Is a WW Racist Because She Refuses To Date BM?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    What does hair have to do with racism anyway?
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    OK, I can agree with this.
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I see where malachi is going with this though. We all have underlying prejudices, but that doesn't necessarily make anyone racist.
  4. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    In your pathetic diagnostic state, you try to attempt to accuse me of hypocritical epithets, yet again, logic escapes you. Do I say that ALL feminists are feminazi!? Do I say ALL white women are feminists!? Do I say ALL Ugly Ducklings are ugly!? Do I say ALL women I choose to date are controlling psychos!?

    You fail to understand this logic: BM here are saying ALL white women whom do not find them attractive ARE RACIST. Jesus bloody fuckin Christ! Simple Logic REALLY! If you do not like my principles, I have others. "Ugly Duckling Syndrome" is a mere theoretical concept, not a label: You can not simply identify this logic to mere appearance.

    Edited disclaimer: Also, spare me the: Oh! 7Seven your "black" so you should identify with "black" problems. THAT IS BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT STRAW MAN!
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Oh, so, I'm the one accusing YOU, now?!? How many times have you accuse someone else of what they didn't say about their attraction to white women and black men on the boards? I'm sure several other posters can agree with me on that.

    By the way, you don't have to say that all feminists are 'feminazi' (technically, that's the same thing) and you seem to like chasing a certain feminist around on the boards in here and arguing with her about her 'hypocrisy' all the time, and so forth, and I never said that you did say that all 'Ugly Ducklings' are 'ugly', in fact, I asked you about that in your 'Ugly Duckling' thread.

    And, as for your preference in 'controlling psychos', well, that's pretty obvious from reading the posts you write in here over and over again about your whiny little 'women problems' and I certainly don't see any of the other black men in here complaining about the same problems with women.

    No, they're not. They're saying that refusing to date a black man just because he's black is racist. That's simple enough for you to understand, isn't it?

    I never did, 7. You assumed that I did.

    Yeah, I guess you're right, after all, being attacked by white racists, dating psycho-feminazis( one after another), being propositioned and condescended by cuckolds couples at work, and other things you join in our discussions with us about being black, shouldn't 'force you to identify with our black problems.' I guess you told me! :roll:
  6. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    :lol: You have no argument against me , so now, you are insinuating rubbish! Nice try though! You can not even recognize the fallacious statements in your arguments. What you fail to grasp here, there is a such thing as objectivity, we apply critical thinking to the subject at hand, NOT our emotions. I can OBJECTIVELY approach ANY argument with an openmind. This logic escapes you when try to find fallacy in my statements. So you go about pointing irrelevant things that do not pertain to the subject, but 7Seven will teach you logic and how to debate. When I am done here you will be 10 points higher in IQ.

    On another note: Feminists ARE not Feminazi because that would make ALL women feminiazi. Clearly, you do not understand logic here and clearly like most things, logic and critical thinking escapes you on this subject. Its more likely it is just blind ignorance on your part: Simply because, you REFUSE to recognize the difference.
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    For someone who insinuates things about others on the boards in every single thread, you have the nerve to write this nonsense, but go on and flatter yourself like you always do, along with all of your lame projecting in your fake philosophical diatribes about how 'intelligent' you are in comparison to other people, whenever you can't argue a point with some evidence of your convictions. That seems to be the best and only thing you can do, whenever you get caught up in your own hypocrisy, but please, do go on about how wrong I am in your little world, without any reasoning to add to it, except for a diatribe about what I misunderstand over and over again, by the way, according to your 'logic' about the differences between feminists, and femicunt or feminazi, ALL women are feminists, and as much as you complain about women, I'm not surprised that you do have an attraction to feminists or feminazis.
  8. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    The only things I "insinuate" are things about myself and clearly, you have NO understanding of denotation to insinuate that I am "insinuating." To understand "convictions" you mustn't "insinuate" another's reasoning without logical deduction. Where is your logical deduction about my hypocrisy!? Is it because I state SOME WW are feminazi!? Is it because i state SOME of the women I have dated were controlling!? How does this pertain to WW NOT finding BM attractive!? :lol: Check your emotions because you are sounding illogical: You haven't proven anything to me but your ignorance and once again, digressed the topic to trivial matters, because I exposed your ignorance do to it. This only do to the fact, you can not handle someone acknowledges that you have no clue what in bloody hell you are talking about most of the time.
  9. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You're still insinuating right now. This sentence is an insinuation. I thought with your so-called 'genius', you would understand that.

