, then I would be a hypocrite. You are implying I am a hypocrite because I give ALL women equal chance yet I put down white women who discriminate according to skin color??? What sense does that make? Don't twist my words around to try and make your argument for you. LISTEN and READ what I am saying. I'm starting to believe you are not as smart as you seem. It shouldn't take this long for you to get what we are saying. I can't put it any simpler than how I phrased it in my last 2 posts.

    Second of all, you said how can a woman like everything about you and then not date you? LOL BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO ME YOU STUPID DICK!!!! Don't you listen???? How stupid do you feel now 7seven? I know exactly how stupid it sounds. You are right it is blasphemy. That is the point. It IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS to not date a man you are attracted to and like due to his skin color. YET white women do it. My ex-g/f dumped me because of it. White women I have spoken to have admitted to finding black men sexy, even celebrities such as 50 cent or Usher, yet in their very next breathe will say I'd NEVER date one. WOW, really? He turns you on and you won't date him? Wonder why? Because he IS BLACK!!!! Damn it 7seven, does white woman have to tell you to her face all the shit I am telling you they have told me to MY FACE for you to get this? What will it take? Or will your ego not allow you to concede to what I HAVE experienced and am proving to you now because you think your little made up definitions are more accurate? No matter what you think how can you argue wit the things I am telling you? It would be one thing if they were simply my opinions, but from the moment I started this thread in my first post I stated that these were all things white women have said to me TO MY FACE in person. How can you argue WHY white women do something when they are telling you themselves WHY??? LOL It is purely idiotic 7seven.
  5. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    There is no argument here -- just making it a point of how illogical you sound.

    How is this concept simple and logical:
    Obviously, the white women you have "dated" mustn't liked everything about. This logic escapes you: Risk and reward -- the risk of being with someone of your caliber outweighed the reward, so you got dropped. That is simple -- Deal with it! Secondly, your experiences still will not define what IS a racist white women. You should realise this, your "feelings" of the matter are only psychological investments. Your narrow minded view DOES NOT constitute the majority. Before I am done, you will understand the differences between the former and the latter!

    Since emotions is the only things you understand, this argument I will appeal to you demands fairness: is it wrong for a women to state she would just wants to fuck what she thinks in an extremely attractive man and not want to date him!?

    If this is true, wouldn't that make the majority of men racist also!? Or is it only racist because she is singling out BM with her statement!? Is it racist if she stated she only wanted to fuck Brad Pit but would never date him!? What about lesbians and gays!? :lol: They single out A WHOLE GENDER!

    :lol: You are really sounding illogical!
  6. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    well if she fucks a celebrity but wont date him, she is using him for his celebrity and excluding him from dating because she for some reason has a bias against dating a celebrity. i really dont get how 1 thing has to do with another. you are just taking the whole "id fuck him but not date him" thing out of context. the main point is a white woman who refuses to be with a black man for the main fact that he is black, is racist. why dont u get that? u still cant respond to my other posts about being qualified for a position?

    answer one thing 7seven: if a white woman tells YOU she finds you attractive and loves your personality and you have treated her better than any other guy, yet she will dump u and date a white guy because he is white. she says i am sorry but i cant be with you becuz ur black...A) how would u feel? B) would u think she had issues with dating black people? (and does that make someone racist to have issues with black people?)

    wow i cant believe im asking an "intelligent" person this??? LOL
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Please, with your ratty and melodramatic style of debating, you're still not worth the time. All you can do is repeat yourself over and over again like a lil' kid with his nose up his ass. You're still a whiny hypocrite who thinks he's 'more powerful than god' when he can't even protect himself from white supremacists or even stand up to cuckold couples at work. Do you even know what blasphemy is?

    You haven't proven shit, except that you're a whiny ass drama queen, who can only rant and rave about how wrong someone else is without saying what they are wrong about, and then cry about Straw Man this and that, and not even know what it is. By the way, I never said that racism was only a thought, genius. You should see your doctor about that dyslexia, instead of just putting words in my mouth over and over again.

    There are all sorts of racism that pertain to my meaning and how overt it is, like the examples I gave earlier in the thread, so if you can't understand them, than like I said before, something is really wrong with your head.

    Dickhead, this is more projection, and you are just repeating what I said earlier about you in here in this whole paragraph, but in your own way.

    1. That definition of yours for racism has the same meaning as mine does, but worded differently, and anybody with any kind of sense can see that.

