IR In The Dirty South

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by sxxxy_G, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. maryaawhite

    maryaawhite New Member

    I just wanted to add that I was born and raised in Lousiana and now live in TX and have never dated a white man. I've had a few stares but nothing major. We have quite a few interacial couples. I see at least one everywhere i go.
  2. Red Lady

    Red Lady New Member

    here is the cali map with all the groups broken down.
  3. Red Lady

    Red Lady New Member

    maryaawhite, you look very familiar. do you work at or near Love field?
  4. acecool

    acecool New Member

    Not all major west coast cities. While there is some in San Diego it is no where near the other cities you mentioned. Most white women here who date interracially are usually with Mexicans.
  5. lastman1us

    lastman1us New Member

    I am a BM in Nashville, TN and dating white women in Tn is still looked upon as a bad thing. You still have to deal with the looks, and some comments from those who are very bold.
  6. Tiye

    Tiye New Member

    What the hell did you expect, a pat on the shoulders? And yall Like to say BW are a problem to be with. :roll: SMH

    Face son, this is going to continue happening till the end of time.
  7. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    We expect racism from whites. That's just a given. But it is much worse to experience racism and hatred from "your own people."

    When you say this, are YOU going to be one of the people perpetuating this till the end of time?
  8. Lexington

    Lexington New Member

    Yes, we do expect racism from whites but intra racial bigotry is the most heinous of all. Think for an instant about the feeding frenzy many of you so zealously indulge in with WW at BWs expense. This practice is absolutely unconscionable and certainly needs to be reassessed. Dating and marrying IR is not the problem, it's the belief that you must belittle BW to gain access to WW.
  9. sxxxy_G

    sxxxy_G New Member

    I am moving to Florida this year, either Jacksonville or wish me luck in finding better prospects for IR...And I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but as long as I've been in Memphis, I've never actually dated a woman from here. Every IR I've had was with a transplant, someone who had moved here from somewhere else. I've heard a lot of good things about Jacksonville, and lived in Tampa for a bit (where I dated a lovely British girl), so I hope things work out better for me once I leave this racially divided city.
  10. lakersgirl

    lakersgirl New Member

    I am a WW and I live in TN..... Knoxville actually- you should come my way sxxxy_G...
  11. sxxxy_G

    sxxxy_G New Member

    What are the odds that I would return to these boards just in time to see a post from a lovely lady from my area, in a topic that I started ages ago? Thank you, sweetie, for the invite...if you Yahoo, I'd love to hear from you, okay?
  12. lakersgirl

    lakersgirl New Member

    That is certainly ironic. Do you still live in Memphis?
  13. ice2424

    ice2424 New Member

    River City

    Memphis born and raised. Actually Millington, right outside of Memphis. Interracial relatioships in my hometown has always, and will always be frowned upon. I know there were white girls that wanted to start a relationship when I was growing up. But not only was it a taboo, it was dangerous. I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. That said, I still miss my hometown. Memphis in May, now that's a party.
  14. Seven_Wilson

    Seven_Wilson New Member

    If Atlanta is out................

    I would tell you to check out Myrtle Beach, SC. Virginia, Jacksonville Fla.
    even nashville believe it or not! Also try the smaller parts of areas you would not believe the response I have been in the AirForce for 9 years and it is always the small laid back towns that are really open to it. Now down get me wrong I did not say the small towns that you have to search for a black face "lol" I just mean places like Mobile, Canton all in Alabama.
    Savanna, Brunswick, Warner Robins ( or Macon) all in GA. places like that you'd be surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Seven Wilson
    But be warned the racism is still there just in some areas they try to overlook it!
  15. BlkManNTN

    BlkManNTN New Member

    I'm a BM and I live in Nashville, TN and I don't think IR dating is any worse here than it is anywhere else. I've dated many WW while I've lived here although none of them have resulted in a LTR or marriage. I think there are WW in the south that want to date BM but may be afraid due to peer/family pressure. I last WW I dated said she could never tell her family she dated a BM because they wouldn't accept it. That did bother me and we eventually ended the relationship. But I'm sure the same thing could happen in the north, west, east, etc.
  16. marieSF

    marieSF New Member

    Ok, I know this thread is AGES old but I just had to throw in my two cents :wink:

    I have been out on dates in Charlotte, Raleigh and Atlanta and recently dated a BM from Alabama. In all of these cities I only had one incident.
    It was freezing cold outside and he and I were walking from the parking lot into the movie theater, arms around each other huddled tightly together. A middle-aged white couple were on their way out the door as we were coming in, and the wife took one look at us and her jaw hit the floor. She elbowed her husband to take a look and they both scowled at ME (not him). I looked her in the eye, then him, then turned back to my date and we started LAUGHING as we continued on our way. I was just struck by how much fun we were having and how happy we appeared, while these crotchey old closed-minded people had permanent scowls reflecting their unhappy lives. I had to laugh at it! :lol:

    Personally I love those moments when someone has the nerve to visually confront me (never experienced verbal..yet) and I can throw it back in their face. I've never shyed away from it but rather diffuse the situation with humor if I can. The more people see IR couples together, the better. Perhaps my CA mentality is too bold for the south, but that doesn't discourage me! :wink:

    I was recently in Raleigh and counted 5...:shock: yes 5...IR couples out in public together over the course of two days. I was encouraged by that! Charlotte and Atlanta are no problem...though Atlanta BW will give me attitude but what else is new.
  17. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    Great attitude. I love it!
  18. Alkemist

    Alkemist Member

    I'm in Durham N.C. myself. I live just a few blocks away from a popular movie cineplex on my side of town. It is seemingly impossible for me to go to the movies without seeing as many as 7 or 8 interracial couples....of all combinations(AF-BM, BM-WF, BW-WM, AF-WM). I constantly see black males stroll out of one of the theaters with a caucasian female clasping their arm, and 9 times out of 10....their gorgeous ladies. Mind you I usually go to the movies about 1-3 times a week.

    It's a damn wonder I can't find one for myself, it's like when you're single all you see are
  19. marieSF

    marieSF New Member

    I'm glad I wasn't seeing an unusual phenonomenon when I was there. That is good to hear! :wink:

    I know what you mean! :roll:
  20. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :arrow: Yeah this is an OLDIE but still a GOODIE 'cause I've posted on this one before and the IR dating, partying, & freaking :shock: scene is STILL alive and well down here...FOR REAL!!! :wink:

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