Interracial Relationships in America

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by wtarshi, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Do the math. How many ww are there in the US? How many bm are there in the US? Yall have plenty of options.

    I agree with Lipstick. The few here that do complain about this are the same ones who post picture after picture of "hotiez" and celepbrity couples. My theory is, they should stop looking at everyone else and enjoy their own life.
  2. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Fot those that complain, Move to Europe. I doubt you will have any problems there.
  3. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I was not injecting my own personal life in my assertions and opinions
    at all, Im all good, I live in one of those areas where it interracial happens alot. So thats what happen when you judge, you come up wrong.

    It's the truth and thats that. Why dont you prove me wrong on that,
    because my proof is all around you, thats what I was speaking on as IR as
    a whole in this country... White men are in FACT the ideal man that the
    media presents for women to date. And alot of women especially white women follow that, You are kidding youself if you think black men are the most desired in this country. Yes IR is growing but amongst the places where it has already been starting

    And since you are being rude to someone who has nothing against
    you, what type of person are you to pick with someone who is not messing with you, especially over the internet. I know we probably wont
    meet face to face, but come on that doesnt mean you HAVE TO make
    a punk move.
  4. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    Hehe. Western Europe is the "Cradle of IR"... and I just found out in June that one of the largest country in Eastern Europe is also rather IR friendly ;). So yeah, one doesn't necessarily have to move to Europe, he can just travel there, go on vacation because Europe seems to be a better market. We're in a full age of Globalization, so some folks just need to take their passport a do like Magellan...
  5. tropolis

    tropolis Member

    its common sense that mixing will naturally occur just because the number of partners available in any given area.
  6. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Alot of us do that to have fun and we are for the celebration
    of interracial relationships, I mean come on this is
    (incase you were talking about us all who do that.)

    And do you mean black men have plenty of options, because of
    census? If so not every white woman is interested in black men.

    Again I wasnt injecting my own personal life in this.
    The question was
    "Just after Obama was elected last year a friend and I had a conversation about interracial relationships. He was under the belief that because America elected their first black president, more white women would start dating black men. So seeing we are nearing the one year anniversary of Obama's presidency (yes I know its 2 months away) I'm curious, is this the case. Have things started to change?"

    And I, I dont know about everybody else, but I say that his election
    doesnt have nothing to do with who someone wants to date and alot of
    people in this country get their attractions by the eyecandy, sex appeal, ect. that the media presents... Point blank if you ask 10 white women to
    pick out of 6 hot guys 3 black, 3 white Most of them I say at least 8 out 10 are going to pick one of the hot white guys.


    I will use this example right here
    Urban nonblack Models versus Nonblack Supermodels
    Which world where interracial is poppin off:

    Urban non black Models that date black men
    Ashley Logan
    Amazin Amie
    Kiara B.
    Marcy Diamond
    Erica R.

    Non black supermodels that date black men
    Heidi Klum
    Doutzen Krous

    Are the only known supermodels that are with black men
    (and notice that they are not american.)

    So interracial is clearly popping off in the urban modeling world.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Don't forget Lipstick that MLK almost married a WW and he was a Morehouse Man
  8. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Where is that at in history, you want to elaborate more on that?
  9. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Doesnt matter. She wasnt a hottiez or a super model. She dont count. :D
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Oh, really?

    Is that how you interpret it?
  11. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    After seeing some of the responses to other posts here lately, I think that Webs should definitely invest in a sarcasm tag for the forum. Kinda like this:

  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Those two pages in history are stuck together.:mrgreen:
  13. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Nah, the pages were ripped out of every history book.
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I knew she was kidding. :neutral:
  15. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I have no idea about IRs in America, but I can show you an european opinion, observation.

    Before I came on this website, I never called myself a ww, or a "black" man, bm. I also donĀ“t know anybody around me, who feels to mention. It seems to be an american habit.

    I was Christine, a woman,an European. You would be a man, a US citizen. It also was never important to tell anybody, if a colleague or business partner is now black or white. But i got used to it,here, too..

    To make it clearlier, when you own a horse, would you always mention that you own a white horse or a black horse. I cannot imagine..

    Obama is important for US and the world and it was really time that a bm is in charge. But the hopes are simply too much. He is just one person..

    What I wanted to say is, as long as people think more about difference between the two races and do not see the commonnesses nothing will change. ..

    your thoughts become words
    your words become actions
    your actions become habits
  16. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Sorry man.

    I still think that tag might be a useful addition to the forum though.
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Aw shit.
  18. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Webs should also throw in this smiley while he's at it:

  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


  20. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    I don't even know where to begin with this post. First of all, America is a majority white country and the media is run by whites and will represent and cater to whatever the majority race is. This is not rocket science, no one is saying this is right, but that is how it works. At least black people have Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Jamie Fox etc to see on the big screen. Who does, asian, latinos arabs etc have to look at on the big screen and brings in multi-millions for the studios? Do you honestly think Hollywood is going to have an asian male being a lead character of Oceans 12, Bond or I am Legend? They are no where near the majority thats why you don't see certain races in movies that much.

    Most people, white, latino even asian women & black men LOL etc are attracted to and prefer their own race, this is a fact. However, those who date interracially or are interested in IR dating are growing. And for those who say black men aren't desired for IR dating, there was a IR marriage statistics report posted on another website that showd BM/WW marriage only second to AW/WM marriages. And these statistics don't include BM/WW couples who aren't married, but cohabitate together, I think those couples are the majority for BM/WW.

    And on a side note, lipstick is absolutely correct, women don't want a man that has the I can't get the woman I want, feel sorry for me loser attitude. Even though you might not agree, that is the way you're post is coming off. That is a huge turn off for women, why are you worried about teeny bopper young girls who are obssesed with Zack effron or the Twilight characters? Are these the type of girls you really want to date or hang out with??:rolleyes:

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