    2. I can 'accuse' you of hypocritical epithets and contradictions, because you are full of hypocritcal epithets and contradictions, but that doesn't mean that I admire your posts like you do mine, which is why you keep responding to them, but then bitch about what I say and why I am wrong without any reasoning as to how I am wrong, like the lil' whiny resident drama queen bitch you are on the boards, that's why no one ever takes your bullshit seriously.

    This is retard overgeneralizing. Europeans have been killing one another and themselves long before the plight of Rwanda today, so what the hell are you talkin' about now?

    Dumbass, if you read my meaning, then you would see that I was defining racism, like you asked about, and not prejudice. I stated that racism is a FORM of prejudice, meaning that racism can manifest itself within prejudice, and you didn't define prejudice yourself, let alone ask me to define it from the beginning.

    This causes confusion and ambiguity in YOU and only YOU, because ONLY YOU can't understand what I have saying the whole time, since you seem to be slower than most of the other posters in here, even the ones who agreed with you.

    This tells me that you really are dyslexic. Tucker and I already discussed the different levels of racism earlier in here.

    If it's racial remark used out of hatred and bigotry, then that's what makes it racist, get it? And, I already explained how refusing to date a black man just because she is white would be racist earlier, not if she doesn't date black men.

    Your own definition of racism contradicts this very paragraph here, and you are too stupid to even realize it.

    And, just because I am not affected by it, doesn't make her any less racist, but since you are so 'effected' by the women you work with, I guess they are racist, right? :roll:

  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Once again, genius, this discussion isn't about you, so what's the point of accusing me of making it about YOU when you are making it about yourself all on your own? LOL...

    Tell this shit to all the NBA players, actors, and musicians, who have to worry about all of these white supremacists and feminazis coming after them anyway, which is why they receive death threats for being in IR relationships (sometimes from black women) and have to be around security 24/7.

    If you understand this, then what the hell are you still arguing with me about? When did I say that WE control most of the monetary wealth? Didn't I say earlier that we DON'T?

    Then who the hell is Scarface? And, what don't I see that others seem to see along with me except you? SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW.

    I never said that you ever were, dickhead. Damn, you can't read well for shit! :p

    Yeah, you take the cake on that.

    So, now, after all of that whiny shit you wrote about me making this about you, you STILL continue to use YOURSELF as an example for all black people in the world in regards to racism? Yeah, I was right about your stupidity, because you really ARE STUPID AS HELL, SO STUPID UNTIL YOU ARE NOT EVEN WORTH TAKING SERIOUSLY, in fact, you can't stand my differences of opinion so much until you actually called them 'maverick.' LOL, what the fuck is wrong with you?

    Look who's talking. I quoted and made fun of your ignorant and contradictory posts, and the only thing you could come with up was that I am impeding on your individual rights. LOL... you sure are a dick.
  9. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    It's not that hard to understand what you are saying, this is why I stopped taking 7Seven's post seriously, a long time ago, and you're right about EVERYTHING you said to him, so right until he is now starting to throw back at you what you were trying to explain to HIM this whole time. :lol:
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    The Genie speaks sesame...(I couldn't resist)....Look guys I will reiterate what others have been saying....if a WW doesn't want a BM "just because" she is probably racist....she has every right to "prefer" they are her own kind.....she is not obligated to date or even give a BM a chance....but that doesn't mean she's not racist.

    It is not about judging the WW who thinks this way.....the fact is...she likely has prejudices....and that's okay...she is free to think and act how she sees fit. The reasons many WW don't date BM has little to do with a natural attraction solely to WM....any woman can find men in varying shades attractive........whether she acts on it is a different least 2/3 or more of WW would love to be w/ a BM if there were no societal baggage accompanying their decision.....the fact is that many WW practice self-preservation....BM don't allow them to preserve their they discriminate.....that's FINE....they are RACIST....that's also acceptable....instead of worrying about the ones who won't go to the "other side"....worry about the ones who want BM.
  11. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    7seven said: "Still, this is not racist, because this does not effect you any way, unless you are hurt by other's prejudice thoughts, which is only mental to begin with."
    Right there you admitted that a woman who rejects men no matter how good looking or charming she admits they are due to them being black, makes her prejudice with prejudice thoughts. Those are your words right there. This is our point all along. You AGREE with us. The title of this thread may read "Is a WW who refuses to date black men racist?" but according to you racist and prejudice are two different things. Assuming you are correct, prejudice is still wrong. It doesn't matter what the difference is. BOTH are bad and hurtful. We have fought the civil rights movement for years to battle prejudice, and you disregard all that effort and bloodshed by saying racism and prejudice should not bother us and we must just let it go and "evolve"??? LOL. You make no sense. Or maybe being from Europe you just don't get it pal.

