Hey all What's the overall feeling for IR in new york.. There's a ton of people here of all different races and classes and I'm thinking about moving to NY, can someone tell me the IR status of NY.. ? I went to a Bar in brooklyn lastnight and seen many IR couples BMWW and even BWWM is this the norm ?
Iam trying to find a bar or two in Manhattan to meet White Women. All I have encountered are college students. I want to meet mature women my age.
Remix99 tell us the street name in Blklyn of that bar. Heartdesire if those young one loves the thugs then you have harder time since the older WW love the young homies.
Hey Guys: Since we live in the NYC area, do you want to get together and have a summer party? We can have food, music, and ever have women there if we want. Summer is here and there will be people who will have barberques outside. Why not? I do want to meet people from the WWBM website in person. Let me know.
I've been to NY, I would think that black/latin IR is big more so jamaican/puerto rican since they have large areas of both races up there.
[/quote] My boy just bought a house un Flatbush, Big back yard, We get enough people together, we can do this [/quote] Flatbush in Brooklyn....dude that's one rough neighborhood. :shock:
Sounds good count me in! I just moved here so it would be good to meet some new friends..And some going out partners. And we can invite some women on the board to join. House party or Bar? Areas. Flatbush some area are really nice.. ParkSlope is good to kind of mixed but lots of white hipsters .. Fort Greene very cool and down to earth and mixed, great area as well. lots of bars. btw. the bar was called Mikes
It sounds great. I would love to meet everyone in person and develop friendships outside of the internet. Let me know when is the party available and I will attend. Let us stay in touch via email.
This is my 1st post here... NYC is tricky for IR dating. Manhattan is generally open season for IR dating, but some areas of Brooklyn and Queens where there are few blacks is very spotty and sometimes dangerous. NYC WW are either college kids, tourists or business types who seem to like sex with BM, but not relationships. If anything, the biggest IR dating you see here is Black/Latina more than anything else. With the artsy Park Slope and lower Manhattan types you see a lot of BM/WW, and with the professional set, you see predominantly WM/BF and WM/AF. Thug dudes get a lot of women here, older NYC WW like to date BM but its harder to meet them if they live (and they usually do) in predominantly white neighborhoods where brothas don't go to bars. That's my 2 cents. BMW
As far as NYC goes, I mean, of course there's IR. But it's more evenly distributed and somewhat low key. Let me say this: As a Black Man, White women aren't going to bat an eyelid at dating/loving you . But, at the same time, you're not going to be see as some hot adions god as you would in a place like Europe or the sticks. WW NYers date "attractive" men, not just "attractive Black men"
I never had any problems meeting/dating white women. I met white women during daily activities like work, parties, etc. I never met WW in IR type bars but I might take a date/GF there. At one point I took full custody of my son (wedlock WW) so did not have time to meet women so I posted my pic on some dating sites(americansingles.com and lavalife.com) and most of the reponses were WW. i don't have a preference for WW but that is when I went on SPREEEE! :twisted: I think if you concentrate on doing your thing and there are WW around you will eventually meet some WW that are a good fit for you. I can't comment on IR bars/lounges.