IR Ladies...What's on Your Mind?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    It's pretty clear, based on the barage of posts and threads by the black men here, what bothers us and what's on our, racism, and obama.

    But I want to know, what's on the minds of white women who date black men?
    (No thought or idea is too trivial.)
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Some small, some significant. All on my mind at the moment.

    Are the cultural differences too much and is it worth it?
    Am I really happy in this relationship? Do I even want a relationship?
    How am I ever going to afford a house?
    I have too much work to do before I leave Australia - how will I get it finished?
    How the hell do I figure out tipping in the USA - it's almost too stressful to deal with.
    How can I buy a car in Cali without having a "residence" - hopefully a hostel will suffice.
    What do I really want to do with my life?
    I hope my grandmother doesn't die while I'm away, but she probably will. How do I feel about knowing that this will be the last time I see her?
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    No but only if you're more pessimistic than I am, which is unlikely. Besides, shared personality traits and values usually override cultural differences.

    15% for good service, 20% for outstanding service; most cell phones have a tip calculator. Given the rise in gas prices, most waiters/waitresses have begun to expect less gratuities from restaurant patrons.

    Yes, it will.
  4. alli

    alli New Member

    Let's see . . .

    Gawd, my man is hot. The way he sweetly stroked my back last night after I fell into bed completely naked and planning some fun but fell asleep instead . . . oops. And the way he did the same before he left for work this morning without expecting anything in return (at least not right then. :p ) was amazing.

    Father's day is coming up and I'm having fun planning his gifts.

    We're taking the boys to a water park next week and I love the way other women look at him--at us--because I know what they're thinking. And it's all mine to enjoy.

    What? You said nothing was too trivial!

    My most recent thought pertaining to race and current events:

    My beautiful boys CAN be the president of the US someday if they want. Obama is breaking the way for them and whether or not he wins, I thank him for his hard work.
  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and get my popcorn ready because something tells me that this thread is gonna be very interesting.
  6. veema

    veema Member

    Here goes:

    Will I ever be able to make time for a vacation? a relationship?

    Parents need to understand that sometimes it's okay to say "because I said so."

    Please don't let there be another parking ticket on my car!

    8 people in my city killed last night?!

    It is so nice to finally have 2 grocery stores in my neighborhood!

    I miss tomatoes.

    Andy had nice hair but I had a crush on Venus Flytrap.

    Can we hurry up and vote for a new president already?

    This is kind of cathartic. Thanks, jellybird.
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    What concerns me:

    --- I need a better job

    --- Hoping that my bf is safe in Iraq. Nothing you should take for granted.

    --- My mom's anorexia

    That's pretty much it at the moment
  8. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Boy lots of things are on my mind

    1. Will I get a new job as I just got laid off. Had a GREAT interview today so I am hoping.

    2. How is tonight going to go when my kids meet my boyfriend? How will our daughters who are the same age get along?

    3. How is Saturday when we take his two younger kids to the park going to go? I know the kids, but as ther auntie's friend. not as their dad's girlfriend.

    4. Will my former school district try to force me to give up curriculum units that I developed on my own time and used in the classroom when I taught there? Or do I have intellectual copyright?

    5. Yeah I too am worried for obama and his safety as there are a LOT of racist assholes in America.
  9. a_me

    a_me New Member

    i'm thinking:

    how working with my ex is going to be.

    if i'm going to make the same mistakes.

    if everything is going to work out right and if i'll be able to graduate at the end of the year.

    where i'll go after graduation.
  10. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Lots of things on my mind.
    Should I keep my store open or close it and do something else?
    Thinking about my long distance relationship and wondering the outcome.
    I am feeling pretty positive today- I went out with some friends last night for a drink and other friends caught up with us- the discussion got deep and intense- discussion led to politics, economics, race relations, problems in the country. Several of the guys had different opinions, but I think all the bm here on the board would have been surprised to hear good things coming out of these wm mouths! (Of course there's always one in every bunch to chime in with a negative view with no solution)! I was quite surprised to hear several of them claiming the responsiblities of this country and us for not helping the aa community. They were telling of things they were starting in our community and how most people just don't understand things from the aa point of view. How we will never know and that just throwing money toward the problem doesn't always suffice. One is even a doctor who took in an aa teenager for one year that had been shot and said that by helping this teenager-the teenager then in turn could go back to his neighborhood and help others. Anyway there was much, much, more and really was very positive. (and in the south!)It made me smile.There really are good people in america that truly care about the plight of others!
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Your welcome. :D

    ...gotta go look up "cathartic." :smt017
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    what's going through my mind...