    And don't say that the civil rights movement was ONLY about real issues such as ending segregation and equal rights (yes much of it was). A part of it was also so blacks and whites could live as one, and be together as one, in EVERY way. You seem to forget that all the great African American leaders, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, even Bob Marley (and most every other pro-black freedom fighter) had white mistresses and white girlfriends on the side. Your "argument" as to why white women who discriminate against attractive black men are not prejudice or racist is not only weak, but it lost footing long ago once you started grasping for points and examples by going far off topic rather than just answer the simple questions I have posed in my previous threads. Mainly because you cannot answer them. You continuously ignore them since you know we are right. And until you can, you will continue to not only be laughed at, outnumbered, and ridiculed for your obvious lack of knowledge on the subject, but continue to be WRONG as well.

    Again I ask you 7seven:

    1. If a white woman tells you she finds you attractive and likes your personality and have everything she wants in a man, but tells you she cannot be with you because you are not white (assuming you love her and want her more than anything), how would you feel? Would it hurt you? (oh wait I forgot, human emotions are futile to you LOL. I am guessing you have never been hurt by a woman's rejection before, or do you even speak to women? LOL Maybe you are gay.)

    2. Why would you think she made that decision? Would that decision seem prejudice to you? Theoretically she is treating you different from other WHITE men she is attracted to because you have all their qualities but you happen to be black. Hmmm, treating someone different just due to their skin color, even though they are "qualified" for the "position" available, sounds familiar doesn't it?

    3. What do you call white women who believes that blacks and whites can only be friends but not anything more? Who hates IR relationships and feels races should not mix. What do you call white women who have that attitude. ANSWER THAT FOR ME.
  12. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    You are only speaking in hypothetical circumstances! There is no way to objectively identify one clause to the next: because I can state, none of these situations happened to me and my experience with white women have been nothing but pleasant. Until you can prove that your experiences are INDEED the majority your argument for racism does hold water to the candle of logic and the critique of reason.
    Yes, that makes her prejudice, not racist. it "hurts" YOUR feelings, it doesn't bother me ONE BIT. You see, we do not agree, I DO NOT AGREE WITH ANYBODY ELSE'S meaning for racism. All of your points are illogical, because they are YOUR experiences, NOT MINE. You are speaking hypothetically and your theories do not hold weight to the test of logic.
    The only thing you seem to understand IS EMOTION....just like this appeal, it's emotional. Again, you are speaking hypothetically, you assume I am to be in love for me to identify to YOUR EMOTIONAL PLEA! I repeat again, there can be many reasons that a WW may not want to date BM, none of which has to do with racism. I stated SOME of the reason here:

    Long term relationships are based out of necessity and convenience, NOT undying fairy tale romanticism. This is the risk/reward factor that I speak of:
    A women with preconceived notions out of ignorance, which, does not mean she is racist.
  13. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    White supremacists can not touch me....what can they touch me with!? Their colourful shaming language!? More or less, you and many other the members here have much in common with blasphemous white supremacists.

    I stated what you are wrong about all over this topic, your debate style, your argument presentation, your lack of definitive meaning of words, particularly speaking: your meaning or lack thereof racism and prejudice. I have rebutted your assertions all over this topic, and made it a point of how you lack critical thinking skills; all you can do is make this about my hypocrisy.
    Maybe, I will stop repeating myself if logic doesn't escape you so much, this is, not about my hypocrisy fool.

    First and foremost, I defined this racism long before you have. Remember the other thread that was locked do to your incompetence!? Secondly, only the first assertion has an correlation, the rest has an ambiguity on the play of prejudice, making it illogical because you never define prejudice. Also, I stated my meaing of prejudice in regards to racism here:

    Of course you admire my post and my knowledge, chiefly speaking, that is what this is about. You make it a point to point out "hypocrisy", when, my meaning and this topic do not pertain to it; making it an Straw Man tactic because YOU are misrepresenting THE FACTS.

    Europeans helped out other Europeans, not savagely murder each other with such barbarity.

    Oh, now you clarify your meaning, this was not so and now you are backtracking, first sign of defeatism. This is a fallacy of Equivocation, because you are assuming TWO meaning within themselves.

