:smt095 this has happened before and all, but damn does this still smell like a crappy mission you literally couldn't pay me to work alongside those dudes....anyone of them could be on some ole VietCong bullshit
You know something Mr. PettyOfficerJ, this story got very little play on the national media as many such incidents occur to our men and women fighting for that shithole and thankless nation called Iraq. We see time and time again our servicemembers being killed and what do our media does as it always do cover those stories of bankrupt celebrities to tug at the heart strings back here in the U.S. Not the war effort. The media does not give a damn about our fighting (yes I use the word "fighting" even if the PC Police object) service men and women. Someday, the majority of people will open their eyes to the real enemy of this country, "The slanted media of the left and right". By that time it may be too late. The national brainwashing machine will have won.
Sad but true guys. I even walked with a loaded weapon in darkness because so many of them were working on our camps and FOBs. It was bad enough that some of them somehow got those high tech phones with the GPS in them on site to pinpoint locations targeted for destruction. Even with the vehicle scanners we had it was still so hard to keep technology out. THEN... to top it all off you might have to sleep next to them at times. I was scared as shit sometimes but my baby (M4 rifle) slept with me with a full magazine strapped to her butt. I didnt sleep well lots of times because I was so uneasy. The slightest movements use to wake me up which sucked badly, especially if I had a mission coming up. Nothing I could do about that though... just sucked it up. I feel you guys on this one a lot. The media was probably told to keep our losses quiet to keep up the moral in the field and back home. Hell... I would do the same thing to keep the fighting force motivated. I cant really blame them for not mentioning terrible stuff. Sorry about that but thats how it works guys.