    I didn't insinuate anything you said without logical deduction, like you are doing right now, and I'm not the one digressing the thread about what someone else is' insinuating' over and over again. You are.

    It pertains to YOU defending racist white women who don't find black men attractive, along with stating those things, so where's the logic in that?

    In comparison to the responses I get from others versus YOURS, this is your LAMEST projection at best. :p
  10. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    It's amazing that they can't understand white women are not racist if they have a preference for white men, however, they understand their own preferences when excluding other women. Some even have the gall to disparage Asian women for dating white men, but wouldn't feel the same way if they were choosing black men.
  11. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    F O U L B A L L! Blow the bloody whistle! You now sound like a women -- magic words: Projection and Lame are contradictions used within the same sentence. First I will ask you: Do you understand the meaning and the connotation of "projection." There is logically NOTHING wrong with my defense, therefore, I can not be projecting ANYTHING. As stated, there is a difference between feminists and feminazi. There is a difference between me NOT wanting to do with feminazi and BM calling ALL white women who MAY NOT be attracted to them as racist. If ANYBODY else can see anything wrong with logic please point it out!
  12. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I agree with some of the points you made. If someone has a preference for someone I don't think that is racist. The person is racist if they go into some racist babble about why they don't date a certain race. Which I usually hear from women who date a certain race. Thats not exclusive to ww/bm relationships. Cause I knew this native american women who was racist against whites and only dated blacks. Alot of the people who I met that have a certain preference for one race. Usually has some racist notion for not dating another.
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    If someone doesn't want to date/marry/have sex with/have children with/ you because of the color of your skin...don't worry about them...whether they are racist or not..they have taken themselves out of the pool for eligible mates as far as BM are concerned. No one will admit they are racist because there is nothing to gain from it today's is poisonous for a WW or WM to openly admit they have prejudices, so they must use all manners of rhetoric to explain their decision-making. We all have biases...but like I said...whether or not they are doesn't matter...there are plenty of WW who want a good matter what shade he comes in.
  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    If you are too stupid to understand what projection is, then that's your problem, and not mine.

    And, as far as 'blowing the whistle' is concerned, don't call yourself trying to do that, if that's what you hoped to achieve, and so far, you and porcelainsnowbird haven't done that yet. All the both of you did was defend racist white women for their reasons to refuse to date and marry black men (that's what this thread is about) because it's just their preference, when that preference itself makes it racist. If they weren't racist, then show me some examples of how they aren't, instead of just avoiding the question altogether, and since you and porcelain are trying to make this all about us being racist for simply discussing it, then that explains a lot about the mindset of the both of you, especially with the way you are always emotional in your ratty diatribes about how 'emotional' someone else is, blah-blah-blah, and then projecting what I feel or think, and what I am 'doing wrong' in a debate back onto me, and if those words (lame, projection) are 'magical' (to you) then I guess 'emotional' and 'illogical' are magical too, since you like to always use them. I asked you, 'Like what', for your 'many reasons why white women wouldn't want to date black men' and you couldn't answer it, instead, all you did was make this a case about me making 'sniper shots' and whatever, and as for feminists and feminazi, since you seem to love them so much, then tell me what's the difference?
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    That's the point of this thread, in fact, this is what the thread was about, but porcelain and 7Seven were defending this 'racist babble' anyway, and then calling us 'racist' for talking about it. Please.
  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I agree, but we were only discussing it since the topic came up.
  17. malachi

    malachi New Member

    if i may kindly interject,

    preferences really have more to do with the person making them than the person who may or may not fit them.

    i think a better discussion would be to explore the mindset and motivation of any person who rules out virtually an entire demographic of people as potential spouses, rather than just focus on a particular group that does this.
  18. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    OK, then, malachi. I see what you're saying.
  19. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    You refuse to acknowledge my logical position -- individual freedoms and these rights are paramount. This is only due to the fact I do not answer your illogical queries with emotion, instead, I do with a thinking mind and this irritates you. Another fact here, you have no understanding of projection during an argument: the only person projecting here in typical ad hominem Straw Man faction is you. Obviously, you have emotional and psychological investments in your beliefs regarding racism; but, your evidence for supporting them are weak. You want to strip away individual freedoms and label those whom do not coincide with your ideal for the sake of equality, I will state this again, I am not for this stupidity. Being "black" has nothing to do with it.