    :lol: BM use it in their rap lyrics ALL THE TIME, does that make them racist!? There is real "hatred and bigotry" as so called when it's it not!? Simply put, you can not define a racist by their words, more or less it would be more definitive in their actions. No!? Let me dispel, your next argument: There is no action in a person NOT doing something, action would have to be in a physical manifestation. No!?
    Your argument on this topic is about my hypocrisy no!? Who is making it about me!? The only person making it about 7Seven is you! Your difference in opinion, as I gather, is about my hypocrisy, making it irrelevant AND MAVERICK!
    Yes, your specialty and debate tactic is attacking the man it seems, and illogically at that!
  14. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    I am sorry, but I have to do this: you said "probably racist" this means you are not sure. How can you judge a racist by a few words!?
    Now you are saying she is prejudice! Which is it!? Is she "probably racist" or "prejudice?"

    Wait, first you weren't sure with "probably" now you are certain she is racist!?
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Oh, spare me more of your pretentious pouty crap. You have the nerve to tell me that I and many of the other members in here have much in common with white supremacists, when YOU can't 'identify with our black problems' and look up to bigoted anthropologists, let alone been attacked by white supremacists, and still defend racist white women, who obviously don't date black men just because they are black? LOL, you are an idiot.

    I stated how wrong you were first, picked apart several things you are STILL wrong about, corrected your spelling and grammar again and again, cleared up the meaning of my words in a simple enough way for a kindergartner to understand it, and gave my meaning of racism and how it pertains to prejudice more than once, and this is the best you can do. My critical thinking skills far surpass yours so much until all you can do is repeat the same stupid shit over and over again, and as for making this about your hypocrisy, well, since you took the thread to that level, that's where we are at now. I wouldn't make this about your hypocrisy if you hadn't digressed the thread in that direction, now would I?

    Maybe you won't because you can't stand to have your arguments challenged, or have opposing opinions directed at you on the site. Instead, all you can do is whine and play the victim about how someone is making things about you over and over again, when YOU were the first person to digress the thread into racism only being something about you and your monetary wealth. I say again, you're a dick!

    Um, no, dickhead. I defined the racism in those white women Pey described, before you did (which is what the thread was about) and then you made it all about the definition of racism, and that meaning you wrote only complies with the posts Pey, Cris, Chosen, malachi, tucker, and I wrote throughout this topic, since you asked me what a racist white women was, and I explained to you what racism is, but since I told you something that you should already know, I mentioned tha tidbit in my description,and you ignored it. Also, once again, this wasn't necessarily about prejudice, and you didn't ask about prejudice in general.

    Of course you can keep flattering yourself, along with overgeneralizing, playing the victim, throwing temper tantrums, fabricating facts and statements, being hypocritical repeatedly, trying to be overly philosophical, and intelligent on top of all that. After all, it's what you do best.

    Wow, I can think of several historical events that took place which would put this opinion to shame! I bet Cris, tucker, and Chosen can too.

    I have said that racism is a form of prejudice like 3 or 4 times, didn't I?

    And, who's done more backtracking in here than YOU?

    I wasn't talkng about black men and their rap lyrics, since that's not what this discussion is about, and black men don't say the n-word to mean the same thing that whites mean when they say it, be it rap lyrics or not. You should know that. You asked me a question about a white woman using the n-word, and whether it's racist or not, and I gave you an answer, now, as usual, you are twisting things around for the benefit of YOUR argument as an attempt to prove me wrong about something that YOU CAN NEVER DO.


    Weren't YOU the one using YOURSELF as an example of 'racism only being about monetary wealth' the whole damn time? :roll:

    Let me guess, YOU never attacked anyone in here, right? And, you never attack anyone in your posts at all on the site, right? Everyone is just out to get you, right?
  16. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    This is all due to the simple fact, that I can be objective when need be and my experiences will never apply! You still do not know the difference between anthropologists, socialologist and philosophers. I repeat, I am not defending anyone here, only piss arse black men who identify a racist white women by a few words, are looking for conformation. Maybe, just maybe, if they weren't so piss poor with women in general, this problem doesn't manifest into illogical emotional stupidity!

