That's a bit of a stretch because you said you're all about yourself. So why worry about someone else's personal life?
yeah but that requires others to make a woman hostage for 9 months and it possibly puts more burden on our welfare system. I just think that if you aren't personally going to take this kid in and raise it why are you pushing that responsibility on others? So you can feel good about yourself?
They still don't allow abortion for women who got raped! Is it fair for a woman to live with a fetus inside, that was created in a violent act that left her traumatized for the rest of her life? The knowledge that she carrys his offspring inside of her for 9 months?
Repped. At the end of the day, a woman has the right to do as she pleases with her body. People can have their opinion of her actions, but the choice is hers. The majority of women who terminate a pregnancy don't take the decision lightly. It's something they agonize over, and something they have to live with. It's easy to stand on the sidelines and try to dictate what a pregnant woman should do, but ultimately the responsibility of that new life is on her, so the decision is hers. Man, I'd rep you again if I could!
More of a value of life over simply well giving death to a kid. secondly, people are responsible for their action. If a deadbeat dad decides he doesn't want the kid, should he still be responsible for it? What kind of message are you sending? also, I feel that everyone should pay taxes to help out because I want everyone to feel good. One person can't save everyone but if everyone participates then we can solve the world's problems. feel the good brother and pay some taxes.
That is an exception that should be corrected. I don't see how it was the woman's fault that she got raped as oppose to people agreeing to sex.
Are you kidding? Then our welfare system would be far worst off than it already is. I think it should be regulated, like people shouldn't be having abortions as a form of birth control but we shouldn't be pushing someone your morals on others. To me is basically comes down to this, if the "fetus" can survive outside of the host body then its a life if can't that its a parasite plain and simple.
not really. I've been paying taxes for quite a while. I say a lot but my actions are what you should follow. I don't have an issue paying taxes but I realize that I can't feed help everyone. that's why I think everyone should pay taxes to help others climb up when they are down.
dude, I can't believe you are arguing against the welfare system. It is a small debt in comparison to how much is misused. We are in two wars? We loaned money to the banks? It is cheap to feed children. the problem isn't the welfare system. It is the fact the states care more about wasting money on wars and giving corporations welfare than taking care of its own children.
I agree with you on the tax issue and helping others however our current welfare system is so abused and SO easily manipulated that it really needs an overhaul.
We live in finite system with a finite amount of resources. We don't need more people on this planet especially unwanted ones.
Honestly, I don't understand why the argument about abortion keeps getting shifted to focus on socio-economics or gender equality. The only thing that matters is if you believe that a fetus is a human life or not. I, and other pro-lifers believe that a fetus is a early stage of human life, and you don't kill humans for convenience, economics or social issues. On the other hand, if you believe that a fetus is just a mass of cellular tissue, then an abortion is just a simple medical procedure. All other arguments are just spinning in circles.
I absolutely would be if I were married. I don't wish to raise another child in a single parent home. And I would choose older children that have been languishing in the system, with the goal of adopting.
The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?'