Ireland's parliament approves 'life-saving' abortion

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Unique4ever, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You may not have an issue, but there's so much more to this whole thing, such as the half-assed solutions presented by those who believe in "alternative" methods of consideration...and they are fundamentally flawed. The discussion on abortion tend be to loud on the pro-choice and pro-life areas, but the part that needs to be addressed, in which pro-life people are more adamant to overlook, is the problem of keeping unwanted children and how it effects the nation as a whole.

    Foster homes aren't always idea and safe haven laws would only keep this children in the system, and the older they are, the less of a value they are to applicants who want to adopt. Let's not forget that we're dealing with other factors such as racial bias regarding adoptions and the lofty adoption agencies that could be as shady, so really, pro-life people are doing a great deal of disservice to those all because of a ridiculous conviction they hold.

    I commend those willing to put forth the effort of paying taxes to help those in need, especially if they are pro-life, but you all need to look at the bigger picture, especially when it comes to problematic and complicated tax situations.

    Brutally honest would more accurate. And quite frankly, there are VERY FEW people who actually believe in the idea of life. Relying heavily on feelings just don't work.

  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Excellent commentary.

    (Overjoyed I'm of the ilk of the second category, couldn't be any other way!)
  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Uhhhh, no?

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    All i'm gonna say is nobody has a right to tell any woman she doesnt have the right to abort if she wants to. Its HER body and its HER decision to make.:cool:
  5. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    And what about the baby's rights? A baby is a human life - inside or outside the womb.
  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Repped. :smt038

    This is precisely why no one has the right to make the decision for you. You're entitled to your beliefs, and you should be the only one permitted to make decisions concerning your body. Same goes for every other woman. That baby (and I use that term loosely depending on what stage of pregnancy we're talking about), doesn't have legal rights for most of the pregnancy. I stand for your right to choose life, just as much as I stand for your neighbors right to terminate (within legal limits). Dont get me being pro choice doesn't mean I'm pro simply means that I don't believe it's MY right to tell YOU what to do with your body.
  7. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. I understand your point, but we will have to agree to disagree. I do not think this is simply a choice about a woman's body and only her body. (I'm of the thought that the decision about what to do with her body should've been made BEFORE sex, not after.) If a woman is carrying her days-old infant in a baby sling, and she chooses to step in front of a speeding vehicle, would the feeling be the same? (Not trying to be a smart-a**, just asking a question.)

    Does a woman who wishes to get an abortion always have counseling prior to? I've read soooo many stories of women who chose to abort a child (to me, it doesn't matter what stage the fetus is at), who suffered greatly for that decision after the fact. And sometimes, not until many years later.
  8. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I agree people should be responsible when having sex, but with that said, there are MANY cases where the couple used protection and still turned up pregnant. You can do everything right and sometimes one of those swimmers makes its way through. BCPs are the most popular form of contraception and many people don't fully understand how they're supposed to take them! It's disturbing and shocking to hear how incredibly uneducated some women are about their choice of contraception.

    About the mom stepping in front of a vehicle, that's really completely different than terminating an early pregnancy (with all due respect to your religious beliefs). At that point, the child has a right to life...I understand this is a sticky area for pro-lifers.

    No, unfortunately not all women get counseling (most do not). Having personally dealt with many of these patients though, I doubt a brief counseling session would change their minds for the most part. Once they're in the clinic, they've already come to grips with their decision. Not saying they're happy or pleased with the outcome, but they've made up their minds. It's a decision that THEY have to live with for the rest of their lives...all the more reason that its their choice to make.
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is. But thank you for the respectful dialogue on that sticky topic.

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