    ...and I have stated how illogical and vague these meanings are, yet, you refuse to critically think that far: I could get the REAL meaning, how it evolved and its context straight from the authority out of Oxford, but I like showing the ignorance of people. But I swear your vocabulary weren't nearly as high as it become until I appeared. Didn't I tell you will increase 10 points in IQ, but you are not there yet! :lol:

    But you haven't challenged my argument OR MY MEANINGS SardonicGenie, you are only doing like your name "SardonicGenie" implies for the sake of disagreement, without actually rebutting anything: Forced; unnatural; insincere; hence, derisive, mocking, malignant, or bitterly sarcastic; -- applied only to a laugh, smile, or some facial semblance of gayety. :lol: What a fool!

    The rest is just a poor tactics and this is how the topic digressed, you need an argument against me, so why not misrepresent the facts!? :lol:

    Also, as far as me attacking people: is only due upon those whom attacked! I will admit though: as a rebuttal my points may be interpreted as cynical, but there is always facetious side of its context if you choose to see that way.

    But what IS THE REALLY ABOUT!? This is not about racist white women, its about the nature of preference and it doesn't favour black men and some the black men HERE do not know how to manipulate its functioning. It's just easier to label someone without thinking it though first it seems, again, this is only due to poor mental fortitude.
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I will take this opportunity to clear up my point....she might very well be racist....obviously its hard to tell unless you know the girl because she may not be interested in you for a variety of reasons.....but many WW who refuse BM are racist (not all certainly)....none will admit to it....the part about them being racist for sure refers to the type of WW who feel being with a BM is damaging in a social sense and would have no problem walking with their BM as long as no one she knew were around. As I've said before...I'm not really judging these women....7seven you are trying to give them the benefit of the doubt...and that's cool...I'm just saying that many WW have certain notions about BM that are not all positive....many of the women just happen to be racist....not all...but a fair number. They have the right to feel that way..and in a society such as ours...their decision not to cross the color-line even when an attraction to someone on the other side of the fence presents itself...will probably be met with very minimal opposition (more like elation on the part of BW and WM). I'm not berating them for preferring the company of WM....but if one's racist, or prejudice or whatever....I'll call that spade a need to dwell on it...and move on.

    Women you don't know well "could be racist"....if you have an intuition about someone you know as slightly more than an acquaintance...and they've have said and done things that are suspect on a regular may conclude she is "probably racist"...(no guarantee). And if you have known said girl for an extended period and have seen enough of her behavior to conclude she is racist according to your own definition of it ....than she is as far as you are concerned. She may not be racist to guy A but could be considered extremely bigoted by guy B....perspective and opinion my friends.
  18. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    I think, it is only good to recognise different perspectives, ideologies and how they manifest and the way we use these concepts. Yet, people think I am the closed minded one! :lol: It is really hinderous because we can never get past or acknowledge different perspectives and how they effect our psychology. Like this argument, we end in a revolving circle, really, effectively talking about nothing skipping the real issue at hand. Which to me, is not even about racism and goes beyond the ideologues.
  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You applied your experiences to your whole argument, and I do know the difference between anthropologists, socialologist and philosophers, but I was talking about the anthropologists you brought up in that other thread, and not socialologist and philosophers, and if you weren't defending anyone in here, then what were you rambling on and on about? And, with your so-called lucky streak with women, well, you're a fine one to talk about someone being a 'piss arse' yourself.

    If all you can state are how illogical my meanings are because YOU can't understand them over and over again, then you've only done more showing of your own ignorance, especially judging by the way I've shown yours repeatedly throughout the site. An Oxford grad who can't even write plain English, heh.

    And, my vocabulary isn't based on yours, and if it were, then I would be making just as many grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes as you often do. Says a mouth full about YOUR IQ.

    I have challenged your argument throughout the topic, and all you did was cry things like 'foulball', 'maverick' and 'Straw Man' over and over again, and my screen name doesn't have anything to do with how right or wrong I am in your little world. If that's the case to you, then you really are dyslexic, and since you are doing the same thing back to me and trying to pass it off onto me because of my screen name, it's clear who the fool really is, and who has been the fool from the moment we started arguing.

    Oh, please, you digressed the topic into an argument with me first, and started slandering me for what I said.

    Whatever. I guess you shouldn't call the kettle then.

    No, this is about whether or not a white woman is racist if she refuses to date black men, and no one in here labeled them as racist because she may 'simply refuse to' out of a preference for white men. Maybe that's what you read, but that's not what anyone said. Your comprehension skills are a dead giveaway of a memory lapse.
  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Way to practice what you preach. He was agreeting with us the whole time, and you are only giving him the benefit of the doubt to make yourself seem intelligent, as usual. :lol:

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