IR Ladies...What's on Your Mind?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Mädel

    Mädel Member

    What's on my mind:
    - Why am I having the same misunderstanding with my bf over and over, why is it so difficult for him to verbally share that a male-female problem, an African-European problem...or simply a different-personalities-problem???
    - when will we be able to stop living in a distance-relationship and get married and move in together?
    - how am I getting my presentation for my international law class done by tomorrow
    - I like summer ...
    - I hope we are winning (i.e. the German football team) on Sunday
    - should I take a nap to get rid of this headache b4 going to the library or just go like that
    - Should arrange for a trip to London this summer or is it going to be too expensive (for a student with no money...:))
  2. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Thank you I really appreciate it :)

    What is on my mind now:

    --- I hope when I send my boyfriend a birthday gift it will go there straight because when he tried to send me a package there were some complications and I had to contact some "toll embassy" 20 miles from me due to a letter they sent me.Lol

    --- Hopefully my cat Moni will not suffer too much from the pain she has had after her surgery today. She is not herself at the moment due to the medicine that the vet injected

    --- Would be cool if Germany won the soccer Eurocup

    --- When will mother realize that she is anorexic and do something?

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