    I will say this: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." Your pretzel logic here is faulty, truth is, as you demonstrate inexplicably and unambiguously by your own admissions are only concerned of the freedoms that favour you. Clearly, this argument is only due upon an ambiguity in the meaning of Racism, you seem steadfast in refusing to define terms that are only unique TO YOU "projection" is one of them along with "racism." Racism, in its context as we are speaking, isn't about "personal preference", this is so, because Racism only hurts your autonomous and monetary wealth; therefore, the thought of WW not finding BM attractive for ANY in itself in not racist and it's not even close.

    .....but their seems to be no limit to your cynicism. Your questioning is often rhetorical. If you must know, I am impressed but only by the slightest. Here is where logic escapes you: Your arguments against me are fallacious and you refuse to acknowledge that there is a distinct difference between me calling SOME Feminist: Feminazi and you calling all WW racist for not finding BM attractive. Also, this does not even appeal to its original argument -- making it irrelevant. You go about this using emotional, colourful or inflammatory shaming language, because you closed mindedly feel strongly about a position -- in its essence, we call this "magic."

    What would be your next argument!? Racial preference lead to racial discrimination!? Though, I bet this "thought" is not your own, but this is also illogical.

    If you have nothing to refute regarding my first assertion, then, by consequence this discussion is done.
  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Funny, I acknowledged everything you said with a comment, and all you could come up with was stuff like 'I am insinuating this' and 'I am calling all white women racist for not dating black men' and 'I am not using logic', when all of your psycho-babble that goes way off the topic of the discussion falls beneath the purpose of what I said and what this conversation pertains to. Get over yourself.

    The fact is, you cannot answer my questions because you don't know the hell you are talking about, so you claim that I am 'irritated' by your whiny little diatribes about how' illogical' I am in comparison to you, when that seems to be the only 'logic' you seem to be able to present to a debate. :roll: But, let me guess, I'm the one who isn't thinking. :lol:

    And, as for Straw Man, well, your 'Nice Guy' crap fits into that category on it's own.

    Aren't you the one who's always screaming things like 'Stupid should hurt' and 'Jesus Fucking Bloody Christ!', along with other expressions whenever you debate about things such as racism? Way to call the kettle, again.

    I never said that 'being black' had something to do being able to infringe upon the individual freedoms of white women, did I? But, you're probably gonna call me out again on my 'insinuating things' about racist white women and you some more, since you seem to be on their side.

    Look who's talking. You're the one who using the 'racist' argument against me, and the 'hypocrisy' cry against the other black men in here, who disagree with you, simply because you can't identify with our 'black' problems, as you put it, even though you've had similar problems, but you're not stupid. :roll:

    I asked you a question that you couldn't answer, so you start babbling on about how I am confusing terms about projection and racism. Nice. By the way, this isn't about white women not finding black men attractive, this thread is about white women refusing to date black men just because they are black, so you still don't know what you're talking about.

    Oh, I get it. Answering a question that you can't answer is rhetorical. Got it. MY CYNICISM??? Am I the author of the Ugly Duckling Syndrome??? Am I the labeler of femicunts/feminzais? Am I the one who can't identify with 'black American sheep', and is a self-proclaimed 'shallow pig' and a 'big mouthed fucker?'

    What does this have to do with the discussion at all? I said feminazis because YOU date and fuck feminazis, but then whine about feminazis all the time in your tirades about women over and over again.

    I never called all white women racist for not finding black men attractive, but I guess if a black man were to say that he doesn't find white women attractive, you would call him a racist.

    And, there you go again still talking about feminzais, when I only mentioned feminazis in regards to you, since you cried about my sniper shots, and then posted your own at me. How hard is that for you to understand?

    So, now, your crystal ball tells you what my next argument is?

    What have you 'refuted' so far? That you don't know what you're talking about, so you'll start projecting someone else's 'diagnostic state' and 'emotional state' over and over again?

    Nice way to play the victim.

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