    **how refreshing it is to see a thread that doesn't revolve around sex, naked women, how racist everyone is, sex, sex, and more sex.
    **i'm wondering when this mad stress level is going to subside.
    **will anyone ever hire my husband?
    **wondering if this unemployment hearing is going to be in our favor, due to my husband's ex-employer lying to the state.
    **how the hell are we going to pay rent in two weeks?
    **should i go to nursing school? do i really want to go back to school? can i handle that? do i want more students loans?
    **why do i still have a headache?
    **i can't wait until my sister gets in town this weekend.
    **i'm feeling guilty b/c i can't even afford to buy my dad a father's day card.
    **i'm thinking i need to clean my apartment.
    **i'm trying not to stress out.
    **i'm sick of alot of people's attitudes on this board.
    **i'm wondering why my aloe plants aren't looking so healthy
    **will i ever be able to buy a house?
    **am i going to be broke forever?
    **i need to get serious about exercising regularly
    **what the crap am i going to cook for dinner?
    **i wish i didn't have pms.

    ....that's what's on my mind....

    oh, and my feet are cold. :wink:
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    1) I agree
    2) It'll subside when you least suspect
    3) The economy is shaky but he'll find work eventually
    4) Hopefully....pray on it
    5) Prayer, loans, hustling or monopoly money
    6) There a strong demand for nurses which means $$$.......maybe or maybe can definitely handle one wants student loans

    7) Stress or you may just need some extra hydration
    8) 8)
    9) Your daddy loves you a lot, I'm guessing....a hug and a kiss is all he'll need

    10) Cleaning up helps clear the mind....your living space is a reflection of what's going on in your head

    11) Take a deep breath...maybe go out for a long walk
    12) has an interesting mix of personalities
    13) Are you giving them adequate sunlight and water
    14) Ironic...this is the time when houses are easiest to buy but a lot of people don't have the money to buy them

    15) No...better days will come to you soon (hopefully 8) )
    16) See #'ll make you feel better
    17) Keep it simple...spaghetti and broccoli, perhaps
    18) I can't help you there...LOL
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Wow, where to begin?? :lol:

    1. Let's see: 3 of my 4 siblings and I are throwing my parents a 50th Wedding Anniversary party in a week. 3 of us (myself included) are putting in $1000 each for their gift and party. After seeing my bank account last night, I'm wondering how I'll be able to pull off giving my sister a check for that amount. :cry:

    2. I'm very happy that my daughter only wasted 10 minutes of my time this morning, fiddling and fooling around and refusing to get dressed for me, instead of the usual 25 minutes. I must be making progress in my parenting. Hooray for me! LOL!! (excuse me whilst I pat myself on the back.) :D

    3. I'm worried about starting school in the fall and wondering how that will affect my daughter.

    4. But, most importantly, I'm wondering if I'll do well in bowling tonight. That is the most important thing after all! :p
  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks chosen! :wink:

    that really brightened my day! :smt056 hugs to you!! :wink:
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im glad to see the ladies are posting. Just to give my 2 cents to s-chic...go to nursing school regardless of the student loan cost. There is no such thing as a bad investment in yourself. back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  17. veema

    veema Member

    elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

  18. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    thanks for the advice. i'm still thinking and praying about it. nursing/medicine has been on my mind since highschool....not sure how i ended up getting music degree. :roll: :eek:
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I know that you'll go back to school when you're ready. If it's on your mind, you'll do it. I can say that, because that's how it was for me. LOL! Going back to school has been on my mind for years. And now, I'm finally in that frame of mind.

    Even if it takes awhile, I'm confident you'll do it. :wink:

    And I agree with Jelly, there's no such thing as a bad investment in yourself.

  20. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    I know I'm new and all, and I don't know you from the man on the moon, but I hope he's safe and stays safe too. My ex did three combat tours (Afghanistan right after 9/11 and 2 to Iraq, USMC) before we split, and I have a few friends over there now who are on their 3rd and 4th tours, so my thoughts are with ya.

    What's on my mind...

    ...Why is it 11:41 and I can't sleep?

    ...I am completely excited and relieved that my divorce is finally going through tomorrow after filing almost 3 years ago.

    ...What am I going to do at the gym tomorrow?

    ...Oh, and I need to take out the trash. Literally and figuratively.

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