IR in upcoming film "New York, I Love You"

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by playboy90210, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    There's a new film coming out soon called "New York, I Love You" which is being directed by over a dozen different directors (including Brett Ratner who directed the Rush Hour films and even Scarlett Johansson and also Natalie Portman who also co-stars in the film). The cast is insane, over 30 of Hollywood's biggest names.

    Here's the trailer:

    I've read on message boards reactions to the trailer and many were upset there were no black characters seen in the trailer and that blacks should be represented in ANY film that claims to be about New York, an extremely diverse city. Well I found a few pics that show there may be IR in the film, looks like some sort of high school prom or something.

    (sorry for